Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.

Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.

Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.

Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.

For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.

"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.

Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls

God Bless the Republic of America!

We have Got To Stand Up!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Irish Citizens Stand Against Muslim Invasion

Irish Citizens Stand Against Muslim Invasion

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439 islamic ireland takeover stand against by irish people

Many Muslims in Ireland are shocked by a letter posted to schools and mosques declaring a war against them. They should be shocked that it has taken as long as it has for people across the world to start standing up against their campaign of intimidation.
Gutless politicians don’t stand with the people anymore. In seemingly every country across the globe, the political positions are occupied by self-serving, pandering wimps. This letter is clearly born out of a frustration with a lack of positive action on the part of government officials and a willingness of the Irish to defend their nation by taking matters into their own hands. After all, the people are the ones who are chiefly affected, not the bureaucrats.
The anonymous letter has made the rounds of Muslim schools and mosques in Dublin.
While the Muslim groups have and will try to negatively label it otherwise, it is a call to arms for the Irish citizens to recognize the impact of the invasion and the deliberate efforts to supplant the Irish people, their culture, and their traditions with Islam and Sharia law.
The language of the letter is described as intimidating and extremely violent. The obvious neglect to mention the Islamic violence is so outlandish that it is barely deserving of a comment.
A rapid, demanding and threatening spread across the world towards their caliphate is a much publicized goal of Islam. Yet the non-Muslim citizens of the world still continue to ignore the truths that the Islamists themselves acknowledge.
439 irish islam letter
The letter mentions a failure of Muslims to assimilate into the Irish culture, and this is true of every culture they invade around the world. The mass migration is not reflective of a Muslim desire to integrate into a new homeland for the individual immigrants. It is a claim of turf in the global acquisition. These Irish don’t intend to sit quietly as their nation is stolen from beneath them.
The website also calls the letter racist against Islam. That is ridiculous, Islam or Muslim is not a race anymore than Christian or Buddhist is a race. It is an ideology , a political movement or a religion, but it is not a race.
The publishers of the website would do well to direct their outrage and anger towards the blood-thirsty members of their own ranks who kill innocent people in the most ruthless of fashions for political gain.
Played against a backdrop of the Kenyan Mall Massacre, or any of the other numerous examples of senseless cruelty conducted in the name of their religion, the claims of an unfair or undeserved attack on Islam ring hollow.
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Rick Wells

Rick Wells is conservative libertarian author who contributes to popular online media outlets. Please take a look at some other articles posted by Rick and follow Rick by clicking on the Facebook link below:
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Open letter to the Israeli Embassies around the world from Senior Chief Ross US Navy (Ret)

Open letter to the Israeli Embassies around the world from Senior Chief Ross US Navy (Ret)

Geoff Ross 2

Dear Israeli Ambassadors around the world,

The government of the United States headed by the Communist/Muslim Barack Hussein Obama has just signed an agreement with the terrorist nation of Iran. This agreement has released 6 billion dollars of Iranian cash. This money can now have the potential to be delivered to Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaida and others.
Be advised the Obama led Communist government does not recognize the best interests of your nation. His allegiance lies with the Muslim world and the Muslim Brotherhood. Even the people of Egypt recognize the threat Barack Hussein Obama brings to not only the United States but to Israel.
This deal was done without congressional approval with China, Russia and others. We are now in a dictatorship. Secretary of State John Kerry is a Communist who was elected by a Senate that either failed to verify his qualifications or ignored the facts about him. He too is a threat to our nation.
Our government does not represent “We the people” anymore. Our Congress should be drawing up impeachment proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama for crimes against the US constitution but they have no leadership, no backbone and no courage. They too are part of the problem.
It will soon be left up to us to protect this Republic using all legal constitutional means available starting with the 1st Amendment and going down the list ending with the legal and constitutional removal of this Communist from our White House.
The American people stand with you and support you. Even as over 200 of our military leaders are purged from our armed forces by the Communist Obama without a word from Congress, we still stand with you.
Do not share any intelligence with our Congress, Senate or the White House. You cannot trust our government. We have 435 Congressman who will not protect this nation from the Communist in the White House. Not one has attempted to impeach him. We have 100 Senators who refuse to stand up to Obama. We are in a constitutional crisis.
The Iranians are now celebrating the Kenyan/Muslim Obama yet they still wish to kill us Americans. They still hold an American pastor in an Iranian jail. No provision was made to release him. We are living in times that are bringing this nation closer to a revolution as allowed for in our constitution. We will not fail in securing our liberty from this tyrannical Communist government and the rogue Secretary of State and we will not fail you either.
I urge you to remove yourself from any dealings with the Obama administration. Cut off all secure and classified communications and pull your Ambassador out of Washington DC and bring him home to Israel.
Reroute all your E mail and internet communications around our NSA spies. The Russian’s did this also. This is the worst moment of western foreign policy in our nations history. Valerie Jarret, the Iranian- American, is implementing the final solution to allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon, to free up all sanctions and to witness your destruction.
Listen to me.
Trust my words.
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Geoff Ross
United States Navy Retired
Surface Warfare / Air Warfare / Airborne
Veteran of Foreign Wars VFW Post 7674 FWB
Navarre Beach Florida USA

Sunday, November 24, 2013

LDS Preparedness Manual - how to survive disasters

Discovered this on at

Very interesting as the review states below.


