The Below articles come with videos etc. sounds like there will be 4 phases, these are the first two on the Jade Helm 2015 issue
Follow the links below to view the whole articles with additional video.
Article One:
Article Two:
Article One:
JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections
Stewart on Jade Helm at Liberty Brothers Radio recorded live April 25 2015:
Thank you for reading.
Elias Alias, editor]
JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections
From the Defense Technical Information Center we learn that JADE is an acronym for Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution. Quoting:
system that supports force deployment planning and management. JADE uses case-based and
generative planning methods to support the development of large-scale, complex deployment
plans in minimal time. JADE incorporates the technology of three tools: Prodigy-Analogy (a
combined case-based and generative planner developed by Carnegie Mellon University);
ForMAT (a Force Management and Analysis Tool that supports case-based force deployment
planning developed by BBN Technologies); and PARKA (a highly-indexed knowledge based
management system developed by the University of Maryland).
With JADE, a military planner can build a preliminary force deployment plan, including the
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) in less than one hour. This speed in plan
construction is possible because JADE supports the rapid retrieval and reuse of previous plan
elements for use in the development of new plans. In addition, JADE employs an easy to use
map-oriented drag and drop interface where force modules (FMs) from previous plans (cases)
whose force capabilities and composition match the requirements of the current situation can be
dragged from the case library and dropped onto a geographic destination. Plan modification
and/or adaptation is supported through remindings, e.g., each time that a force module is created
or is copied into a plan (TPFDD) the user is automatically reminded of the need for geographical
At a Scribd page one of the Army’s documents on Jade Helm (JH) answers the question “What Is Jade Helm 15? (2) Here is the official Army explanation:
Let’s look into “UW” first, because JADE HELM 2015 is a “UW” exercise. Back in the year 2011 I wrote a lengthy five-part article for Oath Keepers in response to an Arizona SWAT team which murdered a young Marine war Veteran named Jose Guerena. That article is not available online at present moment, so I apologize for not being able to link readers to the full article. However, I do have most of my notes, which included writings on Unconventional Warfare, and I will now draw from those old notes to answer the question about UW.
Because of the scope of the Jade Helm exercise, this writing will be the first part of a series of articles in which I must take the reader “around the block” on the way to a fuller understanding of not only what UW is, but also how it fits into Technocracy as a tool of something just as hideous — MindWar. MindWar is at the root of JADE HELM 2015, and as Patrick Wood has proven conclusively, the topics relevant to JADE HELM 2015 are tools of Technocracy. We can now show those connections.
So JH15 is a feature of both Unconventional Warfare and MindWar. The Army did not say that — I said it.
Unconventional Warfare and MindWar are the neap and nape of the abstraction presently being called JADE HELM 2015. In follow-up articles I will go into Main Core, Continuity of Government, and MindWar. Because coverage which would be inclusive enough to grant a good mental grasp on the overview of JADE HELM 2015 is too much for one article, we’ll start now with just the one aspect and add subsequent articles one at a time.
We must understand what Unconventional Warfare is before we can fully appreciate what MindWar is. My thoughts on JADE HELM 2015 will incorporate Unconventional Warfare, MindWar (which will be Part Two), and something called “Main Core” (which will be Part Three).
That said, let’s look briefly into Unconventional Warfare.
The U.S. Army’s 2008 manual for Unconventional Warfare is < here > (3) Note: This is a 248-page PDF. Download it while it is still on the Internet, yes?
There is an article at the Federation of American Scientists’ website about the UW manual, < here > (4) From that synopsis we read —
What on earth could cause our military to interest itself with Civil Affairs Operations? Almost equally distasteful, if perhaps a tad bit more understandable, is the military’s interest in Psychological Operations. The Pentagon’s pat answer when questioned about such mischief runs predictably to the (alleged) supposition that America has enemies and those enemies require subtle and deceptive tactics being used to control enemy actions which threaten America. Part of such tactics is the quest to control the “perception” of target populations. It is part of the Defense Department’s rationale that of course America must always have an enemy, for without an enemy there is very little use in having a military, and without a military the arms industry would have to cast far overseas to even exist. In that perspective the military services must aggressively execute preventative operations afield all around the world. Industries which feed at the government trough lobby mightily for a political climate which presents the world with a never-ending parade of conflict and war. That task is assigned to the immoral idiots in WDC who, among other nefarious mis-deeds, perpetually renew the NDAA bills to keep the Pentagon rolling in bucks. Example:
The following video is not a hoax. On September 10, 2001, the day before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon had lost over two trillion dollars during the previous fiscal year. Any American might want to question what the Pentagon was doing with that kind of money in the first place, for the two-plus trillion dollars missing was above and beyond the billions of dollars for which the Pentagon could account. Is the annual Congressional budget for the military now more than two trillion dollars? If we might presume that the Pentagon managed to account for at least more than it cannot account for, we’ll have to realize that the Pentagon’s budget has to be over four trillion dollars. Be that as it may, the Secretary of Defense announced that the Pentagon had lost 2.3 trillion dollars for one fiscal year.
