Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.

Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.

Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.

Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.

For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.

"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.

Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls

God Bless the Republic of America!

We have Got To Stand Up!!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

State Sovereignty - The Original Concept w/ Stephen Pratt

Joel Skousen - Awakening to Our Awful Situation - Foreword - Jack Monnett

Pivotal Points that Destroyed American Liberty Part 2of2 w/ Stephen Pratt

Pivotal Points that Destroyed American Liberty Part 1of2 w/ Stephen Pratt

Joel Skousen: Don't Believe Anything That Q Anon Says

Stand Up For Freedom - Ezra Taft Benson

The War in Heaven: Continues on Earth Today (Messages from LDS/Mormon Pr...

Dr. Scott Bradley Liberty vs Secret Combinations

Agenda 21 2030 in Utah and Across the West

Utah Secret Societies Exposed - Defending Utah on the Kate Daley Show

Who is Behind Agenda 21 in Utah ?

UVU and Salt Lake Mayor Bringing UN and Dog Cage Size Homes to Utah?

Scott Lively interview: The Pink Swastika and the Politics of the Gay Ag...

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Eternal Battle of Good vs. Evil

Eternal Battle of Good vs. Evil 


Why are we here?

Why where YOU born at this era in World History?

I shall endeavor to explain some answers to these questions.

Today we live in the last days of the world’s power. I do not mean the end of the world as in the Earth, but the coming end of the world meaning the human law of the jungle thinking.

We have only 2 paths in reality that we can follow during our mortal lives on Earth.

Light or Darkness, Good or Evil, Love, charity, honor, truth, or Evil, darkness, lies, deceit, greed, power, wickedness.

Who are the authors of these 2 paths?

They are Eternal, for these 2 are intertwined in the evolution of the human spirit, human mortality, and human eternal natures.

We need the balance of Good vs. Evil in order to know and understand the light of goodness and the darkness of evil. In order to choose the better path.

The authors are these.

Jesus Christ the Messiah and Savior of all Humankind.

He teaches Liberty, Freedom, the ability to choose for one’s self what path they desire to live and follow.

He also teaches the consequences for our choices, actions.

A path of light and truth as He showed us will bring upon us eternal life and blessings beyond our ability to comprehend.

He gave us commandments or official suggestions on how to best live our lives in mortality. How to interact one with another.

That is to follow His perfect example. For He is the God the Creator of this world and is the only Lord and King over it.

Lucifer the fallen star, the Devil, Satan.

Teaches that if you give him all your liberty, freedoms, and bow or cower to his total control and power over every aspect of your life.

He would use his mortal allies to Force you to do as he pleases.

He uses Governments to Control, power to force and wars to force any who desire liberty or freedom to be destroyed and enslaved.

He is the author of all tyrannical forms of governing.

Democracy, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Totalitarianism, Statism, Globalism, Islamism, New World Order = one world Government, Luciferiansim, all forms of darkness, all forms of evil, all forms of wickedness, control, unrighteous dominion over others.

He is the father of all lies, secret combinations, shadow governments; he is the master of murder, immorality, and unimaginable wickedness.

He has a goal. To destroy humanity on all levels where ever humanity exists.


Prior to this Earth being created for our benefit.

There was a great council in the Heavens, countless trillions of spirits gathered to learn about the creation, about the opportunity to come and live as mortal beings on this Planet we know as Earth. This is part of our Eternal evolution as beings of light. We were created as spirits by God, then we progress to mortality and eventually we become immortal and live on in eternity.

Now there were 2 plans that were offered to govern humanity during their lives on Earth. As mentioned above is the simple aspects of them.

Those who chose wisely choose liberty, freedom of choice, we chose the path of Jesus Christ.

Lucifer was upset as he lost, and he sought to force his will upon us at that time. A great WAR was fought in the Heavens, the style of battle is not known, however I assume it was over words and ideologies.

The two plans. Because of the Rebellion of Lucifer and the 1/3rd of the spirits of Heaven who desired his path of force and control. Who then sought to overthrow the throne and kingdom of God.

He was cast out of Heaven and sent to Earth as spirits. Part of his punishment was to never have the opportunity of a physical body. He was to remain a spirit as his followers. Thus their eternal progression and evolution was damned by his choices.

Lucifer remembers the war and those who stood against him, also those who were fence sitters and those who could be coerced more easily during their mortal lives to become his servants and minions and leaders on Earth. These are those who have chosen the great wickedness paths, the ideologies of hate, war, control, power, greed, lies, etc.

They serve him. Whether they realize it or not.

This is the short story of why we are here.

So today we have choices. Do we allow ourselves to be controlled by those who follow luciferian ideologies?

Do we go and hide as the powers of darkness overwhelm our lands in the hope of by hiding we can live a few days or years longer?

Do we cower and become slaves to the forces of darkness here on Earth?

Or Do we Stand for Liberty, Truth, Honor, God, Family, Eternal Life.

We today have a choice.

Life as freemen or enslavement as victims of luciferians.

It truly does not matter how it all ends for us personally, what matters is how we stand against the powers of darkness.

What are you willing to sacrifice for the future, for your children’s liberty, Freedom of choice, to live in a nation that honors God, Family, US Constitutional Laws as founded. Inspired by the hand of God. 

Or will you go and hide for the illusion of personal safety as the world continues to fall into darkness all around you. As peoples lives, jobs, futures and destroyed by a small but powerful elite who are in power and control and who have the enforcement powers to carry out their wicked desires upon all humanity.

