Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.
Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.
Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.
Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.
For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.
"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.
Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls
God Bless the Republic of America!
We have Got To Stand Up!!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
WILL THE REAL Ammon BundyPLEASE STAND? THEATER OF INJUSTICE CONTINUES!! - By: Thom Davis & Rene’ Powers, The Cowboy And The Lady, her experience
By: Thom Davis & Rene’ Powers, The Cowboy And The Lady, her experience
YOU are not You and if the middle initial is used it is NOT your name! it is YOUR name!! Educate yourself on LEGAL FICTION vs. Living man
Yesterday started early, in a carpool from Orange County California with Pastor Wiley Drake, Bobby Florentz (founder of Guardians of the Oath), Robert Newman and Raul Rodriquez jr., (California Coordinator for America First Latinos-Place America First) to the Federal Court House in Las Vegas. We spoke along the way about the America we know exists and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which was created to control Americans.
Ammon Bundy, Ryan Payne, Brian Cavalier, Blaine Cooper and Ryan Bundy were all in court for the hearing on the indictment the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is bringing down on them. The Lady attended as did approximately 40-50 people in all. The hearing left me further disgusted with the legal system as there was no justice in that room, but there was theater at its worse.
We were the first to arrive at the court house, soon others began arriving. Margaret Bundy Houston was the first to arrive after us. You may remember her? The woman that was thrown to the ground in 2014 by the BLM as the family attempted to defend their land, home and lives?
As we stood on the sidewalk the passing cars honked and waved in support we did not have even one negative comment that i witnessed. It was a terribly windy day so it took effort to keep signs from blowing away and our hats on our heads. The armed federal agents stood watching and were cordial, many speaking to us and engaging small talk. The number of agents watching over the peaceful crowd was less than when i attended Cliven Bundy’s hearing last month.
everyone doing a little means a lot to the Political Prisoners and America
We visited as we held signs and Raul Rodriquez jr. used his bullhorn to repeat, “Free the Cowboys”. Melissa Cooper, wife of Blain Cooper, brought their two girls and i watched the two girls eyes widen with excitement as Victoria Sharp arrived, their sweet faces lit up with joy. Deborah Jordan, girlfriend of Pete Santilli, arrived and spoke at length with Michelle Fiore, Nevada Senator, during the day, the women appear to have bonded over the time spent around this case.
Mike Arnold, Ammon Bundy’s attorney for the Oregon case, spoke to the protestors, smiling and with a reserved concern that he shared as being in Las Vegas and Oregon with two cases that make defense nearly impossible. i spoke to Mike about the evidence so many have uncovered and shared, we spoke about the main fact of the keys being handed over and the welcome mat rolled out to the men on January 2, 2016.
The Bundy family arrived with smiles, as did some of Lavoy Finicums daughters. Angie Bundy was sweet as always. Angie spoke about wanting her husband home and how she had not seen him other than through the plexiglass at the jail. i looked in her eyes and saw the heartbreak as she smiled for others to see as she stays strong for her husband and family.
I write this post early this morning with a broken heart. I was completely appalled at the things that I heard and witnessed yesterday at the Nevada arraignment in Las Vegas for Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Ryan Payne, Blaine Cooper, and Brian C.
I was one of the last to enter the court room. The men, our political prisoners, were already seated. I was in the last row of the court room and as soon as I was seated began waving, winking, and blowing kisses to my cousins. We were soon told by the officials that we were not aloud to interact with them at all... Yes waving and blowing kisses was not allowed! So we sat there and smiled back and forth, it was so great to see them. My first emotion was that it was just so great to be in the same room with them, Praying they could feel our love. They looked so handsome and their spirits are so strong, I felt blessed to be able to claim two of them as family and the other 3 as friends. However, a second emotion of heartache quickly took over, they were so skinny and frail. I could tell that they were not being properly fed and I can only imagine the stress that their poor bodies are having to endure. Third emotion, Guilt... I had just came from the outside protest where we had held up signs and visited with people outside the courthouse. It was extremely windy and I was annoyed...shame on me. These men would LOVE to be out in the wind, feel the sun on their faces, heck I bet they were just grateful to be out of there tiny cell.
