Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.

Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.

Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.

Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.

For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.

"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.

Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls

God Bless the Republic of America!

We have Got To Stand Up!!

David Denning: Thoughts of an American Warrior at War.

TEARS IN THE DARK for Veterans of all ages-By David Denning
Thoughts of an active duty veteran, my great brother in law.
Image may contain: 1 person

for Veterans of all ages-By David Denning

In the dark we go to shed our tears
We cry to release all our fears
We cry for loved ones far away, ...
the loss of closeness and time away
We cry for innocence no longer known, death has taken its final blow
We cry for those we lost and couldnt save
We cry for their families on both sides who feel loss
We cry to remember that we still can feel humanity
We cry to renew our spirit so broken so torn
We cry to the heavens hoping our maker will hear
We cry in the dark so when its time to be a man, a soldier,

an influence for good, our purpose is clear, our hearts stone, our strength strong and minds clear.
We shed our tears in the dark for the times we could not or cannot be weak.
We are veterans of wars, big and small. Joined in misery only we know it all.
Filled with pride at having survived.
Yet living the memories daily still left to survive
David Denning
The silence deafening, the respect deep, the aches now nothing
Edge of the horizon slowly lighting to a rising sun
Farewell salute to a hero on his last trip home
Though the name may not have been known to most
He is known to each of us as a brother in arms...

We lived and breathed the same miseries
Dreamed and hoped for better days
Then in one instance things changed for all
Now he goes home on eagles wings
We remain to carry the memories
Remembering what could've and should've been
Never forgetting our fallen brother
Raising ourselves up to be better to honor the ultimate sacrifice

David Denning on way to current overseas deployment.

Distance of a Moonbeam (by David Denning)
Distances I have traveled Distances I have roamed
My life is measured in distances and time till both doth bring me h...
Under the sun I do labor in vexation
Yet under the stars I do stare in awe
Tis the moon though that always takes my thoughts home
For upon every moon beam i am reminded
This world though large is the same
For it be the same moonbeam that loved ones gaze upon
To bring our hearts close to home


David Denning
Yesterday at 12:04pm
Leaving home with heart on verge of bursting. To fly to places of lost innocence
Memories of shattered lives, a broken soul, hearts crushed
Tears flow again upon the dust that holds so much history of pain
Yet, there were smiles, and cheers and thankfulness of life
Mix of each emotion, each day bringing a new sunrise to provide a promise of better days to come...

In the end no regrets, a pride of surviving to make it home to my kids.

As My Trip winds down each moment is precious, each joy is backed by the known heartache of separation. The kids bickering, although vexing is precious because I'm with them to hear there voices. I love them deeply and wonder if they know how bad I hurt inside when I leave them.

David Denning

2015 in review
Acceptance of my burdens
Anger at what doesnt exist
Frustration because nothing can be done
Constant battle over sadness and regret...

Yet much to be thankful for--to overcome what is above
Thankfulness for family and friends in my life
Survived another deployment
Education progressing
Joy of Children
First Arizona Deer!
Looking to 2016 for answers to some questions about where life goes from here.
David Denning --- 12/18/2015

The last couple days, I find myself while driving around Tucson, looking into the mountains at the snow capped peak of Mt Lemmon. At those moments I find myself reflecting back 6 months ago. Where I admired the snow capped peaks in Afghanistan while out exercising. When suddenly a loud whistle over my head caused me to dive to the ground as two 107mm rockets passed over my head and detonated a short distance away. I'm thankful for every second of life I am blessed with. Life has its challenges, has its up and downs. We each deal with and cope differently with our challenges. Our lives are different yet we travel the same roads. Remember to pause for a moment and reflect on the blessings you have, the joys, the laughter, the victories in your life. LIFE IS GOOD
David Denning

When what lays ahead is unknown, it's an adventure.
When it's an unpleasant already known and you can't avoid it it's just plain miserable.
There is a lot to be said about ignorance is bliss.