What does it matter if you run, hide, evade, cower for the rest of  your life?

Eventually the dark powers will find you and end you.

Is it not better to fight, to unite as a people and fight intellectually and peacefully to seek the destruction of the pillars of wickedness that seek our deaths or enslavement?

Is it not better to Stand strong and united in the cause of Liberty?

A single twig is easily broken, however when you gather dozens or hundreds or millions together and bind them under the bonds of liberty it is impossible to destroy them.

Together we have safety, we have the ability to succeed in Restoring America to the US Constitutional Republic, One Nation under the guidance of God, a Christian Nation once again.

Where our children, grandchildren and so forth will have peace, will have the safety of growing up in a place where they no longer need to fear the Marxist, communists, globalists, socialists, democrats, luciferians agendas.

The utopia so many desire and seek, is not found in the behaviors or ideologies of humanity. It is found in the Teachings of Jesus Christ the Messiah and Savior of all humanity. For if all honestly followed His council, teachings, we would eventually become a utopian peaceful society. Thus is the purpose of the 10 commandments for life on Earth, and Christ’s other teachings and councils.

Only through liberty, freedom and Christ shall we become a people of liberty and have the ability to place the chains upon those workers of darkness who follow the countless ideologies of Lucifer their master.

I say to all this day.

Stand, Unite, Become One in Spirit, Faith in Christ, Faith in the US Constitution, as Patriots, as leaders, as followers, as One Nation Under our Only True King, Jesus Christ.

We who stand, cannot run faster than we have strength, that is why we gather together, for some have strength, resources greater than any one individual.

So as we share our resources physical and mental, as we teach, learn and grow. We can as a Patriot community, a Christian Community a United People.

We will turn the tide of darkness that is about to overwhelm our Nation, States, Counties, communities, schools, homes, families.

We Can and we Will Win.

For God of Heaven, the God of Liberty and Justice is on our side.

With God on our side, with the powers of light, truth, Heaven on our side. Who shall be able to stand against us?

The powers of Lucifer will melt away as the dews melt before the dawning of the summer Sun. So shall the wicked eventually melt before the Warriors of Light and Truth.

Be Warriors of Truth, be bearers of Light, knowledge, wisdom, and know we only fight when we have to.

Defend our Families, our homes, our communities, our state, nation, earth from the powers of Lucifer.

United we shall Win, for it has been written in countless sacred records since the days of Adam.

Join the forces who will Win.

Unite with us today. 

The path is long, hard, and will not be without struggles costs, pain and sacrifices. But in the end it shall be worth it.

We seek not violence, nor blood, however it has been brought to our doors, for the wicked seek to use both to destroy our liberty and lives, we seek only to defend our liberty from their tyranny.

Some of us may be called upon to give our all, our lives, our worldly possessions, and yet before God is not this worth the sacrifice to restore the lands for our generations yet to come?

I say it is. That is my pledge before God and all Humanity.

We are in a fight for liberty, and it’s worth the cost required.

Who shall stand with us?

The time is now.

We call upon all Warriors of light old and young to stand against the dark forces for Liberty.


Of the Ancient Ones of the Promised lands known as America.

Shared by

Stephen Huls, Monroe Utah, USA, Earth.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

President Trump exposes the Evils of Socialism.

President Trump exposes the Evils of Socialism.

 Why do the youth today in USA seek to embrace the Luciferian doctrines of socialism or communism? 

It has been taught to them in the Government controlled schools via propaganda by socialists and Marxists most of thier lives. 

History books etc K-colleges have denounced USA Constitutional Republic and Honest Capitalism (which we have not had in over 100 years).
the New Deal by a socialist democrat allied with Marxists from the early 1900s who created socialist Marxists bureaucracy in USA in order to control our people, resources, land, water, air, access to them all and who have taken away our liberty, only to sell them back to us as Licenses or Fees to use our stolen liberty. Socialist Marxists agencies a short list not all by any means. EPA FDA FCC BLM DOI USFS IRS FBI NSA CIA CPS DNR Soc Security Admin, and many others, 

States have also followed suit as they realized through socialist Marxism they can Tax and control the citizenry. We have USA Corp Id's your social security #. To be tracked and monitored. America is an Active socialist Marxist nation, 

those States now suing Pres. Trump over the national security issue of a boarder wall all practice open socialism and Marxism and luciferianisms on many levels. 
the US Justice system is so filled with S & M members that Justice is only for those who are members of secret combinations, the victims are imprisoned and harmed, property, business, lives are stolen and the criminals are protected by the federal judges and supreme court like the 9th circuit supreme court of Marxist commies. 

When a nation does not speak the truth, when generations are indoctrinated / brainwashed via common core educations, when parents allow CC experimentation to mentally harm thier kids and their futures, when Planned Parenthood / baby murdering is widely accepted as normal, when Christians and Whites are openly attacked and vilified by the racists and socialist Marxists in this nation. 

You see the divisions Marxist socialism creates in order to complete their take over of your nation. 

All nations who try lucifers socialism fall into decay, starvation, enslavement only those in power are rich and protected. 

Democracy = socialism = Marxism = communism = luciferianism = spiritual and temporal death of individuals and nations 100% of the time.

 Restore the Constitutional Republic of America, 

or suffer. 
S. T. Huls