Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.
Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.
Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.
Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.
For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.
"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.
Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls
Standing Rock Breaking News Surrounded by Police: Wed. Sept. 28, 2016
Breaking News Wed., Sept. 28, 2016 Police loaded shotguns, dropped tear gas or chemical substance, on water protectors. Armored vehicle on site. Excessive force by police as 21 water protectors arrested today. .
Unicorn Riot -- Today, indigenous water protectors once again arrived at a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site to halt work and hold prayer ceremonies. Police arrived with several military-style armored vehicles, and threatened water protectors with shotguns. We are hearing reports of up to 21 arrests. Livestream footage clip >>>>> <<<<< #NoDAPL
Officer loading 12 gauge riot shotgun -- while women, children at elderly are at the prayer -- at action site now: Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2016
Live video: They dropped tear gas, we are surrounded by police. "They are moving in." "They won't let us leave. They have us locked in on both sides." "They've got their weapons drawn." "They've got snipers on top of the hill" "They are blocking me on Facebook." "They are arresting everyone now. Everyone is running." "Share this far and wide."
I say those who know personally of themselves that the
Creator, God, Jesus Christ lives and is a true reality in our lives, our past,
present, future.
Those who desire Liberty,
Peace, Justice.
The U.S. Constitution was written by the Warriors of Light
in the days of our Nations Birth.
They guided by the Angels of Heaven and God himself placed
into writing one of the most important Constitution’s for Governing a Nation
since the world began.
Those who have read understand and desire to defend and
teach what is contained in the U.S. Constitution and guide others to this
almost lost knowledge of our times.
Those who desire not power nor corruption nor the grey areas
that lead to the darkness controlled by our eternal enemy the master of
They seek to live and work and provide for their families.
They seek to sacrifice all they have or may become for a
greater cause if called upon to do so.
They are the ones who will stand in the face of total
defeat, raise their hands and join what ever fight is needed to bring the hope
of liberty to the oppressed.
These have worked for what they have earned in this life.
These seek to follow the guidance of the basic laws of
society, the 10 Commandments.
The great law do unto others as you would have them do unto
You know internally who you are, your spirit and body form
your soul and you realize it.
You understand the eternal fight between the powers of
darkness and light.
You choose to stand in the light, and invite others to do
the same.
You choose by your daily thoughts, actions, deeds, and
desires to live amongst the light.
You believe in the eternal laws of Free Agency. Knowing many
will choose to not walk a path of light, but prefer the many paths of darkness
and fall victim to the propaganda from the dark side who seek to seduce all
humankind to join them and ignore the path of light and truth.
You will never force anyone to join the path of light, or
your beliefs. For to force one to do anything against their own will takes away
the law of agency and you begin to walk the path of darkness.
You must realize that from all the many records, books,
knowledge handed down to us by our ancestors of ancient and recent days that to
read, study, glean from their success and failures you too can learn to walk in
the right paths of light in our days now.
You have learned the true meaning of life, that in the end
humanity is here but for a moment. A time for learning and choosing, then in
the end we shall be able to return to our heavenly home, where our Creator
awaits us.
If we are true in this path of light he has given us to be
our guide we shall evolve into eternal beings of light far beyond your current
ability to imagine.
We know the path is not easy and at times fear stands in our
Dangers are ever present, and the darkness is ever designing
new was to deceive us and make each one of us its prey.
You understand and know that the power of the light is neither
in your arm nor any weapons created by mortal beings.
But in the Creator who grants us use of his power to use
through our faith and truly mountains have moved, the elements of all creation
do obey for their Creator is the one they serve.
We understand in mortality we may need to stand and fight
all forms of darkness.
First we use education. We teach, encourage, bless, and
invite others to follow the path of happiness during their life here on Earth.
Second we understand at times due to the great darkness we
may need to take up arms created by mortals to fight and defend all that we
hold dear.
To keep our God granted freedoms and liberty.
We know to take a life brings no pleasure, but sorrow for
the life taken in this great war of light and darkness may loose its chance to ever
leave the pits of darkness or Hell it has been sent to.
We are the warriors of light in these the last days of
civilization, the last days of the world of Babylon and darkness.
We know that even through the coming darkness, the events
where nature itself shall convulse and the Heavens shall bring great
tribulations as well as those powers of darkness who seek dominion, tyranny
over the worlds peoples.
Light shall over power all these followers of
We know that if we fall (die) in defense of these things we shall be restored in time as eternal beings of light for life goes on there is no true end to it.
If you know not who’s team your on, Light or Darkness, I
suggest you study your life well. How you live, act, perform daily.
If you walk a path leading to light or darkness.
Again see the 10 Commandments, if you lie, cheat, steal,
seek to become a tyrant or control others, then you will need to turn your life
around and soon.
If you seek to walk in the light then you will know already
of your path set before you.
What you seek upon your daily desires is what path you’re
Know you can change anytime you choose to.
Choose wisely.
Those who are Warriors of Light seek out others and recruit
them to the true path.
Teach them line upon line, precept upon precept until they
are strong enough to stand on their own before the countless forms of darkness.
We know in the end all darkness is bound and placed into
outer darkness, you may think of a black hole for this place.
Today began the defense case in the Malheur Protest Trial in Portland. The jury heard a 40 minute audio recording of a call between FBI Negotiator Christopher Luh and Ammon Bundy.
Bundy explained to Luh how the protesters were cleaning the refuge, making repairs and working with the community.
We heard Ammon estimate that about 1,000 community members had come to the refuge and shared information. One of the most prominent stories that Ammon shared on this call was how the “Fires have been so destructive to them and how it appears that the Bureau of Land Management is only there to make money on the fires.”