Book Review: LDS Preparedness Manual

Sometimes in life you get a pleasant surprise that makes you smile. Then there are times when you are so surprised that you gasp with joy. This was the case when I got the LDS Preparedness Manual and read it (Did we mention it is FREE).

The Disclaimer

First of all let me start off by saying again that SurvivalCache is free of politics, religion and of course it is free from advertisements. There are so many other sites that focus on those subjects that we decided to keep our site focused on Survival and Emergency Preparedness. We are not for or against any political party nor are we for or against any religion and for that reason we choose not to write on those topics. However, we are against advertisements and plan to stay that way.
When we do come across items that contain excellent information for our community, we don’t Bugging Incare who wrote it or where it came from. The bottom line for us @ SurvivalCache is “Could this help one of our readers survive or be prepared for an emergency?” The LDS Preparedness Manual is an overwhelming “YES”.
If you don’t feel like going any further in this book review, then just click on the following link and download the LDS Preparedness Manual for FREE (click Here), print it off and keep it somewhere in your house. Yes, you heard it here first, the LDS Preparedness Manual is FREE. Brought to you by the your friendly Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). No sign up required, no guys in suits showing up at your front door during a football game, nothing, zippy, nada….it is FREE. While this manual is not specifically endorsed by the LDS Church, it is put together and edited by members of the church using information they have gained from their own experiences, other publications and information that is available on the internet, which is probably why they are not charging for it.


There are a lot of TV shows out there with guys who know a lot about Survival. Mykel Hawke’s survival preparedness, survivalist, survivorshow Man, Woman, Wild, then there is Les Stroud’s Survivorman, and of course Bear Grylls’ Man vs. Wild. All of these actors/survivalist on these shows know, that when it comes to Survival and Emergency Preparedness, the Mormons wrote the book….and they are still adding chapters to it. Myself, I am not Mormon. I grew up Catholic but I grew up in Southeast Iowa and I had a lot of friends who were LDS. My family often went across the Mississippi River to Nauvoo, Illinois which is a sacred place for the Mormon religion and we saw some of their preparedness first hand when we visited the local stores that sold preparedness type products. I have a lot of respect for their knowledge and dedication to being self reliant. I would almost guarantee that if a natural disaster hit Salt Lake City like Katrina hit New Orleans, the US Government would not even bother to send in FEMA. They would just say, “Dude, that city is full of Mormons, they are not going to need our help….they wrote the book on emegency preparedness.”


The LDS Preparedness Manual is a monster at 222 pages of information and they cover a lot of topics. This is not a Wilderness Survival Guide and I would never keep this in my Bug Out Bag (way too big), this is more of a preparedness bible of sorts and it is geared more towards “Bugging In” and being ready for anything. However, there is a small section on setting up a bug out bag which they called the “Deluxe 96 Hour Kit”. They give you two pages of ideas for your kit and they cover about everything you would need to survive for 96 hours or longer. The rest of this manual provides an excellent overview on food storage, emergency cooking, basic food lists, money, clothing, emergency shelter, water purification, emergency toilets, terrorism, money, quarantining for epidemics, fuel storage, (NBC) Nuclear Biological Chemical attacks, and much much more.


The first big pro is that this manual is free and it is awesome. At 222 pages, this manual is information overload. That is why I printed it off, put it in a binder and just read small sections at a time. I love the many checklists through out the manual, for example you could just take pages 124 to 127 with you to the grocery store and use it as a guide/checklist for all of the food that you would need to be prepared (except for the MREs listed on those pages as well).


There are about 10 to 12 pages of religious text in this manual. Did it bother me? No. It might bother some people but the bottom line is that this is free from LDS church members and beggars can’t be choosers.

Download it, Print it, Read it, Store it

Click Here to Download the LDS Preparedness Manual
(Please pass it on to your friends & family that they can get this manual here for free)
If for some reason the above links to LDS Preparedness Manual do not work (which I have received a few emails saying that), please click here and see if this link works.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism

Why Don't You Try This?
Try being informed instead of just opinionated.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism

After decades of passionate debate, parents probably missed the repeated admissions by drug companies and governments alike that vaccines do in fact cause autism. For concerned parents seeking the truth, it’s worth remembering that the exact same people who own the world’s drug companies also own America’s news outlets. Finding propaganda-free information has been difficult, until now.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield

At the center of the fifteen-year controversy is Dr. Andrew Wakefield of Austin, Texas. It was Dr. Wakefield that first publicized the link between stomach disorders and autism, and taking the findings one step further, the link between stomach disorders, autism and the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism
Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes AutismFor that discovery way back in 1996, and a subsequent research paper published by the doctor in 1998, Andrew Wakefield has found himself the victim of a world-wide smear campaign by drug corporations, governments and media companies.

And while Dr. Wakefield has been persecuted and prosecuted to the extent of being unable to legally practice medicine because of his discovery, he has instead become a best-selling author, the founder of the Strategic Autism Initiative, and the Director of the Autism Media Channel.

But in recent months, courts, governments and vaccine manufacturers have quietly conceded the fact that the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine most likely does cause autism and stomach diseases. Pharmaceutical companies have even gone so far as to pay out massive monetary awards, totaling in the millions, to the victims in an attempt to compensate them for damages and to buy their silence.

Grassroots outcry

It was a regular reader named Kathleen that brought this ongoing story to our attention here at Whiteout Press. When asked what her connection to the vaccine-autism battle was, the young reader replied, “I just researched it for a school project a while back and then I stayed on top of it, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I’m not a parent, nor do I belong to any organization – a mere outside observer.”

