Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.
Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.
Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.
Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.
For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.
"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.
Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls
Was it all but a dream? Not long ago in the myths of old there was a young
nation that was born upon our land. It was tired of the tyranny of their Kings
and Lords who did treat them no better than slaves upon our shores. They taxed
them and punished them every way they could with over burdening regulations from bureaucracy across the sea.
One day enough it was said, and after years of whining and begging and the
words of hope exhausted the only solution left came to fruition.
We break away; declare our independence we desire the Freedoms granted to
us by God not of any Earthly rulers. We claim these lands promised to us from
above to rule ourselves not of man but with the influence of Gods true laws.
So stand they did and war came soon, for their tyrants did not like these
upstarts from their colonies across the sea. They sent their armies and navies
they did, they used spies and intrigue and all forms of tyranny to stop their
slaves from obtaining their freedoms for such were the orders from the King.
Not all stood, nor did all fight. Only 3% on these lands had the honor and
bravery to stand against the tyranny. Without much support neither from the
populace all around, nor from their newly formed Congress did they receive much
support in the ways of pay, food, clothing and arms.
The nations of the Earth stood and shook their heads only one joined and
assisted to fight beside this young nation. After years of bloodshed,
sacrifices so great. When the tyrants finally understood this young land was
here to stay. With only the sacrifices of the people and the assistance of
Heaven above the young nation found its freedoms granted by Father above.
Then years yet came as the new nation began to change. Politician’s
abounded with suggestions on how to rule their new land. Finally it was written
a new document so rare. That it resembled little else ever written on this
Earth in its long history of man.
A constitution of rules of laws and guidelines that allowed the Freedoms
of moral choice, the freedom of self-defense and freedom to worship as they
chose to do without oppression from any leaders of any kind.
Now for years it survived and flourished so well, the worlds tired and
worn out by their own tyrants flocked to our shores. The nation was built upon
the immigrants of the world and we melted into a new nation full of hope and
full of dreams.
But soon the years went on and the tyranny showed again, not from foreign
lands but from our own leaderships upon our new lands. Government grew larger
and taxes demanded to feed the growing giant into what is now upon this land.
As a ferocious hungry beast from the history of ancient times, it has
grown to the point today where we no longer recognize our lands. The people are
re-enslaved by taxation's that abound; our freedoms once gained no longer exist
upon these lands. We have glimpses of hope and shards are left of what was once
the freest nation upon the Earth but now we are no better than the tyrants of
other lands.
Greed has come to the leaders of towns and counties and cities and states
and on the national agenda we have such corruption it’s a great cancer upon our
lands. What the future will hold is yet to be seen for the laws of God our
Creator are now spurned all over these lands.
Pride, Greed, Lusts, Corruption and all forms of secret combinations to
now flourish upon these lands.
The Executive Branch, Legislative and now the Supreme Judges have joined in
the great lawlessness upon these our once free lands. Good has become evil and
evil has been deemed good. For such do the wicked say once they rule the lands.
The illusion is there, and many won’t see, nor will they hear the warnings
for they close their ears. And with eyes so focused on their entertainments and
distractions they won’t discover until too late they are no longer free.
Such is the dream that was once America, when the wicked few took over
control of all education, ruling and lands. They screamed all their lies and
convinced enough to follow and in doing so caught up many in their webs of
darkness that we can all behold.
This cancer is so great only a return to the original laws can save us,
the Constitution in a pure form. With the Father above the true God of these
lands even Jesus Christ who assisted in the founding of this our promise lands.
Only when we return to God and humble ourselves and soon, can we reverse
the plight we face at this time. If we refuse then we shall go the way of all
other lands, Lucifer’s minions will delight in our destruction as his darkness
fills these lands.
But a day will come in the future when more than the original 3% will
stand, and by the millions shall the humble both poor and great will rise up to
defend our lands. After much turmoil to come we shall conquer the darkness and
Restore the Constitutional Laws upon this land.
The time to choose is now at hand, will you follow them tyrants or join
the Freedom Patriots with God assisting their hand?
Choose well for in the end we know who wins, here is a great hint darkness
shall fall in the end.