Down to the border of Arizona Mexico
Where the cartel runs and the illegals hide
I hunt the deer of two kinds till My mind is fried
Everything pokes and scratches and bites
One mile becomes six miles
An occasional flag of white or round rump with black tail or is it a barrel cactus?
An interesting place to hunt
Not for the weak of heart
A challenge a painful pleasure a delight
Down along the border hunting in the blight!


TEARS IN THE DARK for Veterans of all ages-By David Denning

In the dark we go to shed our tears
We cry to release all our fears
We cry for loved ones far away, the loss of closeness and time away
We cry for innocence no longer known, death... has taken its final blow
We cry for those we lost and couldnt save
We cry for their families on both sides who feel loss
We cry to remember that we still can feel humanity
We cry to renew our spirit so broken so torn
We cry to the heavens hoping our maker will hear
We cry in the dark so when its time to be a man, a soldier,

an influence for good, our purpose is clear, our hearts stone, our strength strong and minds clear.
We shed our tears in the dark for the times we could not or cannot be weak.
We are veterans of wars, big and small. Joined in misery only we know it all.
Filled with pride at having survived.
Yet living the memories daily still left to survive.

 Dedicated to my Brother in Law who has served many years in the Military and many years in the fields of conflict around the world. Iraq, Afghanistan, & other places, These are his thoughts.

Oldest to Newest at the bottom.

David Denning: 
The words and thoughts of an American Warrior.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

David Denning wrote:
As I walk around the base and pass people from many countries, lives, ages, and different walks of life, I've noticed something about their eyes.... so wrote a poem to reflect how I see and feel.

Eyes the door to one's Life's experiences

Eyes of Courage, Eyes of
sadness, Eyes of fear, Eyes of
rejection, Eyes of loss, Eyes of
distrust, Eyes of hate, Eyes of
pain, Eyes of all types to be seen here,
Yet missing the Eyes of Innocence
Eyes of hope and Joy
Eyes of true heart felt laughter
Eyes of Love that reflect in the eyes of my children at home.
 Memorial Day thoughts

by David Denning on Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 11:38am
Something I wrote January 2009 while I was in Iraq. At that time a fellow soldier had fallen in combat. I wrote this to remember the feelings at the memorial service, and feel if fits the spirit of this weekend so want to share it here.


Standing in the chill of the night, each breath forming into a mist.

We stood in formation to say goodbye to our brother in arms.

The flag at half mast, lit brightly against the darkness.

The words of close friends sharing the life of this soldier who gave all.

The bagpipes played Amazing grace, getting louder then fading yet still to be heard.

Then taps played out over the chill air

Then the final salute as the flag was retired, a final salute to a soldier's sacrifice

Tears upon the cheeks of those still breathing, followed by the words

Only the dead no longer know war.

by David J. Denning January 2009, somewhere Iraq
 David Denning From Afghanistan 02-07-2012

It Sucks Here.

I n a place full of dust and abandonment
T here is still joy to be found
S howing how strong the spirit is
U nder tough situations to rise up
C learly brings out the best and the worse
K nowing each day is a fresh start
S howing how strong you can be
H oping your strength lasts to the end
E very footstep taking you further
R evealing new paths to be taken
E nding each day gladly with hope of the new day to come

Response:by a friend.
Sam Talbot
Please Hold On!!!
P retty clever Dave.
L ots of prayers.
E ternaly grateful
A nd wanting to
S end our love
E ven more.
H ope that you
O ften feel
L oved.
D avid. You are missed
O ften and your
N ever forgotten

David Denning - from Afghanistan 1/20/2012

The Battle of the Soul

Using Hell's fire to fight Hell's design
Embracing the violence to fight the evil
Experiencing highs and lows from one moment to the next
Not faltering the least for fear of what failure would bring
At end of the day, gazing heavenward praying for release
Then to only repeat again and again the battle of the soul


David Denning
Some where in Afghanistan

With the setting sun I do arise,
Destinations unknown
Nightmares to unleash
With a purpose only few truly know
Dedicated with a cause to protect the innocent
Returning to hide from the sun
Life in the dark causes fear of the light
What once was normal is no longer

David Denning
3/20/2012  Somewhere in Afghanistan

To dream is to sleep, to hope is to think of happiness
Sometimes you hope to sleep and dream of happiness