Appendix H THE ROLE OF HISTORY AND CULTURE ……………………………………………….H-1
DEFINITION …………………………………………………………………………………………. J-1
The problem for the one-world government crowd here in America has to do with dissent among We The People, especially when We The People remind our beloved government that the Constitution is the highest law of the land, that we are born with inherent “unalienable rights” provided each of us by, in Thomas Jefferson’s words, “Nature or Nature’s God”. That really rankles the royal fantasies of the immoral idiots in Washington D.C. But I digress…
A large portion of Defense spending now deals with psychological operations which are channeled through the mass media, including public television and the press. That is one facet of Unconventional Warfare. And that is tax-payer funded. As Travis Tritt sang in a song he got from Kostas, “They’re billing me for killing me“. (That song is entitled “Lord Have Mercy On The Working Man”.)
I will spare the reader the dirty secrets surrounding and contained within the Black Budget, for we all now know that it exists. Suffice to say the American people are not being kept informed about the mischief our government in WDC perpetuates. But if we just think about the declared and Congressionally-approved military budget our simple little all-American minds become boggled beyond comprehension. For example, who makes the profit for making all these war things for UNcle Sam?
Fact: There is indeed a “military industrial complex”, just as President Eisenhower said. However, the bulk of the “industrial” side of that complex is primarily building bombs, rockets, missiles, tanks and planes and all sorts of related peripherals. But let’s think about just the “industrial” side of that complex for a moment before going more deeply into the Unconventional Warfare rabbit hole of JADE HELM 2015. We know that World War I was the first time in history that machines were brought to bear on a battlefield. After WWI the ramp-up of military production, engineering, and sales to our government went berserk, as we can see by reading Professor Carroll Quigley’s accounting of the tonnage of military-industrial products created under FDR’s “Lend-Lease Act” and Defense buildup for WWII during the earliest 1940s.
Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace
To have a never-ending run of wars, the Intelligence community, re-established in 1947 after President Truman dissolved the OSS on the heels of WWII, creates America’s enemies so we can all enjoy electric appliances, entertainments, pro sports, large single-family homes in suburbs, nice cars, convenience stores and airplane rides — our whole inorganic lifestyle to which we refer as “Western Civilization”. That is what is at stake, and that is why our arms industry continues to create the implements of war even now that there is not one nation on this earth which is wanting to attack us. And although that has been going on for a half-century or more, and no power on earth can safely challenge U.S. hegemony around the globe, the thinkers and planners became animated after the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989-1991) and decided that since the Cold War was ended and no “enemy” existed, yet another new enemy would have to be created. But by the early 1990s the whole world was by then more or less “plugged in”with rapidly broadcast world-wide news, which made matters difficult for planning the next war. Limited UN actions were kept going, such as G.H.W. Bush-41’s trickery with Saddam Hussein in Iraq, but no serious war could be staged without the UN blowing its top.So they came up with a rollicking borderless War on Terror which could provide a new outlet for the arms industry and an extended excuse to maintain one of the things our Founders cautioned us against — a standing army. I think that they also realized that given proper agitation by our Intelligence community (which works closely with MI-6 of British Intelligence and the MOSSAD from Israel), an endless supply of “enemies” could be perpetually created under the guise of “terrorism”. I cannot *prove* that statement, but am simply saying that it appears that way to me, personally. This is, recall, a “letter from the editor“, not an official Oath Keepers statement of assessment. However, please continue to read this, as I think you may begin to think this way too after enough “coincidences” are laid out for our inspection below.
What Jade Helm 2015 is all about is tied directly to such a policy which creates a constant demand on the military-industrial complex.. But I must ask for the reader’s patience. We must, first of all, establish the context in which, over a period of about ninety years, our war planners gradually shifted from Conventional Warfare, in which we sought to defend our nation “over there” by conventional military might, into Unconventional Warfare, in which our military-industrial complex could continue to thrive while helping Western Civilization survive. That transition from the conventional into the unconventional must be understood before we try to understand the fullest ramifications of Unconventional Warfare as an aspect of JADE HELM 2015.