“They’re not there to put the fires out,” Bundy explained. He then went on to give statistics on the poor management of the BLM versus the local volunteer fire group. They have a track record of keeping the fires down to less than a thousand acres when the volunteers are on it, but “when the Bureau of Land Management firefighters are on it there’s hundreds of thousands of acres.”
Another powerful witness was Sheila Warren, an elder with the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. She testified that, after hearing news reports of what was happening at Malheur, she decided to investigate the events herself. She was very concerned for the reported abuse of the Paiute artifacts. She arrived on January 24th and spent several hours overall.
Warren testified that she went into an office building and never saw damage, the people were respectful, the refuge was clean, and the general atmosphere was open and responsive. She also testified that she never saw any guns during her time there. This part of her testimony was important because she said that she specifically looked for weapons, due to the media reports.
She reported that the artifacts were not being abused and she tried repeatedly to reach the Burns Paiute Tribal Chair, Charlotte Rodrique, though she was unsuccessful.
After leaving the refuge and returning home, Warren testified of a phone call she received from FBI Agent Ronnie Walker. He did not immediately identify himself to her but did attempt to bully her into talking to him. Walker told this Tribal Elder that she did not have a choice but to talk to him, and she was made to feel as if she did something wrong by visiting the refuge.
Judge Anna Brown did not want to let the jury hear this information, but Tiffany Harris, Shawna Cox’s attorney, did a wonderful job in questioning and getting the information presented. Warren was able to present the fact that she felt threatened by Agent Walker.
There have been several FBI agents testifying during this trial. Ronnie Walker has been treated very special by the court in that he has been allowed to sit through each day in the courtroom, listening to all the testimony, before he himself testified, repeatedly. Not even the other agents have received that privilege Certainly no regular citizen witnesses would be allowed this same benefit.
That isn’t the only unusual behavior by the FBI during this trial.
Agent Lapp is a prime example of the disrespect the FBI has for the jury and these proceedings. He was assigned to this case in November 2015. However, this trained investigator was not able to recall most details of which he was questioned. He could not remember who’s Facebook accounts were being reviewed, other than Ammon’s. He couldn’t even remember when he started watching these accounts.
When questioned about the government informants at the refuge, his memory got even worse. He couldn’t remember how many informants there were, or who they were, or much about them in general. He was finally prompted to reveal that he saw a written proposal to pay Mark McConnell for being a government informant.
Several agents claimed to “not recall” specifics of their investigations, except when prompted by their “302” reports. These reports are the written summaries they fill out about witness interviews. It seems to me, when they are called to testify, they should at least review their notes, reports, or even the case files, to prepare for their testimony. Too many times today they appeared incompetent by falling back on the “I do not recall” answers.
Tomorrow will be another big day for the defense. Sheriff David Ward will return from Harney County. Reverend Franklin Graham is also expected to testify, as well as the possibility of Ammon Bundy taking the stand.
Judge Anna Brown has begun to push the defense to make a minimal case and wrap it up by early next week. Today was the first day, and they are not in court on Friday. So, 2 days this week, maybe 2 days next week, is a dramatic shortening of their evidence.
There is a video that the defense wants to admit and show the jury, but speculation is running that Judge Brown will not allow it, as it will just lengthen the case. Yes, she can be very intimidating to attorneys. However, their future does not trump these defendant’s freedom.
I hope they get their full day in court.
If you sometimes wonder what the future holds for Western ranchers -- AND OTHERS -- take a close look at conditions on most American Indian reservations today.
[http://Reposted from ReDoubt News.]See Native Americans And See OUR Future? by Chris Misita -- [http://Reposted from ReDoubt News.]Reposted from ReDoubt News
I had been traveling the country for approximately 6 months and one of my stops was SD. I stayed about 6 weeks in the Custer, Custer State Park (Sylvan Lake) and The Black Hills in the months of November and December. At one point the weather got so bad, at times -28 without windchill, I ended up spending about 3 weeks in a motel run by Sioux Indians. So I got the opportunity to learn a lot.
But what this article is about is a brief reflection of the Native American since the white man came and stole their land, decimated their way of life and basically enslaved them. An analogy of what happened to the Indians by government and what is happening to us, all of us, NOW.
This article is not going to take a sides and say whether it was right or wrong because colonization was the way of life and acquisition of territory at the time. That would never happen now that we’ve become so civilized…. right? I don’t know. Maybe that’s precisely what’s happening in a much more subversive fashion. Right before our eyes but we’re too busy, too comfortable to see what the other hand is doing….. behind the curtain.
Stolen Land
Stolen land and broken promises. The Native Americans lost most of their land and were given reservations in some of the worst, most inhospitable, infertile land throughout the United States.
I drove through parts of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on my way to the Badlands. I got myself lost at one point and stopped at a police station for directions. There were bullet holes in their bullet proof glass and the bathrooms hadn’t seen a plumber in God only knows how long. The water was running and the floor wet from overflowing. This, in the woman’s bathroom. I was grateful for my 4X4 even on their city streets as the ditches and missing concrete was THAT deep.
I went to Wounded Knee and within minutes of parking my car, I had several cars pull right in beside me with 3 to 5 Native Americans in each car. I admit I was nervous as I’d been warned not to go to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation alone, especially as a White woman. But against really good advice my intrigue got the better of me. I bought some ear rings and a necklace from a couple of the women. After my purchases, one woman stayed behind the rest to talk to me for awhile. She told me her only income was what she could sell the jewelry for, and her government assistance. She told me all about her grand-kids who don’t drink, do drugs, or cuss and how she watches them constantly to keep them out of trouble. She also told me all about their sports and how they excelled. She was so proud of those young high-schoolers who at the moment are evading following in their parents footsteps. Or at least that was my assumption since they’re not living with their parents.
