Malheur SITREP: 2200L 23 JAN 2016

– An estimated 200 federal vehicles are in the town of Burns, Oregon, located at the FBI compound at the Burns Municipal Airport, hotels, and on the roads.
– Including approximately 50 vehicles at the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, we concur with yesterday’s SALUTE report that 400 or more local, state, and federal personnel are on the ground IVO the town of Burns.
– Last week, the FBI compound at the Burns Municipal Airport consisted of one modular tent, a directional microwave antenna, a “cell on wheels” antenna, and a satellite dish mounted on a communications vehicle.
– In the past several days, the FBI presence has significantly increased to three modular tents, six equipment trailers, and one to two dozen mobile light towers, in addition to dozens of additional personnel. Sources on the ground say the increase consists mostly of tactical teams, as opposed to support teams.
– Multiple sources also report that the FBI and other law enforcement demeanor has changed to “almost hostile” towards the Pacific Patriots Network.
ANALYST COMMENT: Analysts concur that the ramp up of federal personnel and equipment is sufficient to put a cordon in place around the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and possibly set up checkpoints IVO Burns, OR. One thing missing from the area is the presence of armor, such as Bearcats, Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Proof (MRAP), Cougar or Buffalo military vehicles. I would not expect a cordon to be put into place without armored vehicles in place, so that may be the best indicator of a future cordon.
Although the FBI now has the capability to cordon and raid the Refuge, we do not expect the FBI to choose violence as a first resort. From the beginning, the FBI has gone on the record and maintained that they want a peaceful resolution. I still believe this to be the case.
Open source media reports the presence of children at the Refuge. Significant backlash would follow an attempt to clear the compound without first exhausting all negotiations to remove the children from the area. If children perish during another government onslaught like Waco or Ruby Ridge, a large number of Americans have gone on the record to say that there will be the proverbial hell to pay. I believe this to be the case, too.
A best case scenario is one that ends with Ammon Bundy and the Occupiers having gotten their point across to the American People without blood being shed by either party.
SALUTE Report from 22 JAN 16:
SIZE: 200+ Fed vehicles, 400-500 agents/LEOs, mostly tac guys
ACTIVITIES: Shadowing militia throughout town. Hotels filling up with FBI, State Troopers, etc. Sheriff’s dept fully locked down and barricaded.
LOCATION: Burns airport. Most hotels. Sheriff’s department.
UNITS: FBI tac teams, State Troopers, and SDs from around state
TIME: No demands have been made by FBI to vacate facility. Bundy will not vacate until his demands are met.
EQUIPMENT: Multiple large army tents at airport. Approximately 1 dozen light towers, half dozen portable outhouses. Minimum 1 drone. Multiple comms trucks, satellite and antenna. 1 medical response van.
ADDITIONAL: State Police are pulling any vehicle over, including citizens, for absolutely any small violation. Was not case previously to this weekend.
Photo credit: Harney County Mall Cops
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