I say that because the USA has eradicated every possible enemy nation-state on earth since WWI. We won WWI and immediately Wall Street and the City of London financial district began the buildup of the Third Reich. (7)
We defeated the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire in WWII, and once again there was not an enemy left standing who could attack our nation. So, immediately FDR and Josef Stalin and Winston Churdhill met (1945) to create the United Nations. A little bit of Statecraft skullduggery was injected by the likes of Allen Dulles and his pals at the CFR after Yalta. That began an animated, dangerous, and lengthy Cold War, which ran from 1947 to 1991 and saw numerous overseas adventures such as Korea and Vietnam. By proxy, a covert CIA-backed guerrilla war in Afghanistan gave the CIA ten solid years of on-the-job training in the middle east, where they could expand government drug dealing worldwide and hone the skills of evil learned already via the Phoenix Program, which was the assassination program in the clandestine part of the Viet Nam war. Korea and Vietnam were UN wars in which we (America) were part of “coalitions of the willing”, controlled from the start and designed to run indefinitely. That, once discovered during the McNamara Study, was why Daniel Ellsberg decided to leak the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times and thusly begin the end of our involvement in the Viet Nam war. Ellsberg saw that Nixon had no plan to win that war, and LBJ certainly had no such plan. I have been informed that Lady Bird Johnson’s family was a major shareholder in Bell Helicopters (which needed a hot war for field testing, and which spawned new generations of helicopter war machines, which would later be adapted to all sorts of “emergency missions” domestically, including domestic law enforcement). I’m told that Lady Bird also was invested in other international corporations such as Sea-Land Transport. She or her family made a killing on the war.
The USSR crumbled after being bled to death financially by ten years on the ground in Afghanistan and the contemporaneous connivance of financial meddling by the Harvard Trust and the Great Banks of Wall Street, such as Goldman-Sachs, while at the same time fighting a CIA-created guerrilla army of more than thirty thousand Mujahedin.
And here is the clincher. When the Wall of Berlin came down without a shot being fired and everyone knew that yet once again there was no enemy left against which to fight, coincidentally, miraculously, the Mujahedin in Afghanistan morphed into Al Qaeda and the so-called “War on Terrorism” was launched. This new “enemy” was not a nation-state, but was rather whatever the propaganda programs of various governments needed it to be. Some public officials here in America noted that the alleged “War on Terror” would last a hundred years, or beyond our lifetimes. That was a pivot point which produced a tangible turning point from Conventional Warfare to Unconventional Warfare. (There were previous pivots of lesser degree.)
Note in passing please, that the failure of the USSR is exactly the time frame in which terrorism began in our nation. Less than two years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, “terrorists” used a truck-bomb to attack the World Trade Center in 1993. The fact that those “terrorists” had been in part trained by a member of Special Forces from Fort Bragg, who also taught presentations on Arab culture and Jihad while stationed at Fort Bragg, and who also had helped Osama bin Laden move from Sudan to Afghanistan, and who also worked for the FBI and the CIA at the same time he worked for Osama bin Laden, one Mr. Ali Mohamed, has never been openly touted by the CFR-controlled mainstream news media.(8)
The blame for that rests with the self-appointed power-elite world planners who were scrambling to create and maintain a “global economy” and needed to create the “new enemy” in order to do so. In the early 1990s the U.S. manufacturing base was needed by the globalist planners, but now in the mid-2010s we are no longer necessary for their plan. G.H.W. Bush drew up NAFTA and Bill Clinton got it signed into “law”, and we’ve gone downhill economically ever since. G.H.W. Bush-41 also signed us onto the United Nations’ non-binding roster for a program fondly named the “Agenda for the Twenty-first Century”, known in short as simply Agenda-21. (9) So we as a People were asked to accept the shipping of our manufacturing base overseas at the same time we were asked to accept the NGO-executed reforms of the United Nations into our Counties and States. But we were still “Americans”, or so we thought, and could adapt to the changes and keep on keeping on while watching price fluctuations in our economy and infrastructure erosion in our social institutions. And that came to this —
The record of what has progressed since the Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 is perhaps best portrayed by Patrick Wood in his now-famous interview on John B. Wells’ “Caravan To Midnight” (10). It is Technocracy (11), hiding behind the mask of the Trilateral Commission (12), which itself is an extension or outgrowth of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (13), which, finally, is a product of the Rhodes Round Table Group, the accounting of which is most vividly detailed in the writings of Carroll Quigley. (6 & 14) In his auto-biography, as regards the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, Senator Barry Goldwater gave the world a clue:
In the Army’s announcement of JADE HELM 2015 are several examples of applied prevarication and very subtle manipulations of readers’ mindsets. The announcement itself exposes a couple of lies of omission, a style of propaganda/public relation meme-implanting which implies particular presumptions which the Army wants any reader to unconsciously establish mentally. Here is an example, taken from SOC’s announcement:
What are “Special Operations”? And exactly who is prophesying the nature and character of “emerging concepts” in Special Operations? Special Operations are discussed in the U.S. Army’s Field Manual on Unconventional Warfare, and indeed the announcement of Jade Helm 15 flat out states that Jade Helm is an Unconventional Warfare training exercise. That is psy-ops, pure and simple.
Moreover, Special Operations parallels Irregular Warfare in that both, under the umbrella of Unconventional Warfare, rely heavily upon Psychological Operations. All of that brings us to the reality of a Department of Defense doctrine known as “MindWar”. Regular readers here also know that MindWar can be seen as a parallel to, or a style of, Unconventional Warfare, and the two together are targeting the mass-mind of mankind — the “Human Domain”. The Army’s document entitled “From PSYOP To MindWar” makes it clear that the American people are not excluded from U.S. military MindWar, just as the above phrase from SOF implies subtly, without spelling it out, that America must be a part of “anywhere in the world”. We must not overlook such nuances.
