Has the People of America become so engrossed in their entertainment, struggles, daily life to the point of no longer caring about the future of their children, their Freedoms, their Nation? I hope not. Today we see the Religion of Humanism - Secularism - Atheistism - Governmentism that it is indeed in control of our Once great land. Our children grow up in public Government Agenda controlled schools, were the morality, honor, ethics of our Founding fathers is no longer allowed to be taught, for they were based on the Christian - Judeao beliefs taught in the Holy Bible which is but the stories of our worlds ancestors and their written accounts of Gods dealings with them. From these we learn what true Freedoms are, what Honor, Ethics, Morality is. For hundreds of years this had guided and encouraged all humanity to strive to be better than the animalistic behaviors of the Humanism style anything goes cultures that lead to chaos in the world.
We No longer learn of our founding fathers and the US Constitution, most likely the #1 unique and most Freedom loving and caring document ever written by a Government in the History of the World.
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Now those in power Obama, Reid, Pelosi did Promise you a fundamentally transformed New America, with New History, new beliefs, an a NEW form of government, the Constitution is just an old outdated document, like the Holy Bible.
We see the writings of Isaiah, Ezekiel, John the Revelator, and so many others and how they do speak to us in our times today, now. Have you taken the time to read these writings of late? Take the time to study and you shall see the foretelling of our times. You can ignore it, bury your head in the sand if it makes you feel better.
But if you Refuse to stand now for God and Country as our founding fathers did not too long ago then you deserve No Freedom, no rights, and to be the slave of the Elites like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Soros the progressive tyrannical would be Kings of America and the World. The facts are that, Obama and thugs have repeatedly done Treasonous acts, Have Wantonly openly and with great pride Shredded your rights given you by GOD in the US. Constitution and Bill of Rights,
The Republic of America was designed for only a moral and God loving people. Now we take out God, morals, ethics, we allow lies, murder, death of Infants - Abortion (Like the Aztec's of old who sacrificed their babies as well to the sectarian humanism style of gods / beliefs), secret combinations, good to be named evil and evil to be named good, we are willing to accept the easy life of Government enslavement, to get what we want for Free, handouts, slaves. We just give the Tyrants and Dictators all power over our lives, from birth to death, to tell us where to live, what to eat, where to work, if you have the right to life as a baby, or aged adult or as a handicap person. You are now a drone. Is this what you want for your children's future?
Think on it, remember the ancients when Moses went to finally lead Israel out from the tyranny and control of slavery of over 400 yrs to the Egyptians, after the 7 Major curses and miracles that they the house of Israel witnessed, not too long after their freedom was granted during their journey to freedom did they not quickly seek the entitlement, free handout lifestyle the Pharaoh had trained them to accept, they wanted to go back, to the life of slavery, they were outside their comfort zone having not been free before, it scared them the need to do for their own, to succeed or fail based on their efforts.
Is America now at this stage, we see in Europe and across the world how this ideology has Failed, bankrupting nation's and destroying lives and causing chaos. This is what awaits America if we follow the same Failed ideology that Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Soros, etc. want us to do.
We live in a day when Obama's home land security, his future "SS" force is calling those who love God, drive trucks, own a gun, and go to church, read and love the US Constitution and so forth, that this that was once a normal education and way of life in America and expected. Now we have become the Target of Obama's thugs and called "Threats to our National Security" I dare say, we are NOT a threat to America, but we are a threat to the Obama-nation of the Progressive Anti-Freedom pro King type dictators now in control of our Nation.
Good = Evil, Evil = Good what a sick and twisted and chaotic way of thinking and yet like the Occupy anything but morals and ethics movement of Chaos paid by those who seek America's destruction is allowed by the Obama-nation administration.
They have become Allies of our 'Sworn Enemies" like the Muslim Brotherhood and other Radical Jihad Islamist's. They make back door deals for their benefits and at the cost of our freedoms, and the lives of our Military Men and Women all over the World in harms way.
Evil has a name, and Obama and his thugs and his handlers are what Evil is. They seek only for their own Power, Elitism, Wealth, their greed for these things are what Lucifer promised to give those who follow his teachings. They will do anything to remain in power, and control.
We Must vote out Obama in November, and Fire, clean house of anyone who was associated with his evil goals. Once the place has been Disinfected of Anti Constitution, America, God people then we can start over with Honor, Ethics, and Morals and then maybe we can fix the chaos Obama purposefully has created with the goal of turning America into a 3rd world nation and him as dictator.
America must wake up, turn to God and pray for America, Repent if you need to, learn to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Ten Commandments which are the foundation for any Civilization for they are based on Freedom, Honor, Morality, and are the building blocks we need to return to.
Pray with your family, Go to church if you need to, Read the Holy Scriptures and Learn of yourself who God is, become acquainted with God, gain a personal testimony of his Existence, he will and does answer prayers of the humble and honest seekers of truth.
God Bless the Republic of America!
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