In these days I find many on Earth and in America
much confusion on many topics.
I shall seek to address a few of them, they are controversial
and my comments though they be based upon facts and rules of Eternal Laws that
are unchanging may cause those who read these words to choose anger, hate,
retaliations, or other choices that lead to the dark side of the soul.
That said, I seek not to anger, nor to persecute but
to educate and to enlighten the world on this topic. Many will not understand,
many will reject, many will find any excuse to ignore and many will not accept
my sources or not all of them. That is fine with me. Think and believe as you
wish for that is your Eternal Moral Agency and Freedom to do so.
Now with no anger nor negativity in my soul on this
issue I shall endeavor to speak facts, truth, and assumptions based upon the
knowledge I have gained over my lifetime. I shall be blunt and to the point.
Where you go from there is completely up to you.
What is Marriage?
According to a very few minorities in America and on
Earth it is whatever the person invents it to be in order to feel better about
their choices in Earths mortal life.
According to the Holy Books that have been compiled
and brought forth for us to learn from in our current days. These references I
shall use. The Holy Bible is the book or stick or scroll of Juda a Tribe of the
Ancient House of Israel. This book contains the remnants of the massive
knowledge from the Creator to his creation of Humankind on this Earth. He the
Creator is God, our Heavenly Father. He has always spoken his wisdom and guidance
to humanity since the days of our 1st parents Adam and Eve. To guide
and to educate us in the correct paths that lead to peace and true happiness
during mortal life on Earth and our future lives in Eternal realms to come.
After the countless Prophets and others who have received
guidance or revelations from him for their personal lives or for the whole of
humanity we find many of the written accounts are lost, destroyed or hidden.
Some are actually kept in great vaults on Earth purposefully hidden from the
whole in order to have those in power abuse and control others, as these
records do teach against their ideology or ways of corruption. But that is
another story.
So because of the house of Juda or the Jews we have
today the Holy Bible, most used is the King James Version so I will have that
as a source.
My other reference book is another witness to the
truths found in the Holy Bible; it is the sacred record like unto the Holy
Bible of the Eastern lands but deals with a branch of my ancestors who were
guided out of Israel before the Babylonian captivity around 600 BC. This book
like the Bible contains the Creators dealings with a branch of the house of
Israel that was guided across the great oceans to their promised lands, they
are a branch of the house of Joseph of Egypt as spoken of in the Holy Bible.
They are the principal ancestors of the Native Peoples of Eastern Northern
America. This is the Book of Mormon, For such are my people and my ancestors and our legends. So I will use
these two witnesses’ as a team in my attempt to enlighten and teach the wisdom the
Creator has given us through these two sources.
Marriage as Defined by God, Creator, Father in
Marriage is only between a man and a woman. Adam and
Eve were married / bonded by the Father for the purpose of eternal progression
and for life on this Earth.
There is in Eternal principal of this, Before the
Earth and this Universe was created there always has been male and female
spirits, humans, eternal beings. So
marriage is required for eternal progression and for procreation.
The act of procreation was designed only to be used
under the lawful marriage of man and woman. To assist in the commandments given
to our 1st parents to multiply and replenish the Earth with children
and families. For the family also is an eternal element.
Nowhere in any Holy Book in the last 6000yrs do I
find this element for human growth and joining for the blessing of creating
life and families ever nullified. It is simple and truth. All society throughout
the world be they Christ followers, Jehovah, Creator etc. All have this natural
desire to be joined or to be married /
bonded a woman and a man prior to creating families. From the most modern city
to the deepest jungles or distant Islands. All humans understand this as a necessary
and natural process. Because God our Father instilled it in our very souls.
These are the facts of marriage and the basis for
human families and the only designed place for the powers of procreation to be
What are the procreation powers? To keep it simple
for the masses its termed Sex in our modern society.