Jade Helm 15 has got the desired traction in the public discourse. It began going viral in April 2015, and a whirl of seething perceptions are featured in an endless variety and range of every conceivable perspective on just what Jade Helm 15 is, what it is really designed to accomplish, and what it signifies. It strikes many people as a portentous government plan, a pre-fabricated and pre-constructed umbrella under which a black op by the Deep State’s compartmentalized agencies could possibly “Go Live” in a fantastic sort of Shock and Awe False Flag psycho-coup to jar the public mind of America through fear into acceptance of some nefarious policy the government desired, such as the establishment of Martial Law and the complete loss of individual liberty and our Constitution. To do that, the public mind must be conditioned first. That is part of what is behind the Special Operation Command’s Jade Helm 15.
Jade Helm 15 would “Master The Human Domain”, plain and simple. They even advertise that intent in their logo.
One of the most pregnant hints about the nature of the JADE HELM 2015 exercises is this “Human Domain” concept. The term is interchangeable with “Human Terrain” and also with “Human Dimension”. Which term is used at a particular time or in a particular study depends on which group or company or government De;artment is addressing matters of interest about how we mere humans see, think, and act in an “environment”. To get an introductory glimpse into the concept we can begin with an interesting advocacy for this sort of science found in a 2012 article at Trajectory Magazine. (16)
The article by Trajectory Magazine is “A Brief Overview of Activity Based Intelligence and Human Domain Analytics,” by Mark Phillips. Here are a couple of passages from that article:
The Pentagon’s Human Terrain, beyond the Human Terrain System
Mapping the Terrain of War Corporatism: The Human Terrain System within the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex
So we are beginning to learn a small glimpse of the magnitude of thie Psychological Operations thing which is at the core of the JADE HELM 0215 exercises. And that is my problem in trying to write this series of articles on JADE HELM 2015 — the subject is too big! Its tentacles reach into every aspect of our lives, from 20th Century American history to our cultural mores, our societal infrastructure and institutions, Federal involvement in local education within our States and Counties, the mischief of the Federal Reserve System, the role our insane government plays in the United Nations, criminality as applied by the IRS, militarization of our local police, undeclared wars abroad, NSA spying world-wide as well as domestically, malum prohibitum law enforcement guised as the “war on drugs”, berserk Census Bureau spying and intrusion, Agenda 21 complicity at all levels of government — all that and more is now of interest to us because all of that must be defended by our beloved Holy Government — and to defend it the government must demonize any American who dissents against such travesties. In short, as noted above, the government sees its duty as including perpetual creation of an “enemy” to justify its activity, its concentration of power from the several States into its tiny ten-square mile sphere at WDC, and its totally multifaceted debauchery of our Constitution.
I’ll close this for now and continue writing Part Two. Here is a video with which to close. I salute David Knight and Rob Dew of InfoWars dot com for an outstanding job of investigative journalism. Link for this video at Infowars’ site:
I may edit this article in coming days. First edit is on May 15 2015.
I want to thank each reader who has read this first installment all the way through, and especially those who granted themselves permission to spend some extra hours going over the footnotes and viewing the videos. You are the hope for America. Thank You!
Elias Alias, editor
5) Strategic Vision: America And The Crisis Of Global Power by Zbigniew Brzezinski; copyright 2012 by Zbigniew Brzezinski; published by Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016; ISBN: 978-0-465-02954-9 (hardcover) & 978-0-465-02955-6 (ebook).
6) Carroll Quigley at Wikipedia:
6a) Quigley, “Tragedy And Hope”, page 713. TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN OUR TIME
by Carroll Quigley; copyright 1966 by Carroll Quigley; first published by Macmillan, New York; current publisher: GSG and Associates, Post Office Box 590, San Pedro, California, 90733; phone – 310-548-3455; Library of Congress catalog card member: 65-13589.
7) WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER by Antony C. Sutton; copyright 1976; Publisher: Seveni Press, P.O. Box 2686, Seal Beach, California 90740; ISBN: 0-89245-328-3. — Read this book online here:
8) Ali Mohamed:
9) A pioneer in exposing Agenda 21 is Michael Shaw. Bookmark his site and sign up for his newsletters.
10) Technocracy Rising , the interview reproduced at Oath Keepers:
14) The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley; copyright 1981 by Books In Focus, Inc., P.O. Box 3481, Grand Central Station, New York, New York 10163; published by Books In Focus, Inc.; ISBN: 0-916728-50-1.
15) With No Apologies by Senator Barry Goldwater; copyright 1979 by Barry Goldwater; published by William Morrow And Company, Inc.; 105 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016; ISBN: 0-688-03547-7.