So then the court begins reading the 63 page (?)indictment. Ammon's attorney from Oregon gets kicked out for using his cellphone... (Long story and wrong in so many ways, you can hear from him on his Fb page Arnold Law). The court clerk could only get through not even half the pages/charges before her voice was tired and began going horse. So the U.S. prosecutor gladly volunteered to finish reading it for the judge. He was a laughing stock, it was like listening to a dang Shakespeare play. He was very dramatic and animated, it was Comical and pathetic all in one. Finally after bout Ten minutes the judge asked him to please read it took 1 1/2 hours for them to read this bogus indictment... It was all lies, lies, LIES!
Then they asked each prisoner if they understood their charges, bluh bluh bluh and all of them did not plea before the court. All the political prisoners did a fabulous job at addressing the court. They know the constitution and they know their rights.
I want to talk about Ammon for a minute. He was asked if he knew his rights... He said he did but was not being treated correctly...he was transported from Oregon and he was shackled to a bench for 23 hrs. After arrival in Nevada he was put in a cell. He was cold, tired and hungry. It was so unsanitary that he had to ask for cleaning supplies to clean it himself. They forgot to feed him. He had to "rattle the cages" to get another inmates attention to ask the marshals to feed him....REALLY AMERICA, are we ok with this?!?
At this point our family is fuming mad, I know I am. How can this be happening to our Family? To Americans?
Court is finished after 3 hours... We are asked to exit... We start yelling that "we love them, They are Heroes, Be strong..."
They yell back... "We love you..." And Ammon yells "Happy Birthday Hayden, Happy Birthday Hayden, Happy Birthday Hayden" He wanted us to let his 12 year old know that he wanted more then anything to wish him a happy birthday! We told Ammon we would let Hayden know.
We were escorted out by U.S. marshals, one marshal began recording us with his cell phone because we asked and demanded them to "please make sure these men are fed, that they are good men, and deserve to be treated right"
AMERICA, FRIENDS, and FAMILY.... I ask that you would offer many, many, many prayers in these prisoners behalf. The U.S. Marshals, prosecutors and judges do not like when they are exposed for their corruptness. Again, please Pray for Ammon and the other men's safety and PRAY for America!!!
Much love!
Cliven Bundy’s sister, Lillie Spencer, is a fan of the Cowboy and the Lady and told me she reads all our articles. We spoke and found humor in so many things as we agreed we must still smile through adversity as we stand together for the political prisoners. We spoke about the years the family has suffered from the BLM tyranny and how the MSM has villainized the family, while making the BLM appear to be a victim of them. We believe the evidence supports the Bundy family not the Federal Government, but then again the cards are stacked.
Cliven Bundy's sisters, Lillie Spencer and Margaret Houston walk with Bundy's sons Ammon and Ryan to file criminal complaints against the Bureau of Land Management
At about 2:15 Bobby and i decided to go into the courthouse and head up to the room where the hearing was to be held. Getting to the 6th floor would prove to be an event of “trial and error” in itself. You have to show id to get in, i had left mine in the car, so as Bobby began the “strip down” that mimicked a Laurel and Hardy routine with the agents at the entrance i took the jaunt back to the car. As i rounded the corner there were multiple police cars, lit up like Christmas over a woman who decided her clothes needed to come off right by our car. i got my identification, but as i walked away heard Greg Whalen and Karen Steelmon (Karen is the head of the LV Teaparty ) calling my name. i had left the car wide open in the attempt to get away from the “nakedness” of the events happening at the street. (thanks Greg and Karen for watching out for me!)
When i arrived back at the entrance to the court Bobby was still in the middle of attempting to get in, we eventually made our way to the 6th floor as he grumbled and i laughed at the direction our country has gone in order to “protect” the court from bad elements, yet we were there due to the court being the bad element, ironic.