There are trailers everywhere and about 40% to 50% are completely uninhabitable. They are just left there, to rot, as are the cars as they become uninhabitable. The dogs run free right along the hwy. darting with experience and expertise around the moving cars roaring down the highway. Tons of them everywhere.
Another observation was the sheer number of horses rather than cattle. That, I assumed is the Indians love of the horse but I couldn’t help but think how much more beneficial to have the acres filled with beef cattle. The land is so poor it takes about 40 acres to feed 1 head of either a horse or cow.
And our property?
Has now largely been stolen through incrementalism. Government tells us exactly what we can and cannot build on the land. Then they tell us exactly how much we will and won’t pay in taxes, building permits, etc. for the land. They tell us how many units we may put on it, what type of septic and/or sewer. If they want the land, they just take it through eminent domain, blight, confiscation, radical environmentalism. We basically get the privilege of occupying the property until our representatives, i.e. racketeers, decide they have a different use for it. Fight it? I wonder how many average citizens have the assets to fight the unlimited resources of the government that they take from us with force? Oh yes force. If you do not pay as they demand you will be fined, jailed and have your property confiscated. If you fight back you’ll be shot. Make no mistake the government uses force to accomplish their ends and most of us comply….. as we’ve been trained to do but that’s an entirely different subject.
I’ve heard rumor they’ve even used our National Parks for collateral of our National Debt. I still need to research this. But if you go to Yellowstone, Great Smokey Mountains or Mammoth Caves National Parks you will see signs International Biosphere Reserve.
At the motel where I stayed, TJ was missing all her teeth. She’s my age. Government dental care. She said almost everyone in her family was toothless because the dental care for Native Americans was so bad. She also said they had to go to the clinic if they needed medical care.
So now, the Democrats want to put us all on Nationalized healthcare and make our productive class pay for it all. This isn’t by choice but by force just as obamacare is by force.
The Indians were forced from their homes and into govt. schools so they could be indoctrinated the way the govt. wanted and torn from their families and culture. All of this by force and not by choice.
We have compulsory nationalized education for our children and if you don’t comply, parents will go to jail. Yes, I understand we can home school but government still largely controls the message and parents are forced (slavery) to keep mountains of information and documentation to appease the government. They say this is for the well being of the children. Well then I wonder why our children are failing so badly in school, developmental disabilities are raising at epidemic proportions and we have record numbers of children on psychotropic drugs.
All the public schools are ‘Collectivist’ AND…. ALL of the private schools and universities as well, since they ARE regulated and controlled by the state and MUST include the state approved ‘propaganda’ and guidelines. Through constant repetition, attacking dissenters, it quickly gets accepted as truth.
The propaganda is
The government provides service X.
IF, the government does not provide service X, then service X will NEVER be provided.
Therefore, anyone arguing against the government providing service X, is arguing against the necessity or value of service X.
THIS, is how Collectivism takes over societies. Every totalitarian dictator knew they must capture the young to impose their totalitarian rule upon the masses. Hitler, Stalin, Lenin were the masters and we’ve seen this blue print throughout history. Now it is here and our children ARE the target.
Gun Confiscation
Here’s what you need to know about gun confiscation
You think the government are after your guns for the safety of society and particularly the children? Think again. They’re after your freedom, wealth, property, sovereignty, resources and very lives. This is clearly evidenced by the gun confiscation of the Native Americans, many who peacefully turned in their weapons believing naively that the government was going to protect them. We see at Wounded Knee 297 were massacred of which 200 were women and children.
This is what happens when you say NO to govt.
One only needs to look at the Democrat run (for decades) cities of Detroit, Chicago, LA, and Oakland, Ca. where the individual sovereignty has been replaced by government to know more and bigger government is not the answer to a free people. They enslave people through their welfare schemes. Nothing is free.
Subjugation is what happens to a conquered people. When they’re overwhelmed by force and violence and government takes control of their lives in the ‘facade’ to help. We need only look at the reservations and the Native American people to know it’s true.
These people have largely lost their heart, soul and pride. Are we next? How much of our heart, soul, and pride is already gone? This is what becomes of a people when they lose their language, culture and borders….. how much of ours is already gone?
What happens when people lose control of their own destiny?
The AIM (American Indian Movement) sought attempted to take back control of their own lives…. failed by the force of violence. Too little and way too late. They were over powered.
I know we all make our own way in life, but how does one overcome the despair and bitterness passed down from generation to generation of a conquered people?
Are we next in the long history of downsized and conquered nations and people? Will we remain lulled to sleep with a false sense of security in a government gone wild America? Where we are spied upon all over the place and made to get permission even to become a barber or beautician.
Are we watching the demise of our language, culture and borders? Are we being downsized and is it too late? I believe that We are the many and they are the few. If we can put our differences aside and come together for a greater purpose, that of preserving our way of life, we can turn this around.
Otherwise I fear we will witness the end of our great civilization like so many past. Like that of the Native American. We are all Indians now.
Ammon Bundy tells us what they are doing. Yes this happening in America and if you can live with this it's over .
See & Hear Ammon explain with Gavin how the Federal Un-Justice Kangaroo courts are not allowing the Defense to present their case before the hand picked politically correct jury that Judge Brown chose to hear the case.