16) Trajectory Magazine active link:
Article Two:

In my first installment on JADE HELM 2015 we looked briefly into Unconventional Warfare, which is the characterizing nature of the design of the JADE HELM 2015 exercises. Because JADE HELM 2015 (JH15) is a military exercise on the surface and a psychological operation beneath its surface, we also looked at the basic notation of Twentieth Century warfare, which was primarily “Conventional Warfare”.
We noted that at the end of each of the Twentieth Century’s three great wars, (two “World Wars” and one “Cold War”), there were no “enemies” left to threaten America. Yet we also noted that after each of the three major wars, after America had conquered her latest “enemy”, somehow, miraculously, a new “enemy” emerged, right on time.
We noted some observations about the military-industrial complex. We saw that after our victory in the Cold War (1991) a new “enemy” was needed but that international tensions were too high to risk an overtly declared war against any non-aggressing nation-state, leaving the Power Elite’s world planners with only “people” to target for war. That of course surfaced as the so-called “War on Terror”, which was sold to the world on engineered perceptions in response to several peak-effect “terrorist attacks” which conveniently happened after the USSR dissolved.
Speaking about terrorism here in America, there was the 1993 WTC bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City Federal building bombing, and the attacks of 9/11/2001. Interestingly, there exist numerous valid questions surrounding each of those events — but, such questions aside, and taken only at face value, the three peak “terrorist” events produced reactions within America’s governance which have caused our government to attack our country’s founding legal documents — and our liberty.
Also in part one we noted that the militarization of our local police and the pre-positioning of military/battlefield equipment around the country has been reported in Smalltown, USA.
In this installment we will look first at more items of interest found in the Army’s 2008 manual on Unconventional Warfare and then begin to move into MindWar. Because of the sheer size of the phenomenon, we will only introduce MindWar in this installment and go more deeply into MindWar in part three of this series.
More On Unconventional Warfare
Allow me to repeat here the ten Appendix titles found on page ii in the table of contents for the Army’s 2008 UW manual:Appendix B THE INFORMATIONAL INSTRUMENT OF NATIONAL POWER………………..B-1
Appendix H THE ROLE OF HISTORY AND CULTURE ……………………………………………….H-1
I notice that there is no mention of the following:
In that document our geniuses-in-command speak in subdued but yet imperialistic rhetoric like pigs at the global empire’s trough —
1-2. Enabling a resistance movement or insurgency entails the development of an underground and guerrilla forces, as well as supporting auxiliaries for each of these elements. Resistance movements or insurgencies always have an underground element. The armed component of these groups is the guerrilla force and is only present if the resistance transitions to conflict. The combined effects of two interrelated lines of effort largely generate the end result of a UW campaign. The efforts are armed conflict and subversion. Forces conduct armed conflict, normally in the form of guerrilla warfare, against the security apparatus of the host nation (HN) or occupying military. Conflict also includes operations that attack and degrade enemy morale, organizational cohesion, and operational effectiveness and separate the enemy from the population. Over time, these attacks degrade the ability of the HN or occupying military to project military power and exert control over the population. Subversion undermines the power of the government or occupying element by portraying it as incapable of effective governance to the population.
A special report; How a Plot Convulsed Iran in ’53 (and in ’79)
By JAMES RISEN * Published: April 16, 2000But a copy of the agency’s secret history of the 1953 coup has surfaced, revealing the inner workings of a plot that set the stage for the Islamic revolution in 1979, and for a generation of anti-American hatred in one of the Middle East’s most powerful countries.
The document, which remains classified, discloses the pivotal role British intelligence officials played in initiating and planning the coup, and it shows that Washington and London shared an interest in maintaining the West’s control over Iranian oil. The operation, code-named TP-Ajax, was the blueprint for a succession of C.I.A. plots to foment coups and destabilize governments during the cold war — including the agency’s successful coup in Guatemala in 1954 and the disastrous Cuban intervention known as the Bay of Pigs in 1961. In more than one instance, such operations led to the same kind of long-term animosity toward the United States that occurred in Iran.
The history says agency officers orchestrating the Iran coup worked directly with royalist Iranian military officers, handpicked the prime minister’s replacement, sent a stream of envoys to bolster the shah’s courage, directed a campaign of bombings by Iranians posing as members of the Communist Party, and planted articles and editorial cartoons in newspapers…. Two days after the coup, the history discloses, agency (CIA) officials funneled $5 million to Iran to help the government they had installed consolidate power.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the War Hawks of the PNAC
In their “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” document which the Project For A New American Century (PNAC)
presented to the White House in the year 2000, this band of
gore-seeking idiots were promoting global empire as the ultimate
manifestation of the American Empire. With the same attitude which drove
Sir Cecil Rhodes to create the Rhodes Round Table groups in the late
1800s/early 1900s for the purpose of promoting the British Anglo-Saxon
Empire around the planet, these berserk ego-centric war planners,
submerged mentally in their own conceit and fantasies of POWER, noted
the following:US Army Civil Disturbances April 2014
ATP 3-39.33 provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and out side the continental United States (OCONUS). United States (U.S.) forces deploy in support of unified action, overseas contingency operations, and humanitarian assistance worldwide. During these operations, U.S. forces are often faced with unruly and violent crowds who have the intent of disrupting peace and the ability of U.S. forces to maintain peace. Worldwide instability coupled with U.S. military participation in unified-action, peacekeeping, and related operations require that U.S. forces have access to the most current doctrine and techniques that are necessary to quell riots and restore public
Successful outcomes that follow civil disturbance situations are based on proper planning, Soldier and equipment employment, and on-the-ground decisions that are made by leaders and members of the control force who are face-to-face with an unruly, or potentially unruly, crowd. ATP 3-39.33 discusses and
describes the techniques that are used by Army forces who are conducting civil deterrence or response missions to civil disturbances.