The family was missing the matriarch, Carol Bundy, she was held up for a multitude of reasons and all were outwardly concerned for her getting to the court on time. Small talk went on as the court observers waited to be let into the courtroom and we all hugged as we continued to greet each other. Patricia Aiken, hostess of the BBQ radio show, was also in attendance and we found each other and sat to catch up. She calls the events “Bolshevik America”. Patricia and i met through covering the Bundy ranch story and i frequently join her on air to discuss events going on in our nation. Carol Bundy arrived just before we were let in to take our seats.
Court was scheduled for 3pm. The men were already seated as we went into the courtroom, directed for family to sit on the right. Many of us began waving and making eye contact with the men, but were shut down very quickly by the gestapo agents directing traffic. We were warned not to make any gestures or speak directly to them other than through eye contact, warnings were stern and, in my opinion, overboard.
Ammon Bundy was the furthest, with Ryan Payne, Brain Cavalier, Blaine Cooper then Ryan Bundy the closest to the observers. i was upset to see how thin Ryan Bundy appeared, the others have lost weight too. i was taken back by the unhealthy appearance of the men. Ryan was the first to be addressed by the court.
The indictment was read. The court clerk started the reading of the indictment and the First Assistant US Attorney, Steven W. Myhre, jumped in and took over about 1/2 way through the reading. He was appearing to be excited about the chance to read the pages and his actions proved that appearance correct. He began as if reciting Shakespeare, theatrics entered and it was the end of any composure the courtroom had, the observers began looking at each other in question of “is this for real”, followed by attempts to stifle the laughter and shock at the bravado of a prosecutor taking the chance to give what amounted to an “opening speech against the prisoners”.
Folley brandished the observers for their outbursts saying, “This is not a show”. (though that is exactly what we were watching, a show, and not a very good one at that) Foley admonished Myhre for his version of the reading, Myhre continued reading in what the judge must have found as more acceptable as he finished too. i literally had to leave the room as the reaction to the man’s unbelievable actions left me in uncontrollable laughter at the idiocracy of it all. This court was truly seeing it’s court jester at his finest. The reading took 1 and 1/2 hours to complete.
Steven W. Myhre recreated his act once again, this time in courtroom 6a
According to the press release, the five men “are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, one count of conspiracy to impede or injure a federal officer, four counts of using and carrying a firearm in relation to a crime of violence, two counts of assault on a federal officer, two counts of threatening a federal law enforcement officer, three counts of obstruction of the due administration of justice, two counts of interference with interstate commerce by extortion, and one count of interstate travel in aid of extortion. The indictment also alleges five counts of criminal forfeiture which upon conviction would require forfeiture of property derived from the proceeds of the crimes totaling at least $3 million, as well as the firearms and ammunition possessed and used on April 12, 2014.”
The maximum penalties for the charges are steep:
-- “Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the U.S. – 5 years, $250,000 fine”
-- “Conspiracy to Impede and Injure a Federal Law Enforcement Officer – 6 years, $250,000 fine
-- Assault on a Federal Law Enforcement Officer – 20 years, $250,000 fine”
-- “Threatening a Federal Law Enforcement Officer – 10 years, $250,000 fine”
-- “Use and Carry of a Firearm in Relation to a Crime of Violence – 5 years minimum and consecutive”
-- “Obstruction of the Due Administration of Justice - 10 years, $250,000 fine”
-- “Interference with Interstate Commerce by Extortion - 20 years, $250,000 fine”
-- “Interstate Travel in Aid of Extortion – 20 years, $250,000 fine”
As the indictment was read Mike Arnold had a startled reaction to a message he received on his phone. He was sitting directly in front of Bobby and i at this time, we saw him hesitate to look at his phone, but when he did it was apparent something was wrong. Arnold was quickly typing into his phone as the court staff came over to him and made him leave the court for having his phone out. Arnold attempted to say he was Ammons counsel in Oregon and the court guard said, “if you’re his attorney why aren’t you up front with him!” Those around the incident were shocked at the mans tone with Arnold and at his harsh response as well. Arnold left the room. (let me also let you know that many of the Federal Agents were using their phones as they watched the room, also observed two of them sharing a few laughs as the indictment was read.)