Click on the link above or below will take you to the interview:
This is a one sided court, this is like if you had 2 NFL Teams playing on the field and the Referees gave penalties ONLY to the team they did not like, and all benefits to the team they desired to win the game, as well as only the team / defense must follow the rules, new rules, where as the other team/prosecution has no rules to follow and the referee's do all they can to assist them to win the game.
This Kangaroo Court of the Socialists in the Nation of Oregon ruled by Judge Brown and controlled by the Feds / Obama / Clinton foundation and their corporate sponsors of world nations is what is controlling this court room, who murdered Lavoy Finicum and tried to murder others, the unlawfully started this kangaroo non justice system.
This is how courts in North Korea, Cuba, China, old USSR, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Islamic controlled nations, Hitlers courts, are controlled and run.
This is not the USA, nor the Constitutional Republic as founded.
If this is allowed to stand and the future Nevada Harry Reid controlled courts as well, then your Nation of America will earn its punishments.
This was given to me by an Anonymous source to make public. Big thanks to them. This is why they are not letting evidence about LaVoy's death in the Bundy trials. Also watch the FOAM BULLET study here:
While anyone who watched the original videos known LaVoy was murdered as have been like many others by our police. This is filled with detailed forensic information that proves how deep the conspiracy went.
NOTE: I am unsure about the theory on Payne. We don't know that he was a plant and will withhold decision on that at this time.
The Foam Bullet Used to Justify Killing LaVoy Finicum.
Published on Sep 21, 2016
Assassins and executioners are just that, no matter what excuses you make for them. See part1 here:
Amid a Government Conspiracy to Convince the Public of their Guilt..
By Scott Rohter, June 2016
“The time has come to end the occupation of twelve Western States by the Federal Government.” – Scott Michael Rohter
They have been locked up in jail for more than seven months without a trial. One of them has been in solitary confinement for over a month for refusing to allow doctors to remove a bullet lodged in his upper right arm. Ammon and Ryan Bundy are political prisoners. They are being held at the Multnomah County Detention Center in Portland, Oregon across from the Federal Courthouse where they are being tried on charges of conspiracy to impede a Federal officer. They were taken into custody not far from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge which they were “occupying” in a nationally televised protest over the unjust incarceration of two fellow ranchers, Dwight and Steven Hammond of Oregon on terrorism and arson charges. They are also protesting the federal government’s unconstitutional occupation of 700 million acres of land in twelve Western States for more than 150 years.
The Bundys are leading an effort to try to change the Federal Government’s public land management policies which were rewritten in 1976 when Congress passed the Federal Land Policy Management Act. Friend and fellow rancher, Lavoy Finicum was shot in the back three times by two Oregon State Police officers for his efforts help the Hammonds and support the Bundys. The police officers claimed that they fired their weapons in self-defense. Lavoy’s murder has been described by a police investigation as a justified use of deadly force. In reality the police investigation was nothing more than a whitewash.
The national rebellion over the Federal government’s public land use policies didn’t just begin with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and it isn’t going to end with the arrest or even with the conviction of Ammon and Ryan Bundy on federal charges stemming from their month long protest in Harney County. The controversy surrounding the Federal government’s administration of America’s public lands has been going on since the 1980s when the Sagebrush Rebellion was launched, and it won’t be settled in an Oregon courtroom during the Bundy trials. It can only be addressed by Congress. In fact the subject might not even come up during their trials since the only issue really at stake is their refusal to leave the Refuge. The defendants claim that they were never given a direct order in writing from the appropriate authorities to leave the Refuge. They would have welcomed such an order because it would have given them the opportunity of challenging the validity of the order in court, but they never got one.
So what led the Bundys to come to Oregon in the first place? What led them to occupy this remote strip of desert land? Knowing this is the key to understanding the unjust nature of the government’s indictment against them. If a rancher’s grievances against the Bureau of Land Management are even mentioned during their trial they will probably be tossed out of court as quickly as they are brought up by a Federal magistrate who was appointed by the Federal government to preside over their trials. The Federal government is both their prosecutor and their judge.
What prompted the defendants to leave their homes and families in Nevada, Arizona, and Idaho and meet at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near the little town of Burns is a long and convoluted story.
Their original purpose was to support two Oregon ranchers who were unjustly incarcerated for arson under the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. The defendants wanted to start a national discussion about the Federal government’s mismanagement of America’s public lands and the unconstitutional nature of it’s control of over half the land in twelve Western States. They decided to do this after the Obama Justice Department put Dwight and Steven Hammond in jail for five years for a grass fire they started on their property to control weeds. It was a bogus charge to begin with, but it was a crime for which they had already served their time, and it became a crime for which they are now serving an additional sentence of five years at a Federal Penitentiary in southern California.
The defendants viewed the resentencing of the Hammonds to five more years by the Obama Justice Department as a violation of their civil rights under the Fifth Amendment which states… “Nor shall any man be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb”. The re-incarceration of the Hammonds for a second time after they had served their original sentences was a clear violation of the Constitution and a clear cut example of Federal government’s unconstitutional method of managing public lands and harassing western ranchers. The Bundys saw the Hammond’s plight as an opportunity to focus national attention on the plight of Western ranchers. What they didn’t take into consideration is that most Americans live in big cities and they don’t understand nor care about the plight of Western ranchers.
The Bundys came to Oregon to support Dwight and Steven Hammond, and to call attention to the occupation of over 700 million acres of land in twelve Western States by a Federal bureaucracy that is totally and completely out of control. The defendants managed to occupy the headlines for almost a month by occupying a deserted Wildlife Refuge in the middle of winter when no federal employees were there, an act for which they are now paying dearly.