In the past century, there have been countless examples of civil disturbance situations around the world. The size and scope of these civil disturbances varied from small gatherings of people who were verbally protesting to full-blown riots that resulted in property destruction and violence against others. Over the past decade, law enforcement and professional experts have come to understand crowd dynamics. A better understanding of human behavior and crowd dynamics and technological advancement has led to improved responses to crowd control.
This publication covers a wide array of information that concerns civil disturbances along with the techniques that are used to quell or disperse those who are causing the disturbance. This publication discusses crowd dynamics and human behaviors, crowd types, control force basic equipment requirements, and control force formations. This publication also discusses planning requirements and recommendations and the legalities that are involved with civil disturbances and control forces.
I would also like to note that among all the departments and agencies of government, including the military, there exists no office devoted to the promotion of personal responsibility and/or the personal liberty which comes with, and only with, personal responsibility. Certainly, the masterminds, analysts, and think-tankers in modern America couldn’t care less about such things. An example of that is found in the wording of the allegedly fictitious “Report From Iron Mountain“. From that paper’s Introduction:
While Unconventional Warfare is but one facet on the polished gem of Defense Department operations, Unconventional Warfare is now a reality for the several States of the American union, and that is because, from the military planners’ perspective of emotional detachment from moral (and spiritual) considerations in using the INSTRUMENTS of NATIONAL POWER, the practical aspects of MindWar are mirrored in JADE HELM 2015. All of us — all Americans — are part of the Global Human Domain and thereby fall under the surveillance state’s targeting of all humans “anywhere/everywhere” in the world.
We must note, even emphasize, the fact that the U.S. military is an arm of the General government in WDC. We see clearly that Unconventional Warfare doctrine is focused on “NATIONAL POWER”. Sadly, we note that nothing in UW doctrine concerns itself with STATE POWER, or with INDIVIDUAL POWER. It only is concerned with NATIONAL POWER. I would submit that military planners and private-sector Defense contractor planners (think tanks and such, as we will see below) totally overlook some basic facts of our Union. We The People created the several States, and, acting through the several States subsequently created the General government. All purpose assigned to the General government created by our Constitution is to protect God-given unalienable rights of every Individual within the united States in compact. The Constitution does not authorize a standing army to presume that the Union of States somehow negates State sovereignty. Indeed, as fellow Board member Sheriff Mack’s Supreme Court victory over the Clinton Administration in 1997 reports, the Constitution created a “system of dual sovereignty“, recognizing the proper historic role of the States which, after all, created the General government for their purposes, which, again, was to protect Natural God-given unalienable Rights of all the Individuals in each of the several States.
Yet the military-industrial complex totally overlooks that perspective, and because that complex overlooks the reality of our history it can satisfy itself in simply focusing on NATIONAL POWER while excluding any consideration of the several States and their respective POWER and also excluding your and my right of INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL POWER.
The Army’s 2008 document on Unconventional Warfare introduces its innocent-sounding mischief with a humble explanation about how and why history evolved from Conventional Warfare into Unconventional Warfare, thusly:uniformed regulars who, in combination with guerrilla raiders and a rebellious population, won American
independence. In the 19th century, the United States further developed its military power sufficient to
expand and defend a young continental nation. In the 20th century, the United States used its unparalleled
military power to successfully conclude two world wars and provide the credibility required to win a third
(albeit “Cold”) war. The late 20th century understood the fullest manifestation of actual (or potential) war
thus defined as the large-scale mobilization and total commitment of massive organizations wielding
immense destructive power.
States possesses overwhelming conventional military superiority, and other nation-states recognize that a
direct military threat to the United States is a losing proposition. Therefore, large-scale and direct
conventional war against the United States is increasingly unlikely. Competition in the international
environment using all instruments of power, however, remains timeless and continuous. Competitors now
concentrate on the nonmilitary instruments of power in the natural intercourse between nations. Most such
intercourse remains peaceful and routine. Enemy competitors, however, use the instruments of power as
weapons. Moreover, not all modern enemy competitors are synonymous with nation-states.