The power to join God in the Creation of life on
this Earth was only designed to be used under the bonds of marriage to create
families and to bring the unity of the couple closer together in their
Today as history repeats we find society has chosen
to abuse this rule of natural laws for humanity. They desire to take the sacred
act of coupling from the civilized and intended use. To no more than that of
the animals of nature, to be used as a toy, for pleasure only, no responsibility
for its uses nor its consequences. Thus we see again the degradation of society
and the destruction of families and the harm such practices of abuse of this
sacred power of procreation bring upon humanity. Due to pride, selfishness etc.
we see people use all forms of excuses to make themselves feel comfortable in
the abuse of this eternal law. If they feel better it matters not, it is still
breaking an Eternal principle and law. Sex is only designed for a married
couple. The two Holy Books I reference and the legends, myths, teachings
outside them of old all state the same thing. Abuse of this, ignoring this, we
see it destroy families, society, and human kind all over the world. Creating
much abuse, much hardship, pain, suffering even unneeded deaths all because of
the selfish abuse of this eternal law.
If you believe in a divine being a Creator a God,
then you must also agree this being would give us guidance and council to live
our lives here on Earth. As any loving parent would do.
Based upon my knowledge both of temporal study as
well as spiritual learning and interaction with knowledge granted by the Spirit
of truth, Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or messenger of truth whatever term fits
your understanding. The spirit guide from God to assist us in our learning here
on Earth about truth. I find there is a common understanding of a life before
we were born on Earth.
I understand this to be a pre Earth life. During
this time we had a great council of all the spirits in the heavens. It was
about how we were to be governed, to live when we came to this Earth as mortal
In this council there were 2 plans put forth, 1 by
Lucifer who became a fallen Angel and a Devil. For he demanded he be in control
of all the billions of spirits during their lives on Earth that he would force
all to do good, so non would be lost or damned. He is the father of all known tyranny
since the Earth was designed.
The 2nd plan was put forth by the
Messiah, Jesus Christ. His was a harder road for it allowed us to continue
along the eternal laws of Free Moral Agency of choice. Be they correct or
incorrect we would learn and be responsible for our choices made in life.
Knowing we would break the laws / rules of God pertaining to mortality Christ
knew a Savior would be needed for the process of Repentance and Forgiveness of
our mistakes would be needed. Thus he offered himself as the sacrifice to overcome
the laws of eternal justice and to overcome the natural laws of mortality –
death. So we would all be able to one day after our graduation from this life
(death) be reunited or become immortal and eternal beings. This has taken
We as spirits chose to follow the plan of Christ.
Lucifer was angered and being a huge narcissist he rebelled against God and was
able to convince 1/3rd of the hosts of Heaven to follow him and
there was a War in Heaven. This rebellion was put down. The punishment for
those who rebelled was to never be able to receive their own physical mortal
body, thus their progression or evolution of eternal nature was stopped or
damned from that point on.
So I mention this in order for all to understand
where my thoughts are about what is to come next. Thus placing it in context
for your understanding.
Lucifer and his minions were denied mortal bodies,
they were angered by this and promise to do all in their powers to destroy all
who came to this Earth, all who would receive the blessing of a mortal body.
This is their goal to stop, abuse, destroy, pervert all of Fathers laws, rules
and abuse all of humanity on all levels.
This being their goal as stated you will now
hopefully understand what follows.
Intellectually thinking, since Lucifer wanted to
degrade and to abuse the powers of procreation how would he do it?
Therein lays his many devices, tactics and twisted
ideologies. We have the power of procreation to co-created life. The act of
procreation designed to bring pleasure in the bonds of marriage to strengthen the
bond of the couple.
What Lucifer has been able to do is tempt humanity
since the days of our 1st parents to abuse, corrupt, degrade this
act. From whispering in the minds of humanity you no longer need be married to
enjoy these pleasures of the flesh. That do what feels good, for it mattered
not. For there is no God, thus no punishment. Pleasure yourselves that is what
your designed to do.
So humanity became immoral after listening to
Lucifer and his billions of spirit followers who even at this time do whisper
in our ears falsehoods to deceive us all.
Being successful at this Lucifer took it many steps further;
he suggested the perversions of intercourse with children, with animals, with
same sexes. All he could design to pervert the act of procreation to insult his
Father in Heaven in an attempt to punish the Father for punishing Lucifer for
his rebellion. This is his desire to destroy and pervert the act of procreation
thus destroying families, society, and eternal laws. This is Lucifer’s attempt
to get even with his Father for punishing him for his choices.