Let me ask you a question. What is a bigger crime? Is it worse to occupy a deserted Wildlife Refuge for a month in the middle of Winter, or to occupy 700 million acres of land in twelve western states for more than a hundred and fifty years?
All wealth comes from the land, but fully one half of all the land west of the Rocky Mountains is controlled and administered by the Federal government. That explains why most of the counties in Western States are struggling just to meet their budgets and to provide basic government services like public schools, police and fire protection.. All of the Federally controlled lands remain off the tax rolls and the Payments in Lieu of taxes (PILT) which Western Counties receive from the Federal government does not nearly compensate them for the losses in revenue arising from not having these lands on the tax rolls. It does not enable local government to become self-supporting. On the contrary it keeps local government dependent on Washington.
County government frequently is not able to fund basic government services because too much of the land is not on the tax rolls. Too much of the land is owned by the Federal Government which does not pay property taxes to fund the operation of local government.
Without a national strategy that supports private property there is not a broad enough tax base to support local government. That is why Western States are so dependent on Washington..
The right to own property is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The right to petition the government when any of our rights is violated is also guaranteed by the Constitution.
Cliven Bundy owns a ranch in Nevada on which he and his son Ryan raise cows. They own grazing rights on adjacent land which is administered by the Federal government. There right to the use this land is being adversely impacted by the Federal government’s public land use policies. The Bundys exercised their right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Only after all their efforts failed did they look for another means to advance their cause.
In 2015 they drafted legislation in the Nevada Legislature regarding the administration of State land by the Federal government, but all of their efforts in search of a solution to their problems failed. That led them to Oregon to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. They tried to work within the system without openly defying it even while the government continued to evade the Constitution, but all of their efforts under the law got them nowhere. They are now political prisoners at the Multnomah County Jail in Portland, Oregon where they have been convicted without a trail. They are being held without bail before they have been found guilty of committing a crime. They have been denigrated in the press for standing up to the Federal government’s flagrant violations of the Constitution.
All of our rights are not enumerated in the Constitution, but all of the Federal Government’s powers are definitely enumerated in the Constitution and there is no power given to the Federal to maintain control over such vast amounts of State land.
It was a sad day when two Oregon State Police officers shot an innocent man in the back for just believing in the Constitution. That was the day I realized that something much bigger than Lavoy Finicum had died in my country. Honor, integrity, and respect for the Constitution have all ceased to exist too…
Here us a little lesson in history:
Oregon became a State in 1859. Before that it was part of a vast territory whose ownership and administration was contested even back then by three different countries and a variety of different Indian tribes. The controversy over the ownership of land in the West is much bigger than what happened at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.
What used to be known as the Oregon Territory included the future States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, part of Montana and Wyoming, and most of the province of British Columbia. In 1846 the United States purchased this Territory from England and after a border dispute with Canada was settled, Oregon became the 33rd State to enter the Union, however for the past 157 years Oregon has remained an occupied territory… occupied by the Federal Government which annexed it.
Fifty three percent of Oregon is administered and controlled by Congress through two departments of the Federal bureaucracy… the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. It is time for this occupation of Oregon by the Federal Government to come to an end.
When Americans think of occupied territory we don’t usually think of the peaceful Pacific Northwest. We usually think of more turbulent places like the Middle East where people have been fighting for control of land ever since Israel became a state again in 1948. Whether all or part of Israel remains occupied by Jews or Arabs or both or they all learn to live together in peace is a question that still remains to be resolved, but for Americans living in occupied territory right here in our own country, Oregon is not the first nor the last State to be occupied by the Federal government.
There are twelve States that are occupied by Washington contrary to the Constitution. They are all west of the Rocky Mountains. They have been occupied ever since they were admitted to the Union. Half of the land in twelve Western States is occupied territory. The total amount of land occupied in these twelve States is over 700 million acres of land..
All of the Federal Government’s powers are enumerated in the Constitution. There is no power vested in Congress to be the nation’s largest landowner. The fact that Congress is and remains in direct violation of the United States Constitution is what prompted the Sagebrush Rebellion of 1979, and it prompted the Bundys to come to Oregon in 2016.
The Property Rights Clause only gives Congress the right to manage public lands until such time as there is a permanent home found for them, but ultimately these lands have to be permanently disposed of. The only land that Congress has the authority to retain is a hundred square miles of land called the District of Columbia which is the seat of the Federal government. Together with enough land to build forts and ports and other needful government buildings on, that is all the land the United States government can own under the Constitution. Congress must find a permanent resolution for public lands which conforms to the Constitution and it must dispose of these lands which it continues to administer. The proper resolution would be to turn these lands over to the States and the Counties and the people from which they were taken when these States were admitted to the Union.
The entire process can be overseen by Congress and the land can be returned to the States with a stipulation that each State should determine how these lands are to be ultimately disposed of. There should be public hearings. Title to the land can be transferred or sold with the proceeds used to pay down the National Debt which is unsustainable at the current level of 20 trillion dollars. No studies need to be done because all of the details on how to successfully manage these lands are already available from the 38 other States that already do so.
Congress used to dispose of all lands it acquired by treaty or otherwise before the passage of the Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA) in 1976. After that Congress began to implement its current policy of retaining control of all public land.
Only three percent of the land east of the Mississippi River is controlled by the Federal Government while fifty percent of the land west of the Rocky Mountains remains under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service. The total amount of land controlled by the Federal Government in the West is bigger than the size of most countries in the world, and the disparity between Western States and Eastern States is continuing to grow with attempts to federalize even more land such as the current proposal to make another national monument in Malheur County next to the one that already exists in Harney County. This disparity between eastern States and western States violates the Equal Footing Principle that was supposed to be applied to western States as they entered the Union.