But we must now ask, “What does that mean for the “industrial” part of the military-industrial complex?” Recall that in part one of this series we noted that the American economy (and its manufacturing base) is significantly dependent upon production of war-fighting equipment — planes, ships, tanks, “things that go boom in the night”, and such. Any sharp decrease in that sort of production is bound to affect negatively our economy to one degree or another, and would threaten to send our nation’s economy back toward the Great Depression of the 1930s. I would suggest that global planners and American so-called “Leaders”, such as Presidents and their Cabinets, Departments, Agencies, assorted politicians, powerful corporate executives, and the Department of Defense itself, became, after the dissolution of the USSR, dependent upon “competitors” who are not “nation-states”. Their template had been established with the co-called “War on Drugs” decades earlier. So here is their rationale for turning to the highly-secret dark knights of the National Security State (NSS), i.e., the black-ops underbelly of the Intelligence Community, in hopes they could produce “non-nation-state competitors” to continue an imagined need for goods produced and distributed by the military-industrial complex.
methods for compelling an enemy to do one’s will. Avoiding the advantages of U.S. military power, these
international actors seek to erode the ability of the United States to employ that comparative advantage.
Using the other instruments of power—especially the informational—they seek to employ what is variably
referred to as “irregular,” “asymmetric,” or “unrestricted” warfare. Even when violence is joined, direct
methods are generally avoided for the classic techniques of guerrilla warfare, terrorism, sabotage,
subversion, and insurgency.
Dissent now falls outside the hypnotized norm. Irregular tactics are the only tactics with which to strike blows against the Empire. It never occurs to the military planners, nor indeed to all Federal agencies and departments which seek to control every aspect of our personal lives and to formulate the constructs of our very perception and mentality, that Americans have a right to regulate the activity of such governmental institutions.
Therefore, whenever we dissent or object, or whenever we bring up the limitations placed on government by Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, We The People ourselves are targeted as “extremists” and “potential terrorists” and “threats to law enforcement”. Don’t believe that? Here are two examples which remove all doubt:
The leaked (DHS Fusion Center) MIAC Report of 2009:
Leaked DHS Rightwing Extremist Report of 2009:
The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks….
DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence.
missions conceived as a part of this unconventional enterprise were added or subtracted. The common
conceptual core has nevertheless remained as working by, with, or through irregular surrogates in a
clandestine and/or covert manner against opposing actors. It is common for definitions to evolve, and
ARSOF have distilled the definition below to highlight the essentials of UW and eliminate the nonessential.
In this era of definitional and conceptual change, ARSOF—and its joint, interagency, and multinational
partners—must be unified with a clear and concise understanding of the UW core mission.
Operations conducted by, with, or through irregular forces in support of a resistance
movement, an insurgency, or conventional military operations.
FM 3-05.201, (S/NF) Special Forces Unconventional Warfare (U)
28 September 2007
such surrogates must be irregular forces. Moreover, this definition is consistent with the historical reasons
that the United States has conducted UW. UW has been conducted in support of both an insurgency, such
as the Contras in 1980s Nicaragua, and resistance movements to defeat an occupying power, such as the
Mujahideen in 1980s Afghanistan. UW has also been conducted in support of pending or ongoing
conventional military operations; for example, OSS/Jedburgh activities in France and OSS/Detachment 101
activities in the Pacific in WWII and, more recently, SF operations in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM
(OEF)/Afghanistan in 2001 and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF)/Iraq in 2003. Finally and in keeping
with the clandestine and/or covert nature of historical UW operations, it has involved the conduct of classified surrogate operations. Details of classified operations are in FM 3-05.20, (C) Special Forces
Operations (U), and FM 3-05.201.
1-11. The definition establishes a “litmus test” for clearly differentiating UW from other activities and
clearly establishes the purpose for conducting UW. Including the idea of “by, with, or through surrogates”
eliminates any confusion with unilateral direct action (DA), special reconnaissance (SR), or
counterterrorism (CT) missions. Identifying the historically demonstrated use of irregular forces as
surrogates in the definition eliminates any confusion with foreign internal defense (FID) or coalition
activities using regular forces. The clearly stated purpose of UW to support insurgencies, resistance
movements, and conventional military operations not only eliminates the possibility of incorrectly
characterizing UW as solely an IW activity but also articulates UW’s relevance to the Army and joint force
by specifying support to other operations.…
members of a regular armed force, police, or other internal security force. They are
usually nonstate-sponsored and unconstrained by sovereign nation legalities and
boundaries. These forces may include, but are not limited to, specific paramilitary
forces, contractors, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistance
or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries,
disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or
political “undesirables.”
Bluntly put, the U.S. Army’s manual on Unconventional Warfare specifically informs us that Unconventional Warfare works through “irregulars” (non-nation-state affiliated or non-state-sponsored) or “irregular forces” and they are useful as “surrogates” for clandestine or covert Psy-Ops or other useful purposes, and those “surrogates” include “expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries,
disillusioned transnational terrorism members…”
The Unconventional Warfare document from 2008 is likely as close as we’ll ever see the government come to admitting that they use terrorists as surrogates in Psy-Ops. There it is in black and white. DHS and the SPLC can eat their hearts out, eh?