We later were to hear that Judge Anna Brown had pulled a fast one on Ammons defense attorney leaving him to a deadline of 4:30 yesterday to respond. He was removed from the court for getting the communication. Arnold was quoted as saying,"Literally I had to be in two places at once," Arnold told The Associated Press. "It illustrates the impossibility of doing two cases at one time justly and fairly."
Ryan Bundy was the first to be addressed by Judge Magistrate, George Foley Jr. Appearing very thin Ryan rose. Foley asked Ryan if he was RYAN C. BUNDY, to my dismay he answered yes. (see links below to the legal name and consequences of giving authority over the man under that name) Ryan answered he had 1 year of college when asked about education. When asked if he had read the indictment or had the ability to briefly go over it with council, Ryan said he had read it. It was determined the financial toll was too much for him with two cases coinciding in Las Vegas and Oregon, Foley said a court appointed attorney was awarded him.
When you were born of your mother, under the law, a family name was bestowed upon you. If your given name is John Allen and your family name Smith, would you hear your mother say, "we named him JOHN A. SMITH?"..we think not. That spelling of an initial is tied to the treasury accounts created off of your "birth" not the name under which you were "born". Look at the indictment and see the way the "NAME" is offered, it is all Capital letters, not a mans name.
Also David and Mell Bundy both are experiencing name fraud under the court indictment. Their names are not correct and as such we ask, "Why?". THINK THINK THINK!!
Ryan said he would accept assistance of council, but no counsel to take his authority or place. He wanted the right to assistance but not one that would leave him without his own decisions or authority. (distinction between council and counsel) Foley asked if Ryan understood the charges, Ryan said, “no”, he also did not understand the charges or indictment but understood why they were in the court that day. (one cannot understand that which is so absurd that to understand them would tie you to them as fact, when in fact the charges are in violation of ones rights they are being charged for practicing. All the men would answer the same way to this question asked by Foley of them.) Ryan was asked how he plead and he would not give a plea, Foley entered a “not guilty” plea for him, appearing to lawyer from the bench.
Ammon Bundy went next, same questions and he too answered to being the name that was not really him, AMMON E. BUNDY. Ammon offered he had 2 years of college when asked about education. Ammon had counsel with him, he also answered to not understanding either the indictment or the charges, Foley entered a “not guilty” plea for him as well. Ammon did speak about how he was transported handcuffed, but left in handcuffs 23 hours, eleven of which were to a bench. Upon entering the jail cell it was riddled in filth and Ammon asked for cleaning products to clean it himself. He also spoke of being left without food. Ammon asked why they were being treated as criminals instead of as innocent until proven guilty. Foley appeared to be more annoyed at the information and uncaring about the condition of the transport, cell, not feeding the prisoners or lack of humane care.
Ammon wants everyone to know that God is still mindful of each one of you all and that he is there watching over. He shared with us an experience he had. Upon being transferred to Nevada he was chained to a bench for 24 hours. They didn't feed him all that day. He was cold and tired and they didn't put him into his cell until the early hours of the next day. When he did get to a cell it was beyond dirty and they left him chained to the bed all day without checking on him or feeding him. By night time he was SO extremely hungry the pain in his stomach was unbearable. He knelt in his cell and cried as he prayed. That God would please hear him and please show even a small tender mercy. He was there for several more hours. This was the night before court. And he decided to start banging his shackles together to try to get someone's attention to help him. For a long time he keep banging his shackles together until finally the guy in the cell next to him asked him what was going on. Ammon told him he was starving. That they hadn't fed him for 2 days. The guy said he would try to get a guards attention. He got a guards attention and the guard finally came over and Ammon told him that he was starving. That he hadn't received any food for 2 days. The guard said to him that the kitchen was closed for he night. Ammon kept praying. A little while later in the late night hours a guard came to his door and said your coming with me. The guard took him to his brother's cell. HE TOOK HIM TO MEL'S CELL. and they were able to be cell mates for that night. Ammon said he was just praying for a small tender mercy but this was a HUGE miracle. They have restricted any contact with his brothers and that night they were able to hug and to spend a whole night together. They cried together and talked for hours. Mel gave Ammon all of his commissary and any extra food he had he gave to Ammon so that finally after 2 days he could be fed. The next day Ammon had court. When he left he hoped that Mel would still be there on his return but knew that would probably not happen. Court was long. Ammon got back late and again went a whole day without eating. He got back after dinner and was facing another day and night hungry. When he got to his cell Mel was gone and had been transferred but Mel left Ammon his whole dinner that he had placed under some things so it wasn't in direct view. Ammon cried and wanted everyone to know that even though it was only for a night that he got to share with his brother, he said he knows that was a miracle sent directly from God. He knows that God is hearing all of our prayers. It was confirmed to him 100 fold during this time.