This reader isn’t alone. The news that vaccines cause autism has spread across the US despite a coordinated media black-out. She takes her concerns one step further explaining, “All I want is to see this information where the public can access it. I’ve looked everywhere, and no one gives this dire Wakefield situation even ONE small mention.” She goes on to give us another motivation for her activism, “In Washington State, where I’m from, vaccines have become mandatory for school children, which is very frightening!”

Landmark rulings

In December 2012, two landmark decisions were announced that confirmed Dr. Wakefield’s original concern that there is a link between the MMR vaccine, autism and stomach disorders. The news went mostly unreported, but independent outlets like The Liberty Beacon finally began publishing the groundbreaking news.

The website wrote last month, ‘In a recently published December 13, 2012 vaccine court ruling, hundreds of thousands of dollars were awarded to Ryan Mojabi, whose parents described how “MMR vaccinations” caused a “severe and debilitating injury to his brain, diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’).”’

The Liberty Beacon went on to describe the second court ruling that month, as well as similar previous verdicts writing, ‘Later the same month, the government suffered a second major defeat when young Emily Moller from Houston won compensation following vaccine-related brain injury that, once again, involved MMR and resulted in autism. The cases follow similar successful petitions in the Italian and US courts (including Hannah Poling, Bailey Banks, Misty Hyatt, Kienan Freeman, Valentino Bocca, and Julia Grimes) in which the governments conceded or the court ruled that vaccines had caused brain injury. In turn, this injury led to an ASD diagnosis. MMR vaccine was the common denominator in these cases.’

The report echoes the exact same sentiment that our reader conveyed – Dr. Wakefield has had his career and reputation destroyed over the past 15 years, but has just been vindicated. The account reports, ‘While repeated studies from around the world confirmed Wakefield’s bowel disease in autistic children and his position that safety studies of the MMR are inadequate, Dr. Wakefield ’s career has been destroyed by false allegations. Despite this he continues to work tirelessly to help solve the autism catastrophe.’

The article from The Liberty Beacon closes with a direct quote from Dr. Wakefield himself to the independent grassroots outlet, “There can be very little doubt that vaccines can and do cause autism. In these children, the evidence for an adverse reaction involving brain injury following the MMR that progresses to an autism diagnosis is compelling. It’s now a question of the body count. The parents’ story was right all along. Governments must stop playing with words while children continue to be damaged. My hope is that recognition of the intestinal disease in these children will lead to the relief of their suffering. This is long, long overdue.”

Wakefield attacked again

Since the world has slowly become aware of the dangers of the MMR vaccine, parents around the globe have refused to get their children vaccinated. Earlier this year, the UK government singled out Dr. Wakefield and blamed him for the rising number of measles outbreaks in the country. In an April 2013 interview, he responded publicly.

The website published both the video, as well as the written transcript, of Dr. Wakefield’s public response. Below are some excerpts of the doctor’s remarks:

“The important thing to say is that back in 1996-1997 I was made aware of children developing autism, regressive autism, following exposure in many cases to the measles mumps rubella vaccine. Such was my concern about the safety of that vaccine that I went back and reviewed every safety study, every pre-licensing study of the MMR vaccine and other measles-containing vaccines before they were put into children and after. And I was appalled with the quality of that science. It really was totally below par and that has been reiterated by other authoritative sources since.

All I could do as a parent was to say, ‘what would I do for my child?’ That was the only honest answer I could give. My position on that has not changed. So, what happened subsequently? At that time the single measles vaccines were available freely on the National Health Service. Otherwise, I would not have suggested that option. So parents, if they were legitimately concerned about the safety of MMR could go and get the single vaccines. Six months later, the British government unilaterally withdrew the importation license for the single vaccines, therefore depriving parents of having these on the NHS; depriving parents who had legitimate concerns about the safety of MMR from a choice; denying them the opportunity to protect their children in the way that they saw fit.

The news shouldn’t be left wing or right wing, conservative or liberal. It should be the news. It should be independent – Whiteout Press

And I was astonished by this and I said to Dr Elizabeth Miller of the Health Protection Agency, ‘why would you do this, if your principal concern is to protect children from serious infectious disease? Why would you remove an option from parents who are legitimately concerned about the safety of MMR?’ And her answer was extraordinary. She said to me, ‘if we allow parents the option of single vaccines, it would destroy our MMR program.’ In other words, her principal concern seemed to be full protection of the MMR program and not protection of children.”

Dr. Wakefield himself reiterates the final conclusion of the courts in various countries, but censored by the world’s media outlets saying:

“Now this question has been answered not by me, but by the courts, by the vaccine courts in Italy and in the United States of America where it appears that many children over the last thirty years have been awarded millions of dollars for the fact that they have been brain-damaged by MMR vaccine and other vaccines and that brain damage has led to autism. That is a fact.”

Source: Whiteout Press

Read More:

Lt Zullo: Universe-Shattering Info In Obama Fraud (Video) All Washington Officials Sealed Jail Terms Unless Prosecute Obama.

Lt Zullo: Universe-Shattering Info In Obama Fraud (Video) All Washington Officials Sealed Jail Terms Unless Prosecute Obama.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 8:23

(Before It's News)

By Geir Smith aka Rudra Chakrin, King of Shambhala i.e. The Universal Messiah.

