Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.

Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.

Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.

Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.

For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.

"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.

Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls

God Bless the Republic of America!

We have Got To Stand Up!!

Saturday, March 21, 2020


I.S.H.O. (International Sasquatch Health Organization)
Issues Warnings to all Sasquatch World Wide!
Avoid ALL Contact, interactions with any humans, especially those
showing signs of sickness
Avoid ALL food items left or abandoned by humans.
Will advise when normal harassment of humans who dare walk into your lands can continue in a normal way.
Remember Safety is priority to keep yourself, mates, younglings safe during these times.
Be safe & wise,

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Exploded Tree = Things I See # 10

During a walk with my daughter on the way back we stopped in an area and noticed this tree, inspector it for how it was broken off around 4-5 feet off the ground. noticed a possible hand grip where something grabbed the tree.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Denial of Truth - Sasquatch DNA Proven years ago!

Warning some claim I have no tact, this could be one of those times.
I am tired of bullies / liars winning, or thinking they won after destroying truth and lives.
If anyone is offended, take a look in the mirror and discover the why you may be offended.
Sasquatch Genome Project Successfully and Professionally scientifically PROVED beyond any honest question. the Reality that Sasquatch is a Real Unknown mixed with female Human DNA.
Truth Denied by Scott Carpenter has the Facts on this modern day conspiracy to hide the truth and facts.

Read a copy of this book, learn the truth, read the study for yourself. and realize. the media, intellectuals in power positions, and those who FEAR truth and facts, results of science vs. their paradigms
Went to great lengths to destroy the news, the facts that Sasquatch are not related to any Ape species, Neanderthals Denisovans, however they are related by mitochondrial DNA is human = female and the nuDNA is Unknown to any known critters on Earth.
Means Human Hybrids are what Sasquatch and it's relations are.
Now Science Fact, that was hidden from the public, be very wicked and dark reasons.
Learn the truth of all things through personal study, on any topic. History has shown many things where a group with agendas an twist the minds, seduce the people by lies. Today Human caused Global warming, iceage, climate issues is one such falsehood. still taught as truth, like the ice age was that never took place.
just a current example.
The Theory of evolution (best guess) is taught Darwinism as truth. yet many of what he Guessed at has turned out incorrect.
You see those in power of education, media, and control can and still do manipulate societies very easily.
they easily divided and manipulated the puppets and others in the bigfoot community,
Go and learn for yourselves. People. not propaganda. Go to the source not 2,3,4,5,6,or longer hand news or opinions of people who never read the study, or learned of the topic they argue against.

Sad times when truth is hidden, due to fear of reprisals of the few elites in power, loss of careers, credibility, jobs, retirements, families, lives.
All because society prefers to believe in the Myths created by those in power. Vs. the Truth that lives in Reality.
I hope you choose Reality vs. the mythology of the controlled and manipulated science and news.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Wallowa Sasquatch Association visits Central Utah Sasquatch study area

Part One

part two

part three

Introducing Wallowa Sasquatch Association to one of the countless study areas in the central Utah mountains where these Mountain Hominoids aka Sasquatch live.
They have a long history in this valley. They are also watching from a distance as we walk through their lands.

New at this video stuff, just is what it is folks, not scripted just real time RAW stuff. 
Curious things for sure. And if you focus on a particular area you become accustom to what is there, or not. 
Thus you can see if changes are made, visitors or locals are in the area and so forth.
Be safe out there. Avoid getting recycled by nature folks.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Letter to Editor Not Allowed? forbidden topic?

Just an update, normally anything you write to the local newspaper in their letter to the editor are 99.9% allowed if no libel issues.
I found a topic that was turned down 3 times so far in the last month.
Was an intro to a problem, offered solutions to victims, and a link for contact. Community Service offer to could call it.
But even after speaking with the editor in charge who was nice and polite. Readjusting the 3rd attempt sent to him.
Has gone unsuccessful.
However any and all forms of political discussions seem to be the main topics allowed at this time.
Contacts mentioned where:
Emails   or 
So if you have had an encounter with these critters, or the unknown and would like to just tell someone about it who will honestly listen, feel fee to submit your encounter.
The goal is to document and see any patterns of behaviors, whys, etc. and to help  people learn how to avoid bad encounters,, what to look for etc.
Now if it ever is published will let you know.
Below is the letter submitted. changed a few things from originals but basically the same. and added my English name vs Cherokee one, in submit form. Guess must be something else they  found objectionable?  or Maybe they don't like the topic, or waiting for a different future date to intro this topic to the surrounding counties their paper covers. Always give them a benefit of doubt I do. 