What follows is a table of western States with their dates of admittance to the Union and the amount of land controlled by the Federal government in each State:
1) California 1850 45% owned by the Federal government
2) Oregon 1859 53% owned by the Federal government
3) Nevada 1864 85% owned by the Federal government
4) Colorado 1876 37% owned by the Federal government
5) Montana 1889 30% owned by the Federal government
6) Washington 1889 35% owned by the Federal government
7) Wyoming 1890 42% owned by the Federal government
8) Idaho 1890 50% owned by the Federal government
9) Utah 1896 57% owned by the Federal government
10) Arizona 1912 48% owned by the Federal government
11) New Mexico 1912 41% owned by the Federal government
12) Alaska 1959 69% owned by the Federal government
The occupation of California and Oregon started before the Civil War. The occupation of Nevada began during the Civil War, and the occupation of other Western States began shortly after the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War during which time the Federal Government also occupied Southern States. The occupation of America didn’t end when Federal troops pulled out of the South. The focus of Washington’s occupation merely shifted from the South to the West. It’s time for the occupation of Western States to come to an end too. Corroborating Sources
Since what happened in Bunkerville has become an issue in the Oregon Standoff Trial, for those who are interested in a more in-depth treatment, including the deep background leading up to it, this is something worth considering.
This presentation was given by Bill Norton with the Center for Self Governance.
RANGE / RANGEFIRE — Addressing Issues Facing the West / Spreading America’s Cowboy Spirit Beyond the Outback
RECAP: Week One in a Nutshell
After spending a week observing the Oregon Standoff Trial, and producing short video clips summarizing what is happening, I’m not going to attempt to summarize or recap the first week of trial in a video clip. If you want to hear a partial recap of the week, prior to Friday’s testimony, check-out my video interview summary for Newsbud. Or check out the video recap of the Motion for Mistrial. I’m ready for a break from video production, and by writing the recap, consistent with my pattern, I can then spend the next several days tweaking it, which just doesn’t work well with video clips.
I want to make something very clear right at the outset. Although I’m involved in some sort of media role here, I’m not a reporter. I’m not even pretending to be a reporter. As part of my assignment, I am reporting some stuff to provide context, etc., but mostly I am a commentator. My main assignment is to provide commentary. I’m not even pretending to be completely objective. I have a view point. Based on my experience and view points, I am seeking to provide another perspective. Based on my background, in addition to providing general commentary, from my unique perspective, I am also going to provide some legal commentary — for what it’s worth — at the end of this piece. Based on the first week, if I had to summarize the Government’s case at this point in just two words, those words would be: Overreaction & Overexaggeration. And it’s the government’s evidence we’re talking about here. The government is presenting its case in chief. Some of the defendants have been accused of exaggeration, but we’re still weeks away from having a chance to see their evidence and hear what they have to say. This is the government’s case — the government’s evidence. Case in Point: Judicial Security Theater
Back when the Malheur Occupation first occurred, back in January, I coined a new phrase “Standoff Pageantry.” In a subsequent discussion I had with radio host Peter B. Collins, he compared it to his newly-minted phrase of “Security Theater,” and now, based on what is going on at the Standoff Trial in Portland, I’m going to coin yet another phrase combining the two: “Judicial Security Pageantry.” There’s a whole lot of drama, pageantry and theatre going on at the federal courthouse in Portland associated with the Oregon Standoff trial. Among other things, on one side, there are a handful of die-hard supporters, there with signs, protesting what is going on. On the other hand, the federal government, including DHS, is there in full force — just like the federal government was out in force in Burns, Oregon back in January and February.
Unfortunately, despite being there in court every day, covering the trial the entire week, I missed the single biggest piece of drama. While I was working on producing my little video clips summarizing the day’s events, late Thursday afternoon, a gentlemen by the name of Mathew Thomas Mglej, apparently a Portland native, approached the federal courthouse and was taken down in grand fashion by an army of DHS police with guns drawn. Apparently, back in 2014 Mr. Mglej had previously been arrested and charged for playing a violin outside the courthouse while naked. He was charged with indecent exposure, but the charges were later dropped. On Thursday, the government claims he had an unloaded .22 rifle wrapped in a towel. His efforts resulted in major drama and corresponding Judicial Security Theatre in downtown Portland. Unfortunately, I missed it. It is hard to say what, if anything, any of this actually had to do with the Oregon Standoff Trial, but it helps reinforce an important point.
(This isn’t an actual image of the arrest on Thursday, but is similar to what happened, and is used to help emphasize the point)
Despite all it’s huff, and puff, and bluster, the federal government literally acts like its scared of its own shadow, and is highly prone to overreaction. Here it is, the biggest, most powerful temporal entity in existence — in the history of this planet, and naked violin players can send the federal government into full scale panic.
Back on August 31, 2016, RANGEFIRE! posted the first/last part of a series of articles about Realities in the West that nobody wants to talk about, called “Welcome to the New Normal — a Land of Labels, Distortions, Misinformation, and Guilt by Association.” I wrote that piece clear back in May, to address, at least in part, what was going on with Stanton Gleave, and the feeding frenzy of misinformation surrounding him and his family. At this point, I’m going to add another word to the whole description, that should have been included from the outset: OVERREACTION.