The birther organisation presented 300 Sheriff’s Kits to the governement officials inside Congress and the Senate on Nov. 18 and 19 during a 48-hour period. (100 Kits to a birther rally outside the White House on Nov. 19) They entered 100 of the government offices there. The Sheriff’s Kits are made up of Mike Zullo’s two-year “Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse” investigation into Obama’s birth issue. I reported on this earlier.
Now, on Nov. 22, Mike Zullo himself is on live radio (video), announcing breakthrough news in the probe. The two events are related. It’s the news that’s the news here. Zullo is probably announcing his latest progress in the work.
But Zullo visited Congress and the Senate himself last year, several times and announced he had made inroads there, particularly with Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX).
So Zullo, today is probably also announcing that his earlier visits have spun off a result. The wave of birthers on the Hill wouldn’t have happened without Zullo’s visits earlier. It’s the same movement. So, the pressure is mounting to an unprecedented level… Obamacare is already killing the Obama Presidency anyways. One thing leads to another, as often as not.
Thus things have now reached a tipping-point. This is the concrete way it’s happening and they’re (we’re) taking Obama down.
This wave of Sheriff’s Kits is swamping the government in Washington. It’s significant because the “Kits” that are out there, sitting in all these offices, being worked on, investigated and examined… in each damn office of the Senate and Congress halls… put the onus on all the officials to do their job: which is to serve justice and the truth.
Government officals have a duty to follow the truth and the law; that’s often forgotten and considered a detail… mostly they don’t do that though, and they just act upon partisan lines of “helping their own”. Lawlessness and Injustice are the reasons they’re in office. It’s a pity. Now they’ll be forced to act as if they obeyed the law.
Government officials can be jailed on not acting.
Steve Stockman for example, has been alone it seems, in dealing with the matter of the birth issue. But this suddenly puts him out there up in front, with all eyes upon him from his collegues, who are suddenly just as informed about the case as himself.
Unless Stockman acts now or unless it’s the others who act, they’ll be guilty of “COMPLICITY OF CRIMES”. Other crimes they come under the description of are several: omission, accessory, aiding and abetting, etc… so what we now have is that at least 200 people have personally received Sheriff’s Kits inside the Senate and Congress buildings (in front of witnesses and who were filmed/photographed in each case) and they can all face steep criminal charges unless they act upon the facts presented to them by the Sheriff’s Kits which contain the facts of a criminal investigation; the Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse.
This matter represents a career-threat to all of those officials because the law states that “Whoever is aware of a crime and doesn’t report it is guilty of ‘Complicity of crime’ and will face a prison time of twenty years emprisonment to life sentence and a $3 million fine.”
So let’s be clear again:
By having accepted the Sheriff’s Kits in their hands all the Washington officials have sealed their jail terms unless they act to prosecute Obama. Stockman is now in a quandary, because the national and international press are now watching him, but not just him, all the others too… who accepted the Sheriff’s Kits… are under scrutiny and none are spared. The first one to act upon the facts will save himself. He’ll be on the right side of History.
On the RIGHT SIDE of the LAW and of JUSTICE.
If Rep. Darrell Issa sets up a hearing, he’ll ask: ”When did you learn about the Obama birth issue and at what date did you get the ‘Sheriff’s Kit’ delivered to you?”
“When did you decide you’d close your eyes and cover it up?”

The same day they were giving out the Sheriff’s Kits inside Congress, birthers were rallying outside the White House. /obama/2013/11/impeach-zombies-pound-at-obamas-door-video-2458012.html


Lt Mike Zullo: We have Universe-Shattering Evidence In Obama Fraud!

The team in front of the office of Rep Steve Stockman (R-TX) while delivering him his Sheriff’s Kit.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Glenn Beck’s Friend Sat Him Down and Revealed He Was a Federal Agent…And That’s the Tame Part of the Story

Glenn Beck’s Friend Sat Him Down and Revealed He Was a Federal Agent…And That’s the Tame Part of the Story

Glenn Beck began his radio show Tuesday with a startling account of how a longtime friend of his recently took him into a hotel conference room and revealed a secret: he is an agent of the federal government who rescues children from international trafficking rings.
The friend – whose name Beck did not reveal – said that while the government is doing excellent work, it is by no means doing as much as it can — and that is the case under the leadership of both political parties.
With nearly 2 million children trapped in sex slavery, a group of former CIA, FBI, Navy SEALs and Green Berets have joined together to free children from an unimaginable fate in a group called The Underground Railroad. And they’re begging you to join the new abolitionist movement.
Glenn Beck Urges Vieweres to Help Operation Underground Railroad Stop Child Sex Trafficking
Glenn Beck discusses Operation Underground Railroad, an organization aiming to end child sex trafficking, on Nov. 12, 2013. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)
Beck said his friend spoke about one of his first missions, when a 5-year-old boy and his 10-year-old sister who were kidnapped in America and brought across the border by a “monster.” He said the children were brought to “drug cartel parties in Mexico” where they were “horribly abused” and used as “sex toys.”
The sister told her little brother to remember that he’s a man of God and to pray for miracles: “You just hold on to God.”
“Well, a miracle did happen because my friend was onto this ring,” Beck said. “He was actually at these parties, and when he told me the story — you could see the pain in his eyes. He goes to these different countries and he poses as a rich American that is buying children to bring them back into the United States to sell them into slavery here. And so he was at this party, and he said, ‘I want that one and that one and that one and that one.’ And as soon as the money changed hands, the Navy SEALs drop out of the ceiling and they save the children.”
Beck said the little boy was confused at first, thinking the SEALs were more men to abuse them, but when he understood who they were “the little boy ran to my friend and grabbed onto his neck and (my friend) said, ‘Glenn, he wouldn’t let go.’”
“That was my first mission,” Beck’s friend told him. “There are hundreds of missions like that after.”
“And (my friend) started, just like in ‘Mission Impossible,’ opening up files and throwing pictures down on the table and saying, ‘This one – we know where they are. This one – we know where they are. This one – we know where they are.’ American citizens, missing, and we know where they are.”