David Denning
Distance of a Moonbeam

Distances I have traveled-
Distances I have roamed -
My life is measured in distances and time till both doth bring me home-
Under the sun I do labor in vexation-
Yet under the stars I do stare in awe-
Tis the moon though that always takes my heart home-
For upon every moon beam i am reminded-
This world though large is the same-
For it be the same moonbeam that loved ones gaze upon-
To bring our hearts closer together-

(Written spring 2007 while deployed somewhere in southwest Asia. still feels same way when I see the moon and stars)


David Denning

月 光的距离 Distance of a Moonbeam 我走过了漫长的路程 我跨过了遥远的距离 我的生活就是每寸距离和时间, 直到它们带我回家 在阳光下,我幸苦劳动 在星光下,我敬畏凝视 每一道月光都把我心中的感觉带回家 每一道月光都在提醒我 世界虽大,何处不是家 当我和我的亲人凝视同样的月光时 它使我们的心感觉很近很近
Moonlight of distance Distance of-a Moonbeam I through has long of distance I crossed has distant of distance I of life is each inch distance and time, until they with I home in Sun Xia, I fortunately bitter labor in Star Xia, I fear staring each together Moonlight are to I heart of feel with home each together Moonlight are in reminded I world although large, where not family belongings I and I of relatives staring also of Moonlight Shi it makes we of heart feel is near is near 


 David Denning
April 29  Secret Moral Suppression Team (MST) 

So there is a secret organization out here, called the Morale Suppression Team(MST). Their sole purpose in life is to ensure there is no happiness, If anyone shows any sign of being happy, its squashed quickly. For starters, Toby Keith Concert! Lets not notify anyone till one hour before concert starts. Two, lets show a person they have a day off, then change it so they have 3 days more on schedule. Or, oh, your happy at work chatting with other military members, and laughing. So lets find a way to take away that capability. etc... So don't get caught smiling or laughing.. The Morale suppression team is always on the watch.

David Denning
May 2
Cries to let it out emotions buried deep
Torn between worlds challenged in each
Living for the companions nearby
Hoping for those far away to be safe
Each raw emotion like a fire burning seed
A seed needing fire to sprout new hope
Is there enough hope to settle its roots
Time passes with secret answers unspoken

David Denning
May 9
Sometimes its the small things that matter.
A smile, a hello, a simple warm meal in peace
Friendships gained and lives changed
Always the hope of a brighter dawn
Started with the sunset long gone

David Denning
Friday May 18 2012
The Enemy within.....
Sleep is hard enough to come by
During the most normal of times
When sleep times change from night to day
From one hour to another
Your body finds a way
Though eventually your body says NO WAY!!!!
Thus the enemy within is the scheduler without
Hated by all that are changed about.
Till days pass and nights creep by messed together as one painful passing.

David Denning
May 13 2012 Mother's Day
Happy Mothers day from a far.
Mother a word that carries far
Over fields, hills and valleys far
To the deepest depths of the soul
To the highest reaches and lowest places
A mothers love is felt with warmth
I thank all the mothers who have been and will be
Thank you my mom for life and teaching me
The mother of my children who toils so well, thank you
To mothers from sunday school who's love I still feel
To my sisters dear to my heart that were my mothers as well.
For mothers in the military your love is so strong even when gone
Far from all we know so well. I feel their love in the depths of hell.
Even here I feel the love that lifts and guides and can make all well
Thank you all my mothers near and far. Who send their love and prayers from so far.
Some rhyme some not, this poem is just that. For on this day I have one wish, that you will feel my heart felt bliss. Of every warm thought that I feel from you! Will return to you with joy and tenderness! Happy Mothers day!


 David Denning
 I don't get to experience this side of Afghanistan that goes out and helps improve lives of civilians. though this picture to me is just one of the many reasons we are here. To help kids like this have a chance of a hopeful future. There are good things that can come from this war, that will take decades before it is realized. For the ones that do benefit it matters! Sometimes its just those small victory's that make life worth living and fighting for:
Picture was taken by Air Force Public Affairs.  