Many FEAR this subject. This should Not be a hidden subject, but over generations the populace has been trained to ridicule, mock, bully, attack, destroy anyone who speaks of it. No not politics nor religion. What I speak of are those people who for countless generations who have experienced strange, weird, unknown, or scary happenings in the wildlands or lowlands of North America. Ignorance, fake media and lies and coverup of all dark swampy Government agencies who Know of the truths of these matters. Denial, is the 1st and easy path when the FEAR of the unknown or uncomfortable is in play. Why bullies do what they do, they fear what they do not desire to understand the reality and truth of. What is the issue? I shall speak plainly The reality in our lands of the Mountain Hominoids, society and Native American have countless names for these beings. thousands of years of history of negative and good interactions with them. Today I know of their reality for many years now. Thousands of people encounter them in different ways every year, some are on the 411 lists for they have been taken or killed by them. Reality is based upon knowledge, facts, wisdom to learn the truth vs. the easy path of ridicule which is comfortable for most people it seems. In your local region, I know of encounters, stories of such experiences, I am among them. When you see, hear, encounter them many things happen, many are left with forms of PTSD for when you see what society told you does not exist, when you see the alpha predators of the mountains and lowlands, and realize you are at their mercy. Yes PTSD, nightmares, and a lifetime of trying to understand and hiding out of Fear of ridicule from family and the ignorant ones. I invite anyone who would like to share their experiences in order to better understand the behavior of the local species in order to educate others, anonymously is fine. People live in fear of speaking of it. SAD. Contact or if you desire to speak silently of Sasquatch / Bigfoot and other cryptids or strange things that are very real, alive. I actively study them, I
know their clans, families, children, habits. Living all around you in these mountains. Truth is stranger than Fiction. Be safe alert and avoid being recycled by nature.

ReAdjusted, Resubmitted 02 09 2020 1st version not accepted for some reason, could have been
The name / info area. Not sure. Maybe they fear the topic

1st 2 attempts were not approved due to using Cherokee name.
So resubmitted this last week 18-19th maybe. With full name.
Not in this weeks paper, will see if its in the 27th paper next week. If not then there must be a challenge with the topic above.
I did reword it some in the latest edition, time will tell if its accepted.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Things I See # 8 - Myth makers vs. Reality and witness's

Who created myths, who really avoids reality and hangs on to the mythology of society?
Society chooses to follow myths vs. the Reality of eye witness's.
Don't become the Bully when someone tells you their experiences of life, regardless if your own mind cannot yet wrap around the facts.

Friday, February 21, 2020

What I See # 7 - Sasquatch Family and others

Continuation of things seen and found in photos.
A family of Sasquatch discover me.
other possible subjects in different places on the Mountain.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Wallowa Sasquatch Association interviews S. Huls thoughts on Sasquatch

Wallowa Sasquatch Association interviews Stephen Huls - Tsul' Kalu Speaks youtube
To introduce him and his thoughts on this topic to his followers on youtube.

Good meeting, much to say on this topic, but there will be plenty of time for sharing as life moves forward with the local study on this subject. 

Visit link below to see what WSA has been working on. 

Wallowa Sasquatch Association YouTube link

What I See # 6 Female's + Babies

Continuing the journey of discovery and what I do when reviewing video or photos that helps me discover if any subjects are in them.
This is a learning educational journey, just sharing what I am finding and some of the ways I am doing it.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Myths vs. Reality - who decides what is

Who gets to choose what is a myth vs reality?
This is why today many things that are real are declared a myth by some society, some elites who sit behind a desk in a building somewhere on Earth.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

101K subscribers

In the event the YouTube channel gets skidded , the podcast is now available basically everywhere you can find one.  They may try to shut the message down,but they cant win. Possibly grab the podcast links to ensure you remain informed in case the opposition manages to disrupt things a bit.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Things I See # 5 - Multiple Sasquatch's

As the journey continues, I found the clans watcher a large black male. then track ways, and eventually Den Area 1. Where we find Black, White, Brown's. and more, even a white baby sasquatch and some canines. Visit YouTube channel and subscribe for future updates many will be coming. I am going through a years worth of materials and putting them into videos to share my findings. So much more to come... Tsul Kalu Speaks

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Things I See #4 - Foot Prints found in Snow

Things I See #4

Hiking in the snow in a study area testing out doing a video as I go visit an active study area

Foot Prints in the Snow found.

