Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.

Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.

Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.

Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.

For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.

"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.

Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls

God Bless the Republic of America!

We have Got To Stand Up!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Behavior study of a White Sasquatch in Utah

Who would have thought you could walk into their home, hang out a while, and all's they did was hide, watch, listen, maybe laugh if they do that, at how un graceful humans are in their steep mountain environment.
Where they easily play, run, hunt, hide, covering ground that takes a hiker minutes or longer in just seconds in comparison.  
The true rulers of the mountains are Sasquatch, the apex guardians and predators of the wild lands. and not so wild lands it turns out. 
Just remember when your out for a walk, hike, etc. your probably being watched, so behave well, and remember they are not huggable. 

These short slide shows I am trying to learn to put together better. time will tell, and if I find a good software program could / will improve them.
Mean while the facts are, there is more information, pictures, not in these presentations. I add some interesting ones, in order of events, and topic matter.
As with prior ones, the Watcher, over look. could be mated with this white one, as they seem to be together all the time. Or in same area of this study area.
Another mated pair with youngsters, at least one, maybe 3, wont know until I can verify with new ideas on photography or video I will be trying out in the next few weeks. As time allows.

White knows I am there, have taken a family member several times, watches us from very close under 100 yards, and the others in the group 100-1000 yards also watch, ignore us. As we present no real threat to them.
What I find interesting is there are youngsters of differing ages it looks like. In preliminary studies.

They seem to be non aggressive thus far, note: I have not pushed the boundaries if I know they are present. 

Going about this in a slow non aggressive way.
have some theory / ideas I hope to implement in the near future for obtaining better photos and possible videos from a distance.
thus not entering their close family group and possibly causing aggression or them to re locate.

This was a stumbled on discovery end of march while on a hike with the kids. As the past videos have recorded.
But having a hobby of learning about these hominoids over 35 years now about the good, bad, strange, and deadly mean at times. These behaviors I do respect them and what they can do. Like humans they are moody, and have very different personalities.
Group hunters using blinds, hides, mis-direction, stealth they can stalk for as long as it takes to obtain their prey.
Opportunists they are known to take humans as food.
You must be on alert when you enter their lands. And listen to what is or is not making sounds, physical evidence of their presence.

So this is now a study area close enough for me to visit on my limited funds. Like the limited equipment I am using and piecing together I hope it bears some good fruit.
I do not believe in these hominoids, I know for a fact they exist.
Several personal interactions over my lifetime and now the possibility to study a few family groups I do find interesting and a challenge.
I hope I can learn some about them and their behavior that could help the well known researchers of many years, and that together we can place the pieces of this puzzle together and in doing so we can have our nations governments stop hiding / covering up the facts that they do interact in good and bad ways with humans.
So the people of the world will take serious the facts about these hominoids. Know of the dangers they can possess to you.
In the learning , sharing, and growing in wisdom we can put this puzzle together. 

S. T. Huls

1 comment:

  1. These short slide shows I am trying to learn to put together better. time will tell, and if I find a good software program could / will improve them.
    Mean while the facts are, there is more information, pictures, not in these presentations. I add some interesting ones, in order of events, and topic matter.
    As with prior ones, the Watcher, over look. could be mated with this white one, as they seem to be together all the time. Or in same area of this study area.
    Another mated pair with youngsters, at least one, maybe 3, wont know until I can verify with new ideas on photography or video I will be trying out in the next few weeks. As time allows.

    White knows I am there, have taken 1 family member several times, watches us from very close under 100 yards, and the others in the group 100-1000 yards also watch, ignore us. As we present no real threat to them.
    What I find interesting is there are youngsters of differing ages it looks like. In preliminary studies.
    They seem to be non aggressive thus far, note: I have not pushed the boundaries if I know they are present.
    Going about this in a slow non aggressive way.
    have some theory / ideas I hope to implement in the near future for obtaining better photos and possible videos from a distance.
    thus not entering their close family group and possibly causing aggression or them to re locate.
    This was a stumbled on discovery end of march while on a hike with the kids. As the past videos have recorded.
    But having a hobby of learning about these hominoids the good, bad, strange, and deadly mean at times behaviors I do respect them and what they can do. Like humans they are moody, and have very different personalities.
    So this is now a study area close enough for me to visit on my limited funds. Like the limited equipment I am using and piecing together I hope it bears some good fruit.
    I do not believe in these hominoids, I know for a fact they exist.
    Several personal interactions over my lifetime and now the possibility to study a few family groups I do find interesting and a challenge.
    I hope I can learn some about them and their behavior that could help the well known researchers of many years, and that together we can place the pieces of this puzzle together and in doing so we can have our nations governments stop hiding / covering up the facts that they do interact in good and bad ways with humans.
    So the people of the world will take serious the facts about these hominoids. Know of the dangers they can possess to you.
    In the learning , sharing, and growing in wisdom we can put this puzzle together.