Brian “Booda” Cavalier did the same regarding “understand” but when asked about his education he had graduated from college with a degree. Cavalier exchanged a lot of eye contact with the observers and was seen shaking his head in disagreement with the charges. He was also the one defendant that did not appear to be overly thin, as some did, compared to the last time i saw him. Cavaliers last response was to offer his pocket book constitution to the prosecutors.
Ryan Payne followed and he too answered the charges and indictment question as the others did. Payne offered a well spoken disagreement with charges that reflect the use of one’s constitutional rights as the basis for an indictment and could not understand the stance of the government in creating such charges. Payne told Foley it was "preposterous, sir," to have to defend himself against federal charges in two jurisdictions at the same time."I don't understand the pretense of this level of government to bring forth such charges." Payne did not plea and again Foley entered a “not guilty” plea for him. Payne was very stoic during the proceeding as he sat, appearing very in control. He exchanged words periodically with both Cavalier and Ammon who were on either side of him.
Blaine Cooper was the last to speak, he too said he was the name offered, he too did not understand the charges or indictment, he spoke well for himself offering literate responses to the constitutional facts and his knowledge of the first and second amendments. A plea was entered for him by Foley and as he sat down the judge uttered a comment about the court upholding the constitution and the observers erupted in comments, “NOW you mention the constitution, no this court is not following it and more.” The observers were openly upset with what they see as an unjust system without check or balances to the truth and the ability to protect itself at all cost, which now is the cost of the innocent man’s freedom.
As the court was emptied the room rang with “i love you’s, we miss you, stand tall, you are innocent, and we love you too returned by the men. Ammon said repeatedly, “Tell Hayden happy birthday”. It was an experience that leaves one drained of energy as i saw such corruption knowing that it is not just, not lawful and that the Federal Courts are, in Bobby’s words, “covering their own rearends, protecting themselves.”
The men have another Nevada appearance scheduled for April 22, 2016 followed by a need to be in Oregon again on April 25 and back to Nevada for the beginning of the trial there that is set for May 2, 2016.
After court we decided to get a bite to eat before heading back to Orange County. Patricia Aiken joined us and we all agreed, this country must take a stand to save it. We cannot allow tyranny and a court of theater to steal our freedoms. Please get educated on PUBLIC vs. Private and what it means to say, “No, that is not my name.” We were all very upset the the public defenders all dropped the ball and appeared to be derelict in their duty to protect the men. We did not see anything resembling real counsel or representation.
No subject jurisdiction was brought up, no objections to any of the inflammatory words by the prosecution, nothing zip! Ammons attorney should have been seeking sanctions and protection for the abuse alone. Federal Prosecutors, Federal arrests, Federal judges, court appointed attorneys...”gee, what could ever go wrong with that scenario? EVERYTHING!” We saw theater, plain and simple and the script was all one sided for the Federal Government.
Thom Davis, The Cowboy added, “Since when do appointees make presidential decisions in this country? Valerie Jarett and Kate Brown were both involved in communications that led to the assassination of LaVoy Finicum and incarceration of innocent Political Prisoners. When is it “guilty” until proven innocent? When is it okay to treat men like animals and chain them to benches and then starve them? When is America going to wake up?”
TR/Thom & Rene’
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