Warning's for America's Future!: Done by my son, in dedication for his uncle, Who i...:
  • David Denning, Thank you Seth! I am truly honored and feel the love and support..
    Your right about things just not being black and white anymore.
    --So many Stories ... Though never enough can be said of them for what lies in the erxperiences associated with them. Love and Miss you too Seth

  • Janie Smith,  Thank you Seth for the wonderful Tribute that you did for your Uncle David as he is serving in Afghanistan. It is well deserved as He sacrifices Himself for all of us here in America. David will be overjoyed and very proud of you .Thank you for sharing from your heart.God Bless David and his crew.

  • David Denning
    Sunrise over Afghanistan from a lofty height on a combat mission.
    A moment of thought as I stood on edge of new adventure
    A fighter that came to say hi during a mission
    To moments in Survival school hiding and getting warm
    To a moment of rest while evading capture
    To a sunset in CA

  • David Denning
    Oh and a time that I had hair glad I got that photo done before
    Prepped and ready for a mission here
    My son in his ROTC uniform
    Me in semi formal --and no hair this time
    And the symbol of what we stand for... God Bless the USA

Memorial Day Thoughts from Afghanistan 2012

David Denning

Memorial day brings up an experience long past yet that still resonates deep within my soul------------------------------------
Memorial to a fallen soldier
Standing in the chill of the night, each breath forming into a mist.
We stood in formation to say goodbye to a brother in arms.
The flag at half mast, lit up by a spotlight.
The words of close friends sharing the life of this soldier who gave all.
The bagpipes played Amazing grace, getting louder then fading yet still to be heard.
Then taps played out over the chill air
Then the final salute as the flag was retired, a final salute to a soldier's sacrifice
Tears upon the cheeks of those still breathing, followed by the words. Only the dead no longer know war.

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    Dawn Schmith and 7 others like this.
        Gracia N. Jones Our Hearts are with you today Son, fly safe--love from us both.
        Monday at 7:01am · Like
        Rebecca Denning
        So many of your memories are sad and painful. My prayers for you today is that you can remember the happy memories. Think of Mady dancing, Jonah's smile as he plays Star Wars, playing basketball with Caleb, and Alex's sense of humor. Think of licking eyeballs, teaching the kids to fish and the smile from catching a fish, the little songs you guys would make up. There's memories of Misawa garbage rooms and the things made from cardboard and duct tape. The first time you heard the kids' heartbeat, or seen them. Their first smiles or them saying baba. I am sure of have other happy memories too. Today when you start thinking of the bad, remind yourself of the good memories too.
        Monday at 9:00am · Like · 2


 David Denning
Wednesday  June 6 2012

One night, day, week, month, time flows forward
Changing the moments we stand in
Laugh, cry, joke, tease or observe
Moments of glee then sadness then indifference
All for our learning and experience
Adjusting to learn life as we move


David Denning
3 hours ago
David’s Thoughts on June 8-9, 2012 in Afghanistan

A cry for help heard far away
A positive thought for my day
Of kids laughing and homework done
To time with grandchild so amazing
Of the windy Thunder winning
To a contract sealed and another to deal
Of a night in a tent with the lightning bugs
To Graduation night and brighter days ahead
Of Birthday past and holiday prep to baseball’s delight
To Sushi and a movie, oh what fright!(I don’t like raw fish)
Of a message, “I am gonna be ok...”
That resonates, with all else said,
Life is worth living in a world with small wonders.

Thoughts written during the time between 8 June and 9 June: For many, this is just a transition between days. For me, it can be an eternity. I am airborne,somewhere over Afghanistan, thinking of my years in the military; training,deployments, and sacrifices my family makes because of my chosen profession. The past seven months here have been long, as has the past 11 months away from my children. I needed a reminder to myself why I willingly do the things I do. So I asked on Facebook for family and friends to tell me something positive that has happened to them recently.
Initially I wanted to write it as a poem,(as included above.

But the feelings and emotions turned more into an essay of flowing thoughts and emotions which I have titled

 "What I Stand For"

Pride in the American dream: from a child's innocence of laughter and amazement, we each grow up in a land of running water,modern convenience, and learning to be all we can be, able to rise above what might drag us down. Opportunities abound!

