Utah Government: In Damage Control, Still Plans to Strip Sheriff Powers
22. March 2016 10:09Yesterday I attended a meeting at the Capitol that Utah Legislators Mike Noel and Keven Stratton held with several sheriffs to pat themselves on the back for their Bill HB276. This bill, as they’ve admitted takes away authority from the Sheriffs in wilderness areas, and gives it to a new agency created in the bill, the DLM (Department of Land Management). No biggie right? We won’t be needing our constitutional rights protected by a sheriff in the ever growing ‘wilderness areas’ any time soon… right?
Dr. Bradley went on to say, “The Americanist way really is stewardship. And we’ve just been promised, Mr. Noel by you, that we’re going to keep these lands public. The source of all the wealth is coming from the land. And stewardship with private ownership is important. This is the very definition of socialism... government, ownership, and control."
After all this, when the Lieutenant Governor calls it “a great step forward”, one must wonder, what direction they are stepping?
The arrogance of these men was astounding. They presume if you aren't a lawyer you have no business disagreeing with them about how they are destroying liberty in front of your eyes. When confronted about the lines that place the DLM above that of the Sheriff Mike Noel has been known to have retorted, “are you a lawyer?”
Calling this bill a “placeholder bill”, Mike Noel reassured us time and again that it didn't go into effect yet so we can trust them to fix anything that might need it, because we all know, that Liberty once lost is easy to fix. Or was that,
Your sheriff listening to Mike Noel's propaganda, that taking away his authority is somehow a good thing.
Calling it a "limited scope" some sheriffs seemed content with pawning their jobs off onto another agency as long as it was in areas of 'cattle, grazing, or wilderness' but some upset citizens in the audience who have studied Agenda 21 begged them to reconsider actually taking their position seriously and to protect our families from our loss of property and loss of human life that accompanies it. Can they really pretend this has nothing to do with our families? That it falls upon THEM within THEIR jurisdiction, after all, don't families tend to own the 'cattle'? Are they living under a rock and haven't seen how the Hammonds and the Bundys have been swept into political imprisonment because of the similar lack of Constitutional Sheriffs with a backbone? Are we as a people really willing to sacrifice more good citizens to this pattern of overreach? (Citizens that incidently provide the goods you enjoy from the land). Perhaps they need citizens like YOU to ask them to man up to their duty. You can find and write them here: http://www.utahsheriffs.org/styled-2/code.
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