Thank you for visiting. My thoughts & Feelings are my Own.

Here I will share my feelings about America and her Future.

Let it be known to all the World, I love all Humankind, however the poor actions of the few that take away the Freedom's of the many wear on my soul. I don't hate them I feel sad for their foolishness before God and humankind.

Those leaders who seek to 'Keep their Oaths of office' and those who seek only self glory, power, tyranny and the destruction of America as it was founded, hoping to turn it into a Dictatorship, Marxist or other state of Tyranny.

For a long while I was unsure of putting a blog together with my thoughts on this, however Truth must be shared, if not to Awake American's to their dangerous situation then to record the folly of the ways of the wicked who do exist in the leadership of our Nation, States, Counties, Towns. Sad that I must add this page.

"We often search for things in life, yet seldom do we find.

Those things in life that really matter, until we make the time." S.T.Huls

God Bless the Republic of America!

We have Got To Stand Up!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Eyes the door to one's Life's experiances

 My Brother in Law who has served many years in the Military and many years in the fields of conflict around the world. These are his thoughts.

David Denning: The words and thoughts of a Warrior.

David Denning wrote:

As I walk around the base and pass people from many countries, lives, ages, and different walks of life, Ive noticed something about their eyes.... so wrote a poem to reflect how I see and feel.
Eyes of Courage, Eyes of
sadness, Eyes of fear, Eyes of
rejection, Eyes of loss, Eyes of
distrust, Eyes of hate, Eyes of
pain, Eyes of all types to be seen here,
Yet missing the Eyes of Innocence
Eyes of hope and Joy
Eyes of true heart felt laughter
Eyes of Love that reflect in the eyes of my children at home.
 December 2011, David Denning


1 comment:

  1. David Denning
    Its Christmas Eve, and I lay on my bunk trying to sleep, I find it difficult. Not because of sadness, for I feel peace knowing Im where I need to be. I just am thinking. As I awake early Christmas morning. It wont be to the laughter and whispers of children, but to the sound of freedom in roar of jet engines, and machines of war. With purpose to ensure the safety of my brother and sisters in arms. So next years Christmas they will be home with loved ones. Thank you all, for your love and support. Merry Christmas, and may you feel peace and know eventually all will be well.