Being able to graduate, young, or old, and fulfill a dream of higher learning; to better ourselves and the lives of those around us, and improve our own self-worth.From little league sports to professional franchises there is joy in each crack of the bat, swoosh of the basket, cheer of the crowd! Often, joined with family, friends, and co-workers, we enjoy an afternoon or evening BBQ. Entertainment at our fingertips everywhere we turn.

Freedom:Freedom of religion; freedom of thought; freedom to live and speak without fear of reprisal; freedom to travel near and far, safely, within a moment’s notice.

Different lives, different experiences—yet every one of us our own individual. Some of us rich in money, others rich in experience, yet joined together in hopes of a better tomorrow for our children and our children’s children living in a peaceful society.

My request for positive feedback yielded more than I even imagined. In reading everyone’s inputs,with more still coming in, I must say, we all have a few main points on our minds. Love of family and friends, love of learning, and appreciation of the simple daily things in life. It can all be summed up in the eyes of a child doing amazingly mundane things that to them is the greatest achievement of their young lives.

Soldiers,Sailors, Airmen, and Marines in the armed services, and I, stand for all this,for it is to be enjoyed, appreciated, and protected, even with laying our lives on the line. We take pride in our service at home and overseas. We do what we do so that our families, friends, and loved ones don’t have to.

When I am asked, why I do it, I humbly want to answer, “So you don’t have to.”


David Denning
August 17 via mobile

(Back in America with Family)

Life is worth living and enjoying
Take time to smell the roses
Listen to the laughter of children
Savor every Breathe you take
Value your freedom in all aspects of life, its provided and protected by sacrifice of many
Remember to give thanks to our maker in whatever manner or method you use
Acknowledge the existence of a higher power for peace.

 David Denning
July 29
A year ago, I was filled with dread and now I feel blessed in peace
From the desert lows of Arizona to the corn fields of Nebraska. The lush green forests of Mississippi to central California.
The fast trip home to fill an empty heart of a loved one
To the history of our forefathers as I waited for a long trip.
To the devils backyard working hard to keep focus on reality
Home again with its uncertainties though finally finding peace
To a blessed trip with my daughter, orchestrated from above.
A wedding to attend for my oldest niece with loved ones near
A trip with my mother where we mutually benefited(cannot say enough of how blessed I feel)
And yet the trip is not yet done... hearts mended and bonded yet to come.
For the first time in a long time I thank God for bringing me home alive and well.


David Denning
July 29
A bit of humor provided by Madeline on this trip.
--Run away Daddy! Runaway!
--Madeline, coming from under table at Cafe with gum in her mouth. When asked, replied, "It was stuck under bottom of table..chomp chomp"
--Taking turns singing in car.. yet always interrupting others so she could get more singing time.
--Feeding horses, learning about barbed wire and letting go of food when horse grab
s it.
--Cold Montana water..not as warm as Arizona water.. very quick realization
--Joy of seeing Deer and horses and cows while driving
--Playing with cousins!
--Makeup artists
--Dads shoulders, always the best place to sit when resting.....(ugh)
--dress envy at wedding prompting dad to make trek down hill to get princess dress so his little princes could compete with flower girl


David Denning
July 15 near Tucson, AZ via mobile
Cleansing desert rain
So warm and yet refreshing
The fresh smell of sage tickles the senses
Rays of sun breaking through
Lightning flashing on the horizon
Peace amidst destruction
Renewal after loss.. nature teaching life's lessons


November 21, 2012
Ive been mulling over a lot of thoughts and emotions this week.
Going to try and sum up the past 12 months in a few phrases.

One year ago I was on what I felt to be a one way journey.
Through cold, heat, wind and dust time passed away
Life and death faced and seen and accepted daily

Trust and fear, mistrust and hatred, love and hope
Miracles in small and large ways through family 
 and friends prayers
Losses and gains, dreams and nightmares
Acceptance of what cannot be controlled
Surprise at surviving what was felt to be the end
A new found peace and truce that only I understand yet don't
To here I sit home again for the holidays... feeling every emotion again
I live it daily in ups and downs coping with things unseen
Yet I must say thanks for all, for life is a precious thing

Thank you all for your prayers for myself and my family during this past year.
 I pray each and everyone of you find peace and contentment in your own way through the holidays and on into the next year.