Complimentary Clip from TheBlaze TV

That’s where Operation Underground Railroad comes in.
Beck said his friend has developed a way to treat not just a symptom of the problem — rescuing the children after they have already been horrifically abused — but the disease itself, before the children are taken, by “knocking these people back into darkness.” And it would be unhindered by the bureaucracy of the federal government, but still completely legal.
“We know how to extract them. This is what we do,” the Operation Underground Railroad website states. “We rescue them and place them into safe havens where they can be rehabilitated. Then we go after the bad guys and break their organizations. Help us do this. Help us help the children.”
Here is a screen shot from the website summarizing the group’s mission:
Glenn Beck Urges Vieweres to Help Operation Underground Railroad Stop Child Sex Trafficking
Image source: Operation Underground Railroad
Beck said the Operation Underground Railroad project costs roughly $5 million, and that his friend actually pitched the idea to various television networks, knowing they could provide the type of long-term funding and public awareness Operation Underground Railroad needs. At least one of the networks said they would rather have just one child be rescued and have it be a “really good story,” than rescue all the children in a location. That’s when Beck’s friend left.
At this point, the friend would rather have private individuals get involved with their friends, neighbors and churches to help finance the rescue operations than fail to save a single child to make a “better story.”
“Operation Underground Railroad will show you exactly how they are going to rescue these children and what it will take, but (they) need your tax-free dollars,” Beck said. “If you are looking for something that is important that you believe you can help, would you please, a dollar, or anything you can, or at least just spread the word. Go to and let’s change the world for good.”

Complimentary Clip from TheBlaze TV

The full episode of The Glenn Beck Program, along with many other live streaming shows and thousands of hours of on-demand content, is available on just about any digital device. Get it all with a FREE TRIAL.
Other Must-Read Stories:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

For The Record’ Explores the Terrorist Threat From Within the Homeland

‘For The Record’ Explores the Terrorist Threat From Within the Homeland

Al-Qaeda and its affiliates have no country or borders.
For The Record Explores the Terrorist Threat From Within the Homeland
They recruit whole groups and individual people, bringing them into their fold to launch attacks against a Western enemy they see as a threat to their way of life.
And they are recruiting in the United States.
It’s in the suburbs of Minnesota that Wednesday’s new episode of TheBlaze TV’s For The Record, “Minnesota Martyrs,” (8:30 p.m. ET) will reveal the very real threats America faces from citizens indoctrinated inside the United States by jihadists. The episode also takes viewers into a Somali-American community and explores how members are working with federal law enforcement to thwart possible attacks and to stop the recruitment.
“Recruiters for Al Qaeda, and its offshoots like Al-Shabaab hide among us in our communities,” a U.S. military official who has worked in various parts of Africa on counterterrorism missions told TheBlaze. The official spoke on the condition that they not be named due to the covert nature of their work.
Many times terror recruiters do their jobs without drawing suspicion from federal law enforcement, community leaders or the very families of those they bring in. In Minnesota’s twin cities, where the largest contingent of Somali-Americans reside – approximately 80,000 – Al Qaeda’s Somali affiliate Al-Shabaab is finding new members.
There is no doubt that Al-Shabaab, despite its own fractured leadership, is still a viable threat to the West. In September, the terror group’s attack on non-Muslims at the upscale Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya killed more than 70 people and injured hundreds more. The attack was a signal to Western counterterrorism officials that the organization is gaining strength, not dissipating.
It was also a warning that Western nations should remain vigilant against future planned attacks and ones that could possibly be carried out by American or European recruits.
It was members of the Somali community that first tipped off the FBI in Minnesota in 2008, when three families went to law enforcement after their children disappeared and left the country.
FBI spokesman Paul Bresson told TheBlaze that the agency’s community outreach programs play “an important role in the FBI’s broader efforts to improve our understanding of all communities we serve and the threats they face.”
“Word spread like wild fire,” said Abdirizak Bihi, a Somali-American whose 17-year-old nephew was one of the first recruits to join Al-Shabaab in Somalia. In Minneapolis, the FBI began receiving information in fall 2007 from community members like Bihi that jihadists were recruiting from the community.
Bihi, who heads the Somali Education and Social Advocacy Center and speaks out against radicalization, never saw his nephew again. He was killed in Somalia. Bihi estimates that more than 50 members of his community in Minnesota have been recruited by Al-Shabaab since 2007. FBI officials said that at least three of the recruits became suicide bombers and 15 more that they know of were killed after fleeing the United States.
Bihi said he had heard rumors before the young men went missing that members of his community were being recruited, but he couldn’t prove it. People were too afraid to speak, he said.
What he did know was that some imams, or Muslim religious leaders, in his community were pleading with young men to go to Somalia to wage jihad and some were teaching a radicalized form of Islam, an extreme ideology that aided in the conversions. He, like other concerned Somali Americans, went to the FBI.
“And suddenly we found out that these are happening, that these kids are being taken to Somalia for Al-Shabaab,” Bihi said.
The U.S. military official who spoke to TheBlaze said American law enforcement officers “don’t usually know until it’s too late, unfortunately.”
“If these young men don’t die or stay in Somalia once they’re recruited, what happens when one of them comes back home?” the official said. “What if they are being trained for missions against their new homeland? These are real concerns. This is a real danger.”