So we come to same sex desires, attractions. This is
the followers of Lucifer whispering in the ears of mortals and after a time the
mortals starting to listen the desiring these lifestyles. They eventually feel
its natural, they were born that way, they were meant to be or God made us this
All due to Lucifer’s deception.
You see if Lucifer
can convince mortals that it is ok for same sex or for desires to pleasure themselves
with children, animals, and so forth. This destroys the Eternal nature of
Families this destroys the Plan of Creation and the Plan of Happiness for
humans upon this Earth.
Think about it, some of the sex acts take what is
sacred to the levels of perversions so awful and so in your face to God the
Father as to use the tools of procreation and to place them in the orifices of the
refuse or waste disposal devices of the human mortal body.
What greater form of
hate towards the Father and Creation than to use those items in such a way.
Lucifer relishes in such an in your face
narcissistic thinking towards God and his creations.
This destroys the Goal of Families, the goal of
co-creation of bringing more spirits to this mortal experience on Earth. These
perversions of creation powers are to only bring selfish pleasure to those deceived
by Lucifer’s ideologies which are many.
So you see, Lucifer is behind all such incorrect
However it is up to us and humans to learn and to
change, to overcome and to become better than our natural selves. We must
change and all become better at avoiding, denying the temptations Lucifer places
before us to destroy or damn our souls.
We have our Free Moral Agency of choice; let’s work
hard to follow Gods laws, not Lucifer's agendas of destruction.
You see this is just one part of the path leading to
darkness, Lucifer has countless ways to deceive us. Many have been able to
overcome this deception by Prayer, fasting, and working with loving Christian
Churches or groups with God’s help they have been able to overcome these
temptations and thus reestablish the eternal way of things in their lives.
No one is born with desires for same sex, for sex
with children or with animals etc. This is either taught or tempted into
becoming a reality in these people’s lives. How this happens is countless to
describe here.
But due to pornography, incorrect education by atheists or by
those under the seduction of such unnatural desires they are able to brainwash
and confuse children into becoming or choosing the incorrect paths of same sex
or etc. lifestyles.
This is why Lucifer has desired to control the education
system, to propagandize or to brainwash young children that its ok, natural and
by teaching as young as they can they then create a new crop of people who were
convinced in their youth to become whatever form of perversion they choose to
be. With support groups to assist in their choices we have what we have today.
Most deny there is a God, for if there is no God
there is no Law thus no punishment for whatever they chose to do in Mortal
These are the times we live in today. Lucifer has
removed God from society on most levels, he has convinced many there is no
devil nor no God. Thus whatever you desire goes. He cares not for humanity,
only for their destruction on an Eternal nature and the destruction and
perversion of Gods Plans for us on Earth.
Keep in mind the laws and example of Christ. He did
not hate those who sin, those who make bad choices for whatever reasons during
our mortal probationary state on Earth.
He loves and will accept us, if we but rely on him,
turn to him, allow him into our lives.
He cannot condone any form of sin, sexual perversions; he cannot
break the eternal laws of procreation and justice. This is why he sacrificed
his life and his great suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane where he did in
fact take upon himself all the suffering of humanity in order to be able to
open the door for all of us to be forgiven, to avoid the Eternal Justice that
awaits every one of us upon our graduation from this probationary mortal life.
Christ did these great things for us out of love for
each and every one of us. None are
forbidden to accept his love and gift and sacrifice. As long as you breath air
you have the opportunity to be forgiven of our mistakes no matter how awful you
feel they have been. Christ showed us he loves the sinners (all of us) but hates the sin/act of sin and this will self damn our eternal progression if we but allow it.
A extreme example of today is below.
You see even today members of ISIS and other groups
of hate, full of Luciferian ideology of destruction and control taught from
birth to be so. Having personal revelations and experiences with Jesus Christ
and coming to the realization that they have done wrong, they can be forgiven
if they but accept him and his teachings and then live them. We have seen a few
of these lost souls turn around and become humans again. All is possible with
Gods help.