  • David Denning

    From the land of Iraq the city of hatra haunts
    Death in life, life in death history repeated thus
    Never far from my mind the ghost of the past
    Always present especially on this day
    Mark him Mark him now I say wait wait till its clear
    Clear as a bell the mark is made
    Till breath no longer exists in the haunting maze
    A prayer I say for those left behind
    To forgive that which was taken due to the times
    Never forgotten, never forgiven, no winners only 

    losers till the end of time


David Denning Redeployed again to Afghanistan.
 April 2013

His new thoughts as they are written.

I just wrote this and posted on my fb page. 
Even though its based on my challenges facing me.
 I feel it correlates with you all as well. Love you all.
(Note that my son 16, currently fighting stage 4 lymphoma and leukemia)
A thousand thoughts trailing behind
Unable to pause for even a moment
Duty, responsibilities lay b
A heart battling to stay warm but waxing cold
Greatest battles are those within
Survive with honor to the end

New Deployment to Afghanistan 2015
David Denning

Deployment emotions:
Sense of excitement, with a few thrills
Moments of uneasiness tinged with regret
Days where you feel on top of the world
Days you feel at the lowest
Moments where you just feel angry
Turned into acceptance of what you cant control
Then joking about things to bring levity
Back to anger
And eventually all those days of changes of attitude
Takes you home to having to cope with home life where no one understands what you've been through.


David Denning  6-02-2015
Distance of a Moonbeam

我走过了漫长的路程-----Distances I have traveled-
我跨过了遥远的距离-----Distances I have roamed
My life is measured in distances and time till both doth bring me home
在阳光下,我幸苦劳动--------Under the sun I do labor in vexation
在星光下,我敬畏凝视-----Yet under the stars I do stare in awe
每一道月光都把我心中的感觉带回家---Tis the moon though that always takes my thoughts home
每一道月光都在提醒我------For upon every moon beam i am reminded
世界虽大,何处不是家 ----This world though large is the same
当我和我的亲人凝视同样的月光时,---For it be the same moonbeam that loved ones gaze upon
它使我们的心感觉很近很近-------To bring our hearts closer together


David Denning

Time drifts achingly slow
Dreams and hopes on hold
As world goes on living
Noise the constant silence
Silence the thing of dreams
What others take for granted
Becomes the sweetest of luxuries


David Denning

Reflection-As I walked from office to barracks I had a thought. During this time period in past 15 years where was I. As I reflected I came away with a somewhat sobering realization:
July 2015-Afghanistan
July 2014-Arizona-actually was fishing
July 2013-Afghanistan
July 2012-Just home from Afghanistan-fishing in AZ/MT road trip with my daughter
July 2011-Preparing to deploy too Afghanistan-family reunion
July 2010-Monterey CA Language training
July 2009-NE-emotionally recovering from deployment to Iraq-fishing
July 2008-Training for deployment to Iraq
July 2007-Deployed to Qatar flying combat missions over Afghanistan
July 2006-Aircrew training
July 2005-preparing to leave for aircrew training-fishing
July 2004-Deployed to Qatar
July 2003-Training in Arizona
July 2002-Misawa Japan
July 2001-Training in Mississippi
July 2000-Just arrived home from deployment to Italy supporting no fly zone over Kosovo
A though of "Wow", I wonder what others would think of their own lives if they did a timeline review of where they were, where they are now, and ask yourselves. 

Are you happier now than then? If yes, why? If no, why? 
What changed, or has anything changed?


David Denning

Watching fighter jets take off. I put my feelings down on paper.
Waiting watching listening
Buffeted by a dry wind
The sun sets darkness descending
A streak of brilliant flame
Cutting away the darkness
The wind shattered by a roar
The sound shakes everything
Sound of freedom
Deliverance of justice
Forever imprinted in memory


 Not one of his poems however an experience worth sharing.