Owe Back Taxes Or Talk Bad About Government? No Travel for You Anymore

Owe Back Taxes Or Talk Bad About Government? No Travel for You Anymore

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tsa on obama
Planning on flying anywhere for the holidays? If you owe back taxes, are a frequent flyer, or own a blog that is critical of the government, you might want to rethink your plans. Under the radar in October, the TSA tightened their screening guide lines to include these in their “screenings”. In fact they want a full background check.
The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) is stepping up its screenings to include even more information into your personal life before you can even board a plane. Before they will even “allow” you to travel to your next destination, they are going even further into the warrant-less search process and violating the Bill of Rights. While the majority of public in the United States will accept this as “routine” to “prevent terrorism”, the new checks may be anything but.
The agency is saying that the new goal is to “streamline” the process and changing the procedures to “protect” millions of Americans that do not pose a risk to travel. The new measures give the government greater power to use travelers’ personal data for part of their “domestic airport screenings”. They are applying the same measures that are supposed to be used for Immigration and Customization for people entering the United States.
The procedure has been in place but was not activated until recently. The TSA released the screening regulations in order to comply with government requirements. The new regulations put some of the data collection of the National Security Administration (NSA) scrutiny to shame. As usual the details of the new provisions were never announced to the public.
So what are the things they are looking in to? Here is a quick list from TSA and the New York Times.
  • private employment information to include who you work for
  • vehicle registrations
  • travel history
  • property ownership records and what property you claim
  • physical characteristics
  • tax identification numbers and tax history
  • past travel itineraries
  • law enforcement information
  • “intelligence” information (the key word list used by the NSA)
  • passport numbers
  • frequent flier information
  • other “identifiers” linked to DHS databases (including web history and information, critical speaking of the government)
It has gotten so far out of hand that people came to the New York Times to get the information out.
I think the best way to look at it is as a pre-crime assessment every time you fly,” said Edward Hasbrouck, a consultant to the Identity Project, one of the groups that oppose the prescreening initiatives. “The default will be the highest, most intrusive level of search, and anything less will be conditioned on providing some additional information in some fashion.”
The T.S.A., which has been criticized for a one-size-fits-all approach to screening travelers, said the initiatives were needed to make the procedures more targeted.
“Secure Flight has successfully used information provided to airlines to identify and prevent known or suspected terrorists or other individuals on no-fly lists from gaining access to airplanes or secure areas of airports,” the security agency said in a statement. “Additional risk assessments are used for those higher-risk passengers.”
An agency official discussed some aspects of the initiative on the condition that she not be identified. She emphasized that the main goal of the program was to identify low-risk travelers for lighter screening at airport security checkpoints, adapting methods similar to those used to flag suspicious people entering the United States.~New York Times
This brings up several factors that this is just wrong. Why are we applying these rules to the normal passenger? Where is the data stored? Why is your property you own their business? Are the records even secure?
There is already one victim of the tighter security that gets repeatedly searched even though he has done nothing wrong because their new computer program has flagged him as a potential terrorist.
That has happened to Abdulla Darrat, an urban planner from Queens who said he was flagged for extra scrutiny all eight times he flew since June. When he tries to check in online, a message tells him to check in at the airport, where he receives a boarding pass marked with “SSSS” indicating that he must undergo enhanced screening. His name has been handwritten on a card at the podium where an agent checks passengers’ identification, he said.
“They pat me down,” Mr. Darrat, 31, said. “Then they pull out every single article of clothing in my bag. They take out every shirt and every pair of pants.”
After the checkpoint search, which includes swabbing his luggage to check for explosive residue, he said he was often stopped at the gate before being allowed to fly. He said he assumed that the extra scrutiny was because he had flown to Libya to visit relatives. He also expressed support for protests against Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011, but the extra scrutiny did not happen until this summer.
“It adds this whole air of suspicion about me to everybody on the plane,” he said.~New York Times
It also seems that in some Minority Report like fashion strait from the movies that the entire process is automated for finding future potential terrorists.
At the heart of the expanded effort is a database called the Automated Targeting System, which is maintained by the Department of Homeland Security and screens travelers entering the United States.
Data in the Automated Targeting System is used to decide who is placed on the no-fly list — thousands of people the United States government has banned from flying — and the selectee list, an unknown number of travelers who are required to undergo more in-depth screening, like Mr. Darrat. The T.S.A. also maintains a PreCheck disqualification list, tracking people accused of violating security regulations, including disputes with checkpoint or airline staff members.
Much of this personal data is widely shared within the Department of Homeland Security and with other government agencies. Privacy notices for these databases note that the information may be shared with federal, state and local authorities; foreign governments; law enforcement and intelligence agencies — and in some cases, private companies for purposes unrelated to security or travel.
For instance, an update about the T.S.A.’s Transportation Security Enforcement Record System, which contains information about travelers accused of “violations or potential violations” of security regulations, warns that the records may be shared with “a debt collection agency for the purpose of debt collection.”
A recent privacy notice about PreCheck notes that fingerprints submitted by people who apply for the program will be used by the F.B.I. to check its unsolved crimes database.~New York Times
This is unreal. We are labeling “potential terrorists”, giving the information to third parties including debt collectors, and violating the Bill of Rights? What happened to Freedom from Unreasonable Search and Seizures?
Sometimes we wish fiction was not becoming a reality. If people don’t speak up about these things, they relativity go un-noticed for years. This is verifiable with the TSA, Congressional Bills, and the New York Times. This is not their best seller list, this is real. When does the nightmare end and how deep does this rabbit hole go?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Patrick Richards is a sixteen year old student from Arkansas. His presentation on Common Core is well researched and devastating.