We must open the door, he has but unlocked it for
us. He knocks will we answer?
He offers us help, will we accept?
He loves all, will we also?
All that is good and of light comes from God, Jesus
Christ the only true and living God of this Earth.
I have stated facts, I have also invited all to
throw off the chains of suffering, the chains of eternal damnation, the suffering
Lucifer desires for each one of us.
We must love each other regardless of the lifestyle we choose to live, for all of us are on different spiritual levels, different paths, and all learn at different speeds.
We are not the judges of Justice, God is. So do not act like a judge anyone.
We must choose what we shall believe and whom we
shall follow as a guide in this life.
Jesus Christ the Messiah of the World. Or Lucifer
the deceiver and destroyer of all souls.
The Choice remains in your hands. You are the master
of your Eternal progression.
The Eternal battle of light and darkness, good and
evil continues. The battle field in here on Earth, the choice of which team you
shall fight and live for is up to you. However keep in mind we know who wins at
the end of this war. Light, Truth, God. So it would be wisdom to join the
winning team.
You can change, Today is a good day to discover the
Grace and Love of Jesus Christ.
May your life be a good journey, full of experiences
that will help you grow and to overcome.
this moment in our nation’s history, cherished American ideals are
being questioned, and in some cases threatened, as never before.
would like to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the
vulnerability of one of those ideals in particular: America’s tradition
of religious diversity, tolerance, and freedom.
In many ways, our tradition of religious liberty is the dog that didn’t bark.
Americans take for granted religious toleration and pluralism because — blessedly — we have never known anything else.
have no comparable scars or memories of the sectarian violence that has
plagued mankind in almost every other time and place. That can make it
hard for us to appreciate the monumental achievement our religious
freedom represents… and the radical departure it was from the cultures
from whence we came.
most of human history, prior to America’s Founding, a free conscience
was not seen as an essential human good, but as a threat.
Athens to Rome to London, human beings everywhere believed that
religion was too important to be left to individual choice. The City of
God was submitted — for safekeeping — to the City of Man.
— from ancient tribes to modern empires — governments derived their
authority from the church, and vice versa. Uniform obedience to the
established religion was enforced by the state. Dissent from official
orthodoxy was outlawed. Minority faiths were suppressed and heresy was
punished as a crime.
was different, not by accident or whim, but by design. Because America
was founded by men and women, families and congregations who turned the
oppression of the ages inside out.
insisted that it is religion that is too important and too central to
human happiness and social flourishing to be managed by, and subject to,
mere politicians.
were the pilgrims, the dissenters, and the conscientious objectors who
had the courage to flee religious persecution in the Old World and the
conviction to build a community of religious liberty in the New World.
were ordinary men and women, but they had an extraordinary devotion to
the belief that it is not only possible but necessary to “Render to
Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are
The principle they established was not mere religious toleration, but religious liberty.
There is an important difference.
a policy of religious toleration, religious dissenters are
accepted — at the discretion of those in power — but they are still
understood as “Others.”
liberty, on the other hand, is a principle rooted in the natural right
of all human beings to the free exercise of religion.
a letter to the Jewish Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, George
Washington praised religious liberty in America as going beyond mere
In America, Washington wrote,
possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It
is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it [were] by the
indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of
their inherent natural rights.
practice, religious liberty in America has meant that the government’s
job is not to tell people what to believe or how to discharge their
religious duties, but to protect the space for all people of all
faiths — and of no faith at all — to seek religious truth and to order
their lives accordingly.
matter who you are or where you come from… regardless of your race or
wealth, your political affiliation or sexual orientation… to be free in
America is to know you won’t be forced to compromise your conscience as a
price of your citizenship.
so much else that made America great and exceptional, religion here
breathes in the natural human space between the isolated individual and
the overwhelming state.
space, created by our cooperative culture and protected by our
constitutional law, is where Americans have always been free to come
together as equals, to live and to love and to pursue our happiness.
role, as it pertains to religion and most everything else, is not to
direct our interactions within this space, so much as it is to ensure
all Americans have equal access to it, and equal opportunity within it.
it comes to religion, specifically, there have been isolated episodes
in our history when Americans have fallen short of this
standard — including during the early history of my own church. But this
has always been the standard, nonetheless.
the First Amendment’s famous declaration that “Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof.”