Ongoing study of this area. There are things and happenings that are going on that I have discovered over the last year that may take a while to share with the world.
In time I will share more. This is current 2-01-2020
Most of my discovery will slowly come out over time as I can put together more slideshows to share in videos as I get time to go through the last years discovery.

Visit YouTube channel and subscribe for future updates
many will be coming.
I am going through a years worth of materials and putting them into videos to share my findings.
So much more to come...

Tsul Kalu Speaks

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Things I See #3 - Sasquatch Messing with Hunters, Be Safe out there

Be safe if you seek to find Mountain Hominoids, be aware of your whole environment, Few stories of Sasquatch Messing with local Hunters, This is not a game folks, they can be very aggressive, most stories are of aggressive negative experiences. Seems Rare for good positive or neutral interactions or encounters.
Be safe out there, and Avoid being recycled by nature.
Visit YouTube channel and subscribe for future updates
many will be coming.
I am going through a years worth of materials and putting them into videos to share my findings.
So much more to come...

Tsul Kalu Speaks
If YOU have had strange, unusual, weird, unexplainable experiences in the wild lands or etc. While outdoors, at your home, cabin, ranch, etc. An need some input on how or what happened. Trying to wrap your mind around what happened to you. Or if you would just like to share your experiences you can contact us at email: Sasquatch Research Organization Utah We will listen, assist, etc. for there are Very Real critters out there and society has been train to mock and ridicule or bully what it cannot understand or refuse to admit to themselves out of fear.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Things That I See # 2

Things That I See # 2

The sharing begins, as time permits will be adding to these videos. 
From the last years study, there are thousands of photos some videos that I have been working through. Plenty of things to share. 
The hard part is what to share, when, and in what order. In order to help folks understand that these mountain hominoids do exist, very real. and one must be alert and careful as you study them. 
Such is the journey.
Visit YouTube channel and subscribe for future updates
many will be coming.
I am going through a years worth of materials and putting them into videos to share my findings.
So much more to come...

Tsul Kalu Speaks

If you have had any strange experiences out in the wilds, or close to your home. And you would like to share, compare, learn or help others learn of the behaviors of these hominoids the world over.
We who have had encounters positive, neutral, negative ones. Understand when people share their own experiences. The goal is to help those who desire to understand, come to grips with what happened. And support those who know they are real.

You can contact me here.


please make a note its for Tsul' Kalu Speaks.

If you could assist with a donation to increase the opportunity for better photos / videos.
It would be used towards purchasing a Sigma 60 mm - 600 mm sports F 4 lens great for nature photography. and a teleconverter etc. for it.
With that I am confident that some of the blurry images seen now and in future videos will become clear, maybe even very clear.
I saved up and worked extra this last year to purchase a Cannon 80D EOS camera. my 1st real one.
Prior I have been using my phone camera and later added a adapter to a 80mm spotting scope in the hopes of better photos.
However since the subjects are up higher and 500-1100 yards away usually in the rocks and trees or under them. A better lens with this camera should be able to accomplish many of my goals in obtaining clear photos or videos of the Subjects = Mountain Hominoids = Sasquatch.
Over the year they are staying in the same area, most still remain now even in winter. 
So better tools would assist in the project, study, learning, and sharing what I find with the world.
I normally try to do things on my own, but I feel an urgency for if I had these tools when this all began, we would have more clear or crispy clear evidences vs. the current photos I now have.
So if you would like to send something to help fund this needed lens and other tools, fuel, etc. that would be appreciated. 
If not I understand.


Friday, January 24, 2020

77.2K subscribers
What do you do when we see essentially an entire industry of Youtube content creators, bloggers, cryptozoologists and even PHDs weighing in on  forums, all declare a video or a photo a hoax when you know they’re all wrong? (On video after video) You put their "expertise" to the test. That's what I'm doing here.

An exclusive breakdown for Members and Patrons will be shared next week

- Join the ThinkerThunker Tribe now for only $.99 per month

- Join as a Patron on Patreon now for only $1.00 per month
This guy is very good. worth watching, he does what he does very well.