Patrick Richards is a sixteen year old student from Arkansas. His presentation on Common Core is well researched and devastating.
The first part of his presentation covers the copyright issue related to Common Core. Unlike past standards, Common Core is held under a public license rather than an open license. After taking on the license issue, Richards then moves the presentation to the question and answer session by Sandra Stotsky of Jason Zimba, the primary author of the Math Standards.
In that session, Zimba admits that the term “college ready” really means ready for a trade school or junior college, not a four-year institution. Zimba even admits that the University he teaches at would not accept a student who had completed only the Common Core math sequence.
Richards then discusses the falling test scores in Kentucky and New York. He includes the phone call from the Superintendent of Schools in New York to parents regarding the test scores. He discusses the data collection and how PARCC and SBAC have agreed to turn over their data to the federal government. Richards covers how the data is what is used to map out a student’s life and ultimate career irrespective of what they may want to be.
A unique feature of Richard’s presentation is the perspective from which it is given. He shows how his freedom to choose his path in life is eroded by Common Core. He shows how the structure of the industry has become concentrated and how government and big business are working together to form a structure of tyranny. It is refreshing to see a young man on top of the game in this way. Perhaps there is hope for the next generation after all.

Utah Against Common Core.

Corey James wrote "Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments." Interesting list of accomplishments

Corey James wrote "Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

First President to have a social security number belonging to another man, from a state he has never lived in.

First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.

First President to violate the War Powers Act.

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

First President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when there was no such thing as "shovel-ready" jobs.* * * *

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. including those with criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.* * * *

First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.* * * *

First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences."

Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.* * * *

First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

How is Obama’s "Hope and Change" working out for you?"

I believe Obama should be arrested and impeached for only a few of his "Great Accomplishments." For being best President in many of his Democratic followers eyes... I feel this Great Nation in being misled in an immorally direction away from what it was originally founded on. I pray for the safety and promising future for our children. I pray our children do not become as greedy, ungrateful, anti-christian and un-patriotic as I see our current leaders leading their lives.

I commend you for reading all of this. And, I hope it has empowered you with knowledge and opened your eyes more.

Thank you,
Daniel S. Hudson
Corey James wrote "Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:...First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner. First President to have a social security number belonging to another man, from a state he has never lived in. First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States. First President to violate the War Powers Act. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party. First President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when there was no such thing as "shovel-ready" jobs.* * * * First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters. First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. including those with criminal convictions. First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees. First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign. First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space. First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation. First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN). First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago. First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal). First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case. First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office. First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists. First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date. First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it. First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours. First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers. First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife. First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.* * * * First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.* * * * First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth. First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences." Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.* * * * First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona). How is Obama’s "Hope and Change" working out for you?" I believe Obama should be arrested and impeached for only a few of his "Great Accomplishments." For being best President in many of his Democratic followers eyes... I feel this Great Nation in being misled in an immorally direction away from what it was originally founded on. I pray for the safety and promising future for our children. I pray our children do not become as greedy, ungrateful, anti-christian and un-patriotic as I see our current leaders leading their lives. I commend you for reading all of this. And, I hope it has empowered you with knowledge and opened your eyes more. Thank you, Daniel S. Hudson

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Florida Sheriff Finch Wins Victory For Constitution

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Sheriff Nick Finch, Liberty County, Florida
*(photo courtesy Ammoland)
Florida Sheriff Finch Wins Victory For Constitution

Oath Keepers, Sheriff Mack, and the Constitutional Sheriffs And Peace Officers Association Back Sheriff In
Powerful 2nd Amendment Victory
This report is a synthesis of several reports from various sources, which I will note at bottom of this email.

It could have become a Halloween curse, but instead it became a blessing for freedom in America. The trial of Sheriff Nick Finch ended in a victory for Sheriff Finch, CSPOA, Oath Keepers, and the people of Liberty County, Florida on October 31, 2013, when a jury of six peers gave a verdict of "Not Guilty" on behalf of Sheriff Finch.

First up, let's read the official report from CSPOA's Sheriff Mack, who personally went to Florida to attend the trial:

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

Liberty in Liberty County!

On October 31, 2013, Sheriff Nick Finch won his case at trial in Liberty County, Florida. The charges were complete nonsense to begin with, and the laughter in the courtroom was difficult to suppress as the prosecution presented its flimsy, farcical case.

Sheriff Finch was charged and arrested and booked into his own jail last June. Sheriff Finch had done something nearly unheard of, yet noble and courageous. He nullified the arrest of a law abiding citizen who had the audacity of carrying a gun in his pocket. Sheriff Finch said "not on my watch." So the State moved in, arrested the Sheriff and re-arrested the citizen, Mr. Parish.