Want an example of how a surrogate can be used in a Psy-Op? A classic case is Timothy McVeigh, who only learned about the bombs inside the Murrah Federal Building after he was arrested. He willingly parked a truck bomb in front of that building with intent to bomb the building, but the FBI/ATF had not told him aforehand that the building was loaded with other bombs which would blow the building “out”. McVeigh learned about the other bombs only after he was in jail. He was a willing dupe, and government black-ops agents used him to slam dissent in our country over the Waco, Texas mass murder by ATF, the FBI, and some Delta Force military assets. Oh? Did some reading this not know about the other bombs inside that building? These film clips were withdrawn later that very day, after they had first been aired locally and nationally on public television:
But some readers may not be ready to believe that the dark underside of our dear government would do such things as blowing up a building for Psy-Op purposes, or using “terrorists” as “surrogates” in Psy-Op events which could be splattered all over the media to impress certain psychological memes into the public mind. To those who still doubt such things I say: Now you’ve seen it in black and white in the UW manual, and now you’ve seen film footage showing what really was happening that morning after the truck bomb went off in Oklahoma City. But since you’re still not impressed with the seriousness of a military training exercise based on Unconventional Warfare, that being JADE HELM 2015, let’s look a bit deeper down this rabbit hole for proof no one on earth can deny. Here are a couple of snapshots of the Northwoods Document which James Bamford obtained through an FOIA back in the year 2000:
(Note: The active link for the Northwoods Document is: ) If you have never read this document, by all means read the whole document now. It is a fairly brief document and will chill your blood.


Readers who do not want to download that document may read a brief summary of the thing at Wikipedia:
This was written by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and sent to the Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara, to present to President Kennedy for approval. It’s now an undeniable part of American history. And yes, as the document shows, even as far back as 1962 the military had “drones”, could fly airplanes from ground-based controls. And even in 1962 the Pentagon conceived blowing up buildings in Miami and Washington D.C. and blame the “terrorism” on Cuba, as part of a massive Psy-Op to cause the American people to support the desired war against Cuba. Read the whole document — it’s an eye-opener, and it’s “real”.
To “Map the Human Terrain” of the American people this insane “exercise” called JADE HELM 2015 unabashedly declares that it shall be an Unconventional Warfare drill conducted (with township, County, and State “permission”) right here on U.S. soil. Let’s take a break and view this very interesting revelation by C-SPAN, which poses a valid question — Why on earth would the military need to train on U.S. private and public land when the taxpayers have paid through the nose to erect, on an actual military base, a perfectly suitable training area for such activity?
[ Original url: ]
$170 Million Mock City Rises At Marine Base
How can I say that? Well, let’s look more deeply into the matter by noting this tidbit, because another aspect of Unconventional Warfare involves the Army’s Civil Affairs sections:
Link good as of May 11 2015
Psychological Operations (PSYOP) uses persuasion and public communication to influence perceptions and encourage desired behavior among foreign target audiences. The cornerstone of PSYOP is truth, credibly presented to convince a given audience to cease resistance or take actions favorable to friendly force intentions. PSYOP soldiers provide the commander with the ability to communicate information to large and small audiences via face-to-face, radio, television, internet, print and/or other forms of media. Their language skills, cultural awareness, regional orientation and knowledge of communications media provide a means to deliver critical information to a target audiences [sic] to achieve the desired effect.
Civil Affairs and PSYOP units provide support to theater commanders to assist them in meeting their global commitments.
But Civil Affairs is a sister to Psychological Operations, and both are integral parts of Unconventional Warfare as well as being arenas in which JADE HELM 2015 will function in our towns and States – with Psy-Warriors dressed in civilian clothes. Did you catch that line about “Psychological Operations (PSYOP) uses persuasion and public communication to influence perceptions and encourage desired behavior…”? While the Army is always careful to use the implied disclaimer stating that all such mischief is targeting “foreign” countries, as if to suggest to inquiring minds that the Army would never do such trickery against the American people, we yet recall the two leaked documents from Homeland Security from 2009, and we add this scenario from the infamous Colonel Benson over at Fort Leavenworth, who decided to take DHS seriously and devised a training scenario in which “Tea Party” civilians in South Carolina were the “enemy”.
How the U.S. Military Would Crush a Tea Party Rebellion
In my next installment, part three, we’ll get into MindWar. Let’s close this installment with an excellent video from InfoWars, with a salute to David Knight and Rob Dew for strong journalism and solid research:
The Report From Iron Mountain is available at Amazon dot com
The Greature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve, by G. Edward Griffin
Excellent article on Jimmy Carter’s “October Surprise”:
Part One of this series on JADE HELM 2015 is here:
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