In that piece, among other things, I said:
During the first week of trial, both Chad Karges(MNWR manager) and Jeff Rose (Burns BLM field office manager) testified that from the minute Ammon Bundy and Ryan Payne arrived in Harney County, federal offices, officials, and law enforcement were on high alert. In addition to receiving a continuous flow of “intel” from law enforcement, Karges and Rose were both actively monitoring social media. Both they and Sheriff David Ward all testified that they couldn’t put their finger on any actual threats, but they all said that just the mere thought or mention of “Bunkerville,” and some of the people who had been there, in Sheriff Ward’s words “scared the Hell out of him.” Likewise, both Karges, Rose and their supervisors decided to shut down the BLM office in advance, before the occupation ever occurred, based almost entirely on the fact that a protest rally was planned to support Dwight and Steven Hammond. At the same time, Rose testified that the occupation of the Malheur Refuge was a complete surprise. They thought if something was going to happen it would be at the BLM office in Hines, where the only thing that actually happened was the placement of signs saying “Closed Permanently.” Jason Curry, a special agent for the BLM testified, however, that the signs had been up for less than an hour on Saturday, January 9th, more than a week after all the decisions to close offices had been made, and a full week after the occupation started, but both he and Rose testified that the signs contributed to the decision to keep the office closed.
At this point, I’ll have to say that none of that testimony really surprised me much. I live in Millard County, Utah, the better part of 1000 miles away from Harney County, Oregon. There is a BLM field office in Fillmore, approximately 15 miles from where I live. I am good friends with one of the BLM managers who works there. Her husband is one of my best friends. This whole year her husband and I have just had to scratch our heads and laugh every time the BLM gets its panties in a wad, goes on high alert, and puts the field station on lock down. It has happened on multiple occasions since January 2016. Once, it happened when a “liberty convention” was scheduled to happen at the Old Statehouse in Fillmore. On another occasion, something as off-the-wall as Gavin Seim passing through the area, caused a major reaction at the office.. And just to add context to this whole discussion, Sagebrush alarmist Chris Zinda is likewise the husband of a BLM manager, Cedar City District Manager, Heather Whitman. Translation: conspiracy theories abound among federal employees and the people they listen to.
Between what I heard Chad Karges, Jeff Rose and Sheriff Ward testify at trial, coupled with the kind of stuff Chris Zinda regularly comes up with, I can’t even imagine the kind of frenzy these people are capable of working themselves into. I can’t even imagine the kind of paranoia they must live with. And the funny thing is people accuse the so-called “patriots” of being paranoid and out-of-touch-with reality? At least the so-called patriots don’t have the full resources of the United States government at their disposal to spend in chasing these fears.
Back to the point I wrote back in May, which has become abundantly clear in just the first week of the Oregon Standoff Trial, and I’m going to repeat at least three times in this article: “The problem is few people seem to be able to distinguish between what is real and what isn’t.” Here’s the deal, for the most part, what happens on Facebook, and social media isn’t real. The vast, vast majority of it simply has no connection to reality. It’s an alternate reality that doesn’t exist in reality. People say all kinds of nonsense, and unadulterated bullshit on Facebook and social media all the time. It’s an absolute feeding frenzy of misinformation — from all sides, and in all directions. Some of us figured that out long ago.
Back to my point: The problem is few people seem to be able to distinguish between what is real and what isn’t. And the even bigger problem is overreaction to things that are not real, and overexaggeration in attempting to describe and justify the overreactions. Below is one of the videos that stoked government officials’ fears, and they overreacted to.
The Government’s Case
In the first week of trial, the government’s case actually started out pretty flat. The government promised shock and awe, but so far has not been able to deliver. The government said that it would present eye witness evidence that would make the refuge takeover look like a military operation in Iraq or Afghanistan. But what their witness testified did not live up to their billing. Likewise, much of their social media evidence came across as pretty benign, leaving a person scratching their head, thinking “is that the best you’ve got — so this is what this case is about?” Although some of the social media evidence may certainly be troubling, it certainly didn’t rise to the level of documenting a conspiracy to impede or interfere with federal officers doing their jobs. There is only one explanation for that response: overreaction.
All of the government decision-makers testified that they weren’t aware of any real threats. They just had feelings of fear and concern, based in large measure on their own monitoring of social media, coupled with information the FBI was feeding them to increase their concerns. So here’s number four: Part of the problem is few people seem to be able to distinguish between what is real and what isn’t.
Although the federal government is prosecuting the case, everything about its case so far depicts the federal government on the defensive. The government is extremely defensive about issues of jurisdiction and adverse possession — doesn’t even want to go there. The government doesn’t want to have to try to explain anything. And when it comes to the alleged threats, instead of sounding like confident leaders, who might consider actually engaging in some kind of proactive discussion, these government officials acted more like they were unreasonably afraid of their own shadows, taking most of their directions from the FBI, in order to set the stage for how they wanted to portray the narrative, and were prepared to shut down government offices down for no real good reason. Between the BLM, USFWS and federal law enforcement, including the FBI, it sounds like they were involved in a feeding frenzy of fear. And people want to accuse the defendants and others of tinfoil hat theories?
In conclusion, and just to highlight this point, Chad Karges testified that the so-called “restoration” work at MNWR headquarters is already complete and has been for some time, but the headquarters remains closed, and there is no plan to re-open until sometime in 2017. If you’re not asking WHY, you should be. Trial Performance
When a naked violin player (who wasn’t even naked at the time) can steal the show, you know there’s a problem.
In terms of legal commentary, right out of the chutes, with all due respect to the attorneys involved, I’m going to say this: Ryan Bundy is out-lawyering the lawyers — certainly the other defense lawyers.