David Denning 
I had funny memory today, as I walked across the base, that caused me to chuckle out loud. Was thinking about how each of us handles danger or potential danger differently. I remembered snorkeling off the southeast coast of Italy, near Vieste, there were 2 islands, first about 200 meters off shore, second another 50 meters. James and I snorkeled to the first island... In what I call happy clear water. Just before The island water turned murky not so happy water. We got on to first island, and hiked for a minute. Then the allure of 2nd island beckoned us. This stretch of 50 meters, is what I call very unhappy water. Dark deep and fast flowing water with no visibility except what your imagination conjures up. 
That swim to 2nd island was probably the scariest 50 meters of swimming I've ever experienced. I felt as if any second the jaws of a shark was going to rush up and snatch me back into the dark depths. I was so relieved to get to the island but had to swim to back side to get on the rocks. James and I explored for 20 minutes and found ourselves on inward side, with a 20 foot cliff down to the water. We both realized, we had no option But to have to swim back across the deep channel. Which I didn't want too, I kept hoping some fisherman would come by so I could flag him down for a ride. That didn't happen. So I mustered the courage, and decided, sometimes even when scared to death you have to leap in with both feet. So I did! Leaped off cliff, hit the water running ..... Then into a fast swim. Years have past, and I find myself often when faced with fear. Taking myself back to the cliff, and reminding myself, I had courage then to do what needed to be done. That memory helps me now, face my fears with a smile and chuckle. 

Lesson to be learned, often courage is not without fear. But the willingness to act when there are no other choices. Also, often.... We are faced with fear because of our choices. And courage comes by facing the reality and taking responsibility for being where your at.


David Denning

-When a dream is but a dream-
You awake in a cold sweat
Shaking off the memory yet recalling
Then you chuckle nervously and sleep again
To later awake and wonder if
The horrors should disturb you
Or just call it what it is a bad dream


 This wonderful poem written by my brother David Denning who is serving in Afghanistan right now, is a great tribute to our fallen soldiers, i asked his permission to share it, because i think it speaks so well for our soldiers. Thank you all for your service.

The silence deafening, the respect deep, the aches now nothing
Edge of the horizon darkening to a setting sun
Farewell to those on their one last trip home

Though names may not have been know
They were known to each of us as brothers
We lived and breathed the same miseries
Dreaming and hoping for better days
Then in one instance of time something changed us all
Now they go home on eagles wings
We remain to carry the memories
Remembering what could and should have been

Never forgetting our fallen brethren
Raising ourselves up to be better in their honor and memory.


David Denning

The longest day-is everyday
A day that ends as it begins
To wake the same day I go to bed
I wake to work till next day
Yet its still yesterday
No wonder my days never end


David Denning
When Stages or cycles collide!
In life we all have stages... and each stage in life has stages of its own.
Deployment Stage that I'm currently in I've narrowed down to five.
1st: This is fun and exciting, I really like the food and people
2nd: Maybe some of the people are not so cool starting to notice small irritable things, though its still somewhat tolerable.
3rd: Angry stage: everything is just irritating
4th: Numb-
5th: excitement of pending return: with bits of ugh is it time yet?

I've found that often, those in stage 1, when mixed with those in stage 3 or 4 tend to struggle. Visa Verse those in the later stages, have trouble accepting those in early stages. Which just exasperates the issue. There are my thoughts for the day.


David Denning

Here I lurk as the clock goes tick tick tick
Tied by regulations, torn by irritation
They sleep as I wait for them to wake
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock


David Denning
Some thoughts of the day as I walked down the Flightline in the moonlight:
A place I call my own
There is a place deep within my soul
A place of dreams and nightmares
A calm lake of tranquility I go for peace
That Covers the turmoil and strife of life
A place I am the hero or sometimes not
Where God loves me and chastises me
Its my escape in order to cope with reality
the trip between often short sometimes long
One cannot exist without the other
Its a place of brutal honesty
Making my best and worst choices
Good and bad the result is the same
I'm thankful for my experiences
My life, my joys, my heartaches
I love who I am, where in life I am
Because I can make a difference



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