Framers’ intention here was not to scrub religion from the public
square, but to ensure religion’s equal and enriching access to it.
meant welcoming people and churches of all faiths and people of no
faith to form and to follow their religious beliefs without interference
or regulation from the state.
meant permitting government officials to promote and encourage an
environment where religion can flourish, and even to partner with
religious institutions when appropriate.
above all it meant placing all religions on an equal footing before the
law. So long as they aren’t threatening the public order, the
government must protect the right of individuals and their associations
to follow their conscience and the obligations of their faith.
policy is more than just a matter of compromise or convenience. It is
the proper application of human rights and human dignity to the law.
In an essay arguing against a state establishment of religion, James Madison wrote:
is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such
only as he believes to be acceptable to Him. This duty is precedent,
both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of
Civil Society.
is how religion has been understood in America — as “precedent, both in
order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of” the state.
It’s why religious liberty has always been given exceptionally robust
legal protections against government infringement. And it’s why
Americans can be at once so religious and so religiously tolerant.
In short, America has gotten religious liberty right from the beginning, and we are all witnesses to that truth.
all know and indeed many of us are individuals who have personally
benefitted from America’s commitment to religious liberty. But those
benefits extend far, far beyond individual pilgrims’ progress.
great social reform movement in American history — from abolition and
Civil Rights, to the struggles for women’s equality and labor rights, to
the pro-life movement today — has grown out of individual Americans’
religious convictions, and their constitutionally protected right to
live them out.
All Americans of all faiths have benefitted equally from our nation’s unique commitment to religious liberty.
liberty as it has been lived in America is not an accident of history,
or a quirk of the law. It is nothing less than a culture-defining human
Yet recent events suggest it could be losing ground.
great American commitment to religious liberty and diversity may still
be universally successful, but it is no longer universally shared.
This turn toward intolerance, tragically, has been catalyzed by the campaign for legal recognition of gay marriages.
many Americans, I personally do not believe same-sex marriage is a
constitutional requirement, or a federal prerogative, or even good
policy for that matter. But today, those of us who hold these views
cannot deny that our arguments are no longer winning the public debate.
Sometimes in a democracy, the other side wins.
today, at the very moment this campaign appears to be on the brink of
success — having appealed to the country with the principles of justice,
tolerance, and equality — many within that movement find themselves
tempted to abandon the principles and the people that have made them
Most advocates
of marriage equality are no more radical than most advocates of
traditional marriage; just as most followers of Jesus are no more
radical than most followers of Moses, Mohammed, and the Buddha.
just as radical fundamentalists exist in every religious sect, so too
can they be found at the extremes of otherwise healthy political
movements. We all know the symptoms of this temptation:
Seeking not tolerance for their own opinions but intolerance toward others’;
Seeking not to persuade dissenters but to punish them;
Seeking not to debate but to demonize.
week there seems to be another warning on the horizon… another story
more reminiscent of an Orwellian dystopia or theocratic inquisition than
the tolerant society all of us know and most of us still believe in.
is the case of Aaron and Melissa Klein, the husband-and-wife duo who
ran a small bakery in Oregon and were recently fined $135,000 for
declining to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony.
One hundred thirty-five thousand dollars … and this was after protests and boycotts forced the Kleins to shut down their bakery.
there’s Julea Ward — a marriage counselor who was kicked out of her
graduate degree program for referring same-sex couples to other
counselors who didn’t share her religious convictions about marriage.
just a few weeks ago there was the ominous exchange between Supreme
Court Justice Samuel Alito and U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli
during oral arguments in the gay marriage case now before the Court.
a question about IRS regulations, Verrilli seemed to suggest that the
Obama administration would be comfortable with the notion that the IRS
could revoke the tax-exempt status of religious institutions — including
schools — that maintain the traditional definition of marriage.
exchange suddenly raised the possibility that political leaders on the
Left, who only recently joined the ranks of the marriage equality
movement themselves, do not in fact stand with the tolerant national
majority of that movement.
they seem to be tempted by the intolerant impulse to punish Americans
who hold the same view President Obama and Secretary Clinton did while
running for president a few years ago.
of how the Court rules in this particular case, it is becoming
increasingly clear that the next controversies will not be over whether
gay couples should receive marriage licenses, but:
Whether people who don’t think so may keep their business licenses.