Although, in my opinion, much of the government’s evidence is very marginal, and I continually have people asking me if some of the things they are presenting doesn’t actually support the defendants’ case better than the prosecution, but they are doing a very good, efficient job of presenting the evidence they have chosen to present — which is apparently the best they have. Their examination is crisp and seemingly very well-rehearsed, and they always seem to have objections on the tip of their tongues.
On the other side of the table, make no mistake, there were some really good opening statements. Matt Schindler, representing Ken Medenbach, and Lisa Maxfield, representing Neil Wampler, did a particularly good job. But in his opening statement Ryan Bundy did a very effective job communicating his view of the case as well. And when it comes to objections, he is probably actually doing a better job than any of the defense attorneys. This should be both troubling and highly disconcerting to those attorneys. For a lay person, with no formal legal education, law training, and minimal experience, Ryan is holding his own fairly well, which, unfortunately, doesn’t say much about defense counsel in the case, and it is time for them to think about that.
I realize it is very easy for us to sit back and attempt to play armchair quarterbacks, but I agree with Mike Arnold that the assigned federal public defense attorneys seem very capable of making good arguments, but there’s a whole lot more to trying a case than making good arguments. They are arguably lacking when it comes to basic trial skills like cross examination and making objections. Arnold suggested that is probably due to the fact that they spend most of their time on plea deals, and making arguments at sentencing, instead of actually trying cases. And it shows. Although Lisa Maxfield has had some effective cross examination, for the most part, and I’m sorry, I know this is going to step on some toes, but they seem more like potted plants sitting there.
Forgive me for that analogy. It takes me back to the summer of 1987. In early July I was traveling cross country with my wife Heidi, from Utah, to Ithaca, New York, where I was on the waiting list at Cornell Law School. The Iran-Contra Hearings were going on that summer. Although it would drive Heidi crazy, as the over-eager soon-to-be law student, I was trying to listen to all of it as we drove. Then at night, I would catch the news coverage in our low-budget motel rooms. Plus remember, this was almost 30 years ago. Media was different then than it is now. I don’t remember Marine Col. Oliver North’s attorney’s name, but I do remember him. He just sat there during most of the examination of Col. North, but all the sudden on one occasion, he blurted out an objection, and had something to say that seemed to catch everyone completely by surprise. Based on their reactions, he said “I’m not just a potted plant sitting here.” That phrase has stuck with me ever since, and seems to have some application here.
To be completely honest, and again with all due respect, following opening statements, most of the defense attorneys have seemed more like potted plants than actively engaged defense attorneys, zealously defending their clients’ interests. Their objections have been either non-existent or deplorable. When Ryan Bundy can make better objections than they do, it’s an issue. And Judge Brown has actually called them out about it — asking why they aren’t making more and better objections. Like Arnold also mentioned, it may be as much a result of lack practice as anything. They may all be very experienced federal criminal defense attorneys. They may all be very experienced at doing plea deals. But that doesn’t mean that they are experienced, practiced and well-honed trial attorneys. And it’s really starting to show. But if they get with the program, this one trial can give them more practice than dozens of small ones. And I get it. Some of them (especially those representing Jeff Banta, David Fry, Neil Wampler, and Ken Medenbach, for example) probably feel like it is the Bundy legal team’s responsibility to do most of the work, because their own clients seemingly have much less at stake in the whole thing. They view it as the “Bundy” trial, and their clients aren’t Bundys.
Otherwise, in a crowded courtroom well-decorated with potted plants, it might as well be a grand ballroom, with Judge Brown and the prosecution engaged as dance partners in an elaborate waltz, with Judge Brown leading, and the prosecution hustling to follow her cues, occasionally encountering the defendants and their attorneys, as they attempt to gracefully negotiate the dance floor — with the jury just trying to make some kind of sense of what is going on.
And that brings us to the most important component or player in the whole equation: the Jury. I share concerns expressed by my colleague, Mancos MacLeod, when it comes to modern juries. The jury hearing this case started out with 20 people, comprised of 12 regular jurors and eight alternates. One of the initial 12 was excused essentially right off the bat, and an alternate juror was drawn by lot to take that juror’s place. Of the jurors currently seated as the 12 who will decide the case, eight are women.
I don’t pretend to have the jury figured out at this point, but I will offer a few inside observations. One or more members of the jury seem/s to be hypersensitive, and has repeatedly complained to Judge Brown that members of the public seated in relatively close proximity are being too loud, interfering with their ability to concentrate. Consequently, Judge Brown has repeatedly chastised or admonished members of the public to be as quiet as possible, and to be careful about not just whispering, but coughing, clicking pens and rustling papers. This all came at times when I hadn’t noticed anything particularly out of the ordinary. There are approximately 20 members of the public in the courtroom, breathing, and trying to take notes, etc. All I can say, based on the writing that is on the wall after the first week, is that this trial is going to get real long for some people.
At the close of the day on Friday, however, after the jury had been excused, Judge Brown stated that she had a lot of confidence in this jury, because, in her words, they are following her instructions very faithfully and carefully.
So that should provide some very clear insight into where this whole thing appears to be headed. Although the jury is supposed to be deciding the case, there is no question about who is in charge, and whose lead the jury may be following in lockstep.
If you want to criticize or argue with my analysis, all I ask is that you do it from a vantage point of first hand experience — go to court and see for yourself what is going on before attempting to poke holes in what I’m saying based on some attempted third or fourth-hand perspective or predisposition about what is going on.
I invite anyone who is interested to spend some time at the trial. It is an educational experience.