The end result was Finch was removed from office and went to trial. Mr. Parish once again had the charges dropped, but he was ordered to perform 50 hours of community service and pay $200.
Let's be very clear here: Neither man was guilty of anything! There were no victims and no evidence that a crime had ever occurred. Today, a jury consisting of six Liberty County citizens nullified the charges against Sheriff Finch and told the State officials who brought this case to trial that they were having none of their shenanigans. Sheriff Finch was reinstated as Sheriff just 15 minutes later.

The Sheriff nullified the arrest of an innocent man and the jury nullified the arrest of another innocent man. Liberty won this Halloween day in Liberty County and a tremendous example was laid before us all; do what's right, keep your word, and have the courage to stand for the little guy. As Sheriff Finch testified in court before a badgering prosecutor who demeaned and assailed Sheriff Finch's dedication to his oath and the Constitution, Sheriff Finch calmly and firmly told the prosecutor and the court, "The Constitution has to count for something."

Sheriff Finch and his good wife are to admired for their courage and commitment. I am proud to call them friends and proud that I had the opportunity to witness for myself the humility and strength of these good people as they stared adversity in the face and won! Now perhaps it is for each of us to learn from this and realize that Liberty and the Constitution only "count for something" if we make it so.

We owe a special thanks to all those who contributed financially, called or emailed to voice your support, or prayed in faith that truth would prevail. It's encouraging to know that sometimes the good guys still win.

In liberty,
Richard Mack
P.S. What else can you do to help? Please spread the word by forwarding this email to everyone you can, and please post links to on your own web sites and social networking pages (facebook, etc.) We desperately need to increase awareness if our message is to have a widespread effect!
Now let's hear from the Bay County, Florida, chapter leader Joe Metsa, who stood to the forefront in this fight from day one:

(Quoting) We have been in court all week. We have been looking at this all week. The judge is on one side and it is not ours. The whole case is about whiteout on a piece of paper. They have no case, their witnesses for the prosecution committed perjury right on the stand and the judge did nothing about it. There is a very clear case of corruption that is going on in this case on the state level and county level.
They targeted me because of what we stand for and were trying very hard and finally did throw me out of the courtroom for doing nothing, I was sitting there taking notes and people next to me were talking in two instances and they targeted me! They have been watching me the whole time I was up there. I was not feeling good today so I stayed home and I was advised from an inside informant from the courthouse they are using listening devices on us there. I was advised the best thing I could do is stay home, that today they were going to try something to arrest me. I decided I could do better by staying here - I can not fight for this from jail. They are on the final deliberations today. We will have a verdict this afternoon. As soon as I get the verdict I will email it to you. They are going to call me as soon as it comes down from the jurors. We have Oath Keeper members of my chapter there. I feel that they have no case and this has been nothing but a circus going on. We feel that he will be found not guilty.

As I was writing this the jury has made their decision. He is found not guilty on all charges!
Joe Metsa, Bay County Oath Keepers

As a follow-up, Joe sent this to Oath Keepers national:

(Quoting) I would like to announce to everybody that Justice has prevailed.
Today Liberty County Sheriff Nick Finch was found not guilty of all charges and was immediately reinstated, with back pay, by executive order by Governor Rick Scott.
This is a great day for Liberty and Freedom. This is a perfect example for the rest of the Sheriff's in the state of Florida, and in the United States, that the Constitution still has authority in this country, not the feds, nor any other state agency that thinks they can take our Sheriffs' authority away. We have worked very hard here at Bay County Oath Keepers to pursue the authority that the sheriff has in his County. They can not and will not prosecute any Sheriff here again for standing for the Constitution of the United States of America and the peoples' rights. I can almost guarantee that. The people have shown that they are not going to put up with it. I would like to thank everybody that was involved with us to make sure that Justice prevailed, especially my members that stood by my side and made sure the job got done. Thank you for your dedication.
I would like to thank our state President, Mike Austell, for all his guidance when I needed it. Sir you are the man.
I would like to thank my teacher on this, who made me who I am, our Northwest Florida Regional Director, Coy Surprise. Thank you Sir.
I would like to thank my right hand man, Bobby Lago, brother and comrade. You are the man and I am proud to have you stand at my side. We stand as one, and you also taught me a lot.
I would like to thank Richard Mack of the CSPOA. Sir, thank you for all your help, you are a great man.
I would like to thank Stewart Rhodes and all of the board of directors for all your hard work on this.
This is what we Stand for, this is our job, and I think we all have done an awesome job!
Liberty has been restored in Liberty County and Liberty County Sheriff Nick Finch is back in his Office.

(end quote)

Photo courtesy CLJ News: FROM LEFT: Sussex County, Delaware Sheriff Jeff Christopher; Nick Finch, former Sheriff Richard Mack of Arizona, Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen and Brad Rodgers, of Elkhart County Indiana are shown at Saturday's fundraiser. (This was August 30, 2013, coverage of the CSPOA / Oath Keepers fund-raiser organized by Sheriff Mack. See link below.)

Bay County (Florida) Oath Keepers
Sheriff Mack's Constitutional Sheriffs And Peace Officers Association:

Alex Jones' InfoWars video:
Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty
Pro-Gun Sheriff Found Not Guilty
Youtube link for above video:
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