Whether colleges that don’t think so will be able to keep their accreditation.
Whether military chaplains who don’t think so will be court-martialed.
Whether churches who don’t think so will be targeted for reprisal by the state.
Whether heterodox religious belief itself will be swept from the public square.
as Father Richard John Neuhaus warned us years ago, “The naked public
square cannot remain naked. Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum.
Something is not simply eliminated; it is displaced by something else.”
the secular fundamentalists who believe marriage equality must result
in religious inequality, the “ something else” they insert in place of
our open, pluralistic society is submission to their secular creed.
creed is simple: Americans may believe whatever they want; but they may
publicly express and act upon only those beliefs the government
As ever, to the
fundamentalist, “Error has no rights.” And the role of government is to
codify in our laws the intolerance that is in their hearts.
saw the fundamentalist temptation indulged a decade ago in
Massachusetts, when Catholic Charities of Boston was forced to stop
providing adoption services because they would not and could not place
children in the homes of same-sex couples.
we have seen it more recently in the case of the Little Sisters of the
Poor — a religious order of nuns who provide end-of-life care to the
needy, giving them a home where they are treated with love, dignity, and
grace in their twilight days.
any measure, the Little Sisters’ devotion to the dignity of human life
is nothing short of heroic. But for the past two years the Obama
administration has treated them like criminals, relentlessly threatening
them with crippling fines that would bankrupt their ministry.
And for what?
because they have asked the federal government for permission to
continue their ministry without being forced to purchase a health
insurance policy that provides coverage for contraceptives and
abortion-inducing drugs.
the government has repeatedly denied the Little Sisters’ requests,
saying they are not religious enough to qualify for an exemption.
mind the absurdity of a group of bureaucrats telling nuns they’re not
religious enough. What’s most troubling in this case and a growing
number of others like it is the presumption that a free conscience is
not a God-given right, but a government-granted privilege.
This is not the posture of a government operating on behalf of a free people, but in service to an official orthodoxy.
don’t need to subscribe to any particular faith, or hold any particular
beliefs about abortion or marriage, to see the danger of a government
forcing innocent people to violate their conscience — over a partisan
triviality, no less — when they are just trying to make a living, serve
their community, or educate the next generation.
The bad news is that some on the Left see in this not danger, but opportunity.
The good news is, we can too.
should never lose sight of the fact that the marriage equality movement
is succeeding not by focusing on marriage, but by focusing on equality.
conservatives and religious traditionalists may not like how the gay
marriage debate is going. But it is no small thing that the gay marriage
movement has succeeded in recent years only by adopting our
principles — of tolerance, diversity, and equal opportunity.
is those principles — not the parties currently enjoying their
political resonance — that hold the high ground in this debate.
because those of us who believe in religious freedom hold those
principles in our hearts — and not just in our political quiver — that
high ground remains open to us.
opportunity exists now — and will expand if the Court rules as most
expect it to — for Americans of good-will to come together to reinforce
religious liberty, and to further protect and enrich the free space it
Soon, it seems
likely that America’s public square will fully welcome married, same-sex
couples — not as victims or revolutionaries, but simply as equals.
as America has mostly avoided traditional conflicts between Protestants
and Catholics, Christians and Jews, Sunni and Shia, atheists and
believers — so too Americans’ commitment to tolerance, diversity, and
dignity is perfectly capable of making room for the rights and dignity
of those who disagree about the meaning of marriage.
good-faith compromise — of the sort that is Americans’ unique political
genius — is possible only if the government gives us the space to find
And those tempted by fundamentalism will be loathe to afford us this space, lest they let a manufactured crisis go to waste.
So Americans who believe in religious liberty have two jobs now.
First, we cannot hide this issue under a bushel and hope no one asks us about it.
We will have this debate. The only question is whether we start a conversation or we let the fundamentalists pick a fight.
American people need and deserve to have this debate, so their
representatives must engage it — with candor and compassion — in the
most publicly accountable venues possible.
This is a crucial point for those of us who work in capitals and county seats across the country.
the coming conversation about religious freedom is left to the judicial
and executive branches of our government, all Americans — whether they
know it or not — will lose that debate before it even begins.
rulings and executive regulations tend to be much more one-sided,
sweeping, and prescriptive, and thus should have as little as possible
to do with the delicate diversity of 320 million souls’ deepest beliefs.
we must advance the debate in the legislative branches of every
government in the United States. Because it is in the nature of
legislatures to find compromise, to ground policy in real-world
interactions, and to respect minority views and rights.
for instance, is what the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is and
why — contrary to propaganda claiming otherwise — it has worked so well
for two decades.
President Bill Clinton put it the day he signed the legislation into
law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects the “ space of
freedom between Government and people of faith that otherwise Government
might usurp.”
If we want to
reinforce religious liberty in America, our first step must be to
protect that crucial “space of freedom” from undue government
That is the principle behind a bill I will soon introduce in the Senate.
would protect the tens of thousands of religiously affiliated schools
in America — pre-schools through college — from government
And it would
prevent any agency from denying a federal tax exemption, grant,
contract, accreditation, license, or certification to an individual or
institution based on a belief that marriage is a union between a man and
a woman.
Moving forward, the debate will be less and less about marriage and more and more about freedom of conscience.
of us who value that basic human right have the better of the argument.
But that matters only if we have the courage to make that argument at
every opportunity, before every audience.
then is the second — and perhaps more important — task facing the
friends of religious liberty today: we must be more than citizens. We
must be witnesses — not just to our own understanding of religious
truth, but to the universal truth that man is not free unless his
conscience is free.
As many
in this room know, to live as a witness to such a profound and important
fact is to be inspired by — and to inspire in others — the quiet
confidence of truth.
The way
of the witness is not through the halls of influence or the force of
intimidation, but through the unassuming power of example.
all have our own heroes to show us the way. For me and for many Utahns,
our path is forever illuminated by the example given to us by the early
leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
often hear that the first generation of Mormons were pioneers. And
that’s true. But it misses the crucial point: they moved from New York
to Ohio to Missouri to Illinois and finally to Utah, not by choice, but
by force.
Wherever the Mormons lived they were persecuted as heretics and driven from their homes.
each new settlement, they would stay as long as they could until the
intermittent abuse grew into an existential threat, and then they would
move on.
There were the
not-so-random acts of violence, suffered at the hands of the mob, that
left entire communities trapped in a state of perpetual anxiety. And
then there were the systematic, state-sponsored efforts to destroy the
LDS faith itself.
Missouri, the Governor used his police powers to issue an extermination
order against the entire church. Keep in mind: this is not ancient
history. This was in 1838.
Governor’s order read: “The Mormons must be treated as enemies, and
must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary, for the
public peace.”
Mormon Extermination Order
the faithful were undeterred. They continued to push the frontier, not
as pioneers, but as pilgrims — in search of their own promised
land — and as witnesses to the truth that everyone has an equal and
fundamental right to a free conscience.
after leaving Missouri, Joseph Smith, the church’s founder, delivered a
sermon that articulated the spirit of living as a witness.
I esteem mankind to be in error,” Smith asked, “shall I bear them down?
No,” he declared. “I will lift them up, and in their own way too, if I
cannot persuade them my way is better; and I will not seek to compel any
man to believe as I do, only by the force of reasoning, for truth will
cut its own way.”
Truth will cut its own way .
witnesses to that truth, in our pursuit of protecting religious
liberty, we must proceed with resolve and conviction, and also with
cheerfulness and charity.
truly succeed, we must be gracious, and civil, and solicitous. Not only
to preserve our own freedom, but the equal freedom, too, of those who
disagree with us.
If we can do this, as we have done before, the truth will once again cut its own way, and all of